module Stack.Options.Utils where

import           Data.Monoid.Extra
import           Options.Applicative

-- | If argument is True, hides the option from usage and help
hideMods :: Bool -> Mod f a
hideMods hide = if hide then internal <> hidden else idm

-- | Allows adjust global options depending on their context
-- Note: This was being used to remove ambibuity between the local and global
-- implementation of stack init --resolver option. Now that stack init has no
-- local --resolver this is not being used anymore but the code is kept for any
-- similar future use cases.
data GlobalOptsContext
    = OuterGlobalOpts -- ^ Global options before subcommand name
    | OtherCmdGlobalOpts -- ^ Global options following any other subcommand
    | BuildCmdGlobalOpts
    | GhciCmdGlobalOpts
    deriving (Show, Eq)