-- | Args parser test suite. module Stack.ArgsSpec where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception.Base (assert) import Control.Monad import Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter (interpreterArgsParser) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P import Data.Text (pack) import Options.Applicative.Args import Stack.Constants (stackProgName) import Test.Hspec -- | Test spec. spec :: Spec spec = do argsSpec interpreterArgsSpec argsSpec :: Spec argsSpec = forM_ argsInputOutput (\(input,output) -> it input (parseArgsFromString input == output)) -- | Fairly comprehensive checks. argsInputOutput :: [(String, Either String [String])] argsInputOutput = [ ("x", Right ["x"]) , ("x y z", Right ["x", "y", "z"]) , ("aaa bbb ccc", Right ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]) , (" aaa bbb ccc ", Right ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]) , ("aaa\"", Left "unterminated string: endOfInput") , ("\"", Left "unterminated string: endOfInput") , ("\"\"", Right [""]) , ("\"aaa", Left "unterminated string: endOfInput") , ("\"aaa\" bbb ccc \"ddd\"", Right ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"]) , ("\"aa\\\"a\" bbb ccc \"ddd\"", Right ["aa\"a", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"]) , ("\"aa\\\"a\" bb\\b ccc \"ddd\"", Right ["aa\"a", "bb\\b", "ccc", "ddd"]) , ("\"\" \"\" c", Right ["","","c"])] interpreterArgsSpec :: Spec interpreterArgsSpec = describe "Script interpreter parser" $ do describe "Success cases" $ do describe "Line comments" $ do checkLines "" checkLines " --x" checkLines " --x --y" describe "Literate line comments" $ do checkLiterateLines "" checkLiterateLines " --x" checkLiterateLines " --x --y" describe "Block comments" $ do checkBlocks "" checkBlocks "\n" checkBlocks " --x" checkBlocks "\n--x" checkBlocks " --x --y" checkBlocks "\n--x\n--y" checkBlocks "\n\t--x\n\t--y" describe "Literate block comments" $ do checkLiterateBlocks "" "" checkLiterateBlocks "\n>" "" checkLiterateBlocks " --x" " --x" checkLiterateBlocks "\n>--x" "--x" checkLiterateBlocks " --x --y " "--x --y" checkLiterateBlocks "\n>--x\n>--y" "--x --y" checkLiterateBlocks "\n>\t--x\n>\t--y" "--x --y" describe "Failure cases" $ do checkFailures describe "Bare directives in literate files" $ do forM_ (interpreterGenValid lineComment []) $ testAndCheck (acceptFailure True) [] forM_ (interpreterGenValid blockComment []) $ testAndCheck (acceptFailure True) [] where parse isLiterate s = P.parseOnly (interpreterArgsParser isLiterate stackProgName) (pack s) acceptSuccess :: Bool -> String -> String -> Bool acceptSuccess isLiterate args s = case parse isLiterate s of Right x | words x == words args -> True _ -> False acceptFailure isLiterate _ s = case parse isLiterate s of Left _ -> True Right _ -> False showInput i = "BEGIN =>" ++ i ++ "<= END" testAndCheck checker out inp = it (showInput inp) $ checker out inp checkLines args = forM_ (interpreterGenValid lineComment args) (testAndCheck (acceptSuccess False) args) checkLiterateLines args = forM_ (interpreterGenValid literateLineComment args) (testAndCheck (acceptSuccess True) args) checkBlocks args = forM_ (interpreterGenValid blockComment args) (testAndCheck (acceptSuccess False) args) checkLiterateBlocks inp args = forM_ (interpreterGenValid literateBlockComment inp) (testAndCheck (acceptSuccess True) args) checkFailures = forM_ interpreterGenInvalid (testAndCheck (acceptFailure False) "unused") -- Generate a set of acceptable inputs for given format and args interpreterGenValid fmt args = shebang <++> newLine <++> fmt args interpreterGenInvalid :: [String] -- Generate a set of Invalid inputs interpreterGenInvalid = ["-stack\n"] -- random input -- just the shebang <|> shebang <++> ["\n"] -- invalid shebang <|> blockSpace <++> [head (interpreterGenValid lineComment args)] -- something between shebang and stack comment <|> shebang <++> newLine <++> blockSpace <++> ([head (lineComment args)] <|> [head (blockComment args)]) -- unterminated block comment -- just chop the closing chars from a valid block comment <|> shebang <++> ["\n"] <++> let c = head (blockComment args) l = length c - 2 in [assert (drop l c == "-}") (take l c)] -- nested block comment <|> shebang <++> ["\n"] <++> [head (blockComment "--x {- nested -} --y")] where args = " --x --y" (<++>) = liftA2 (++) -- Generative grammar for the interpreter comments shebang = ["#!/usr/bin/env stack"] newLine = ["\n"] <|> ["\r\n"] -- A comment may be the last line or followed by something else postComment = [""] <|> newLine -- A command starts with zero or more whitespace followed by "stack" makeComment maker space args = let makePrefix s = (s <|> [""]) <++> [stackProgName] in (maker <$> (makePrefix space <++> [args])) <++> postComment lineSpace = [" "] <|> ["\t"] lineComment = makeComment makeLine lineSpace where makeLine s = "--" ++ s literateLineComment = makeComment ("> --" ++) lineSpace blockSpace = lineSpace <|> newLine blockComment = makeComment makeBlock blockSpace where makeBlock s = "{-" ++ s ++ "-}" literateBlockComment = makeComment (\s -> "> {-" ++ s ++ "-}") (lineSpace <|> map (++ ">") newLine)