{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- Concurrent execution with dependencies. Types currently hard-coded for needs -- of stack, but could be generalized easily. module Control.Concurrent.Execute ( ActionType (..) , ActionId (..) , ActionContext (..) , Action (..) , runActions ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.Async (Concurrently (..), async) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (join, unless) import Data.Foldable (sequenceA_) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Prelude -- Fix AMP warning import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier data ActionType = ATBuild | ATBuildFinal | ATFinal deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ActionId = ActionId !PackageIdentifier !ActionType deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Action = Action { actionId :: !ActionId , actionDeps :: !(Set ActionId) , actionDo :: !(ActionContext -> IO ()) } data ActionContext = ActionContext { acRemaining :: !(Set ActionId) -- ^ Does not include the current action } deriving Show data ExecuteState = ExecuteState { esActions :: TVar [Action] , esExceptions :: TVar [SomeException] , esInAction :: TVar (Set ActionId) , esCompleted :: TVar Int , esFinalLock :: Maybe (TMVar ()) , esKeepGoing :: Bool } data ExecuteException = InconsistentDependencies deriving Typeable instance Exception ExecuteException instance Show ExecuteException where show InconsistentDependencies = "Inconsistent dependencies were discovered while executing your build plan. This should never happen, please report it as a bug to the stack team." runActions :: Int -- ^ threads -> Bool -- ^ keep going after one task has failed -> Bool -- ^ run final actions concurrently? -> [Action] -> (TVar Int -> IO ()) -- ^ progress updated -> IO [SomeException] runActions threads keepGoing concurrentFinal actions0 withProgress = do es <- ExecuteState <$> newTVarIO actions0 <*> newTVarIO [] <*> newTVarIO Set.empty <*> newTVarIO 0 <*> (if concurrentFinal then pure Nothing else Just <$> atomically (newTMVar ())) <*> pure keepGoing _ <- async $ withProgress $ esCompleted es if threads <= 1 then runActions' es else runConcurrently $ sequenceA_ $ replicate threads $ Concurrently $ runActions' es readTVarIO $ esExceptions es runActions' :: ExecuteState -> IO () runActions' ExecuteState {..} = loop where breakOnErrs inner = do errs <- readTVar esExceptions if null errs || esKeepGoing then inner else return $ return () withActions inner = do as <- readTVar esActions if null as then return $ return () else inner as loop = join $ atomically $ breakOnErrs $ withActions $ \as -> case break (Set.null . actionDeps) as of (_, []) -> do inAction <- readTVar esInAction if Set.null inAction then do unless esKeepGoing $ modifyTVar esExceptions (toException InconsistentDependencies:) return $ return () else retry (xs, action:ys) -> do unlock <- case (actionId action, esFinalLock) of (ActionId _ ATFinal, Just lock) -> do takeTMVar lock return $ putTMVar lock () _ -> return $ return () let as' = xs ++ ys inAction <- readTVar esInAction let remaining = Set.union (Set.fromList $ map actionId as') inAction writeTVar esActions as' modifyTVar esInAction (Set.insert $ actionId action) return $ mask $ \restore -> do eres <- try $ restore $ actionDo action ActionContext { acRemaining = remaining } atomically $ do unlock modifyTVar esInAction (Set.delete $ actionId action) modifyTVar esCompleted (+1) case eres of Left err -> modifyTVar esExceptions (err:) Right () -> let dropDep a = a { actionDeps = Set.delete (actionId action) $ actionDeps a } in modifyTVar esActions $ map dropDep restore loop