-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.20.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack -- -- hash: ceb71155dcab7af0e6f88173046b55025b99819f514854c41d0a522b1d9edcd4 name: stack version: synopsis: The Haskell Tool Stack description: Please see the README.md for usage information, and the wiki on Github for more details. Also, note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may change significantly, even between minor releases. It is currently only intended for use by the executable. category: Development homepage: http://haskellstack.org bug-reports: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git/issues author: Commercial Haskell SIG maintainer: manny@fpcomplete.com license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Custom cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: ChangeLog.md CONTRIBUTING.md doc/architecture.md doc/build_command.md doc/ChangeLog.md doc/CONTRIBUTING.md doc/coverage.md doc/custom_snapshot.md doc/dependency_visualization.md doc/docker_integration.md doc/faq.md doc/ghci.md doc/ghcjs.md doc/GUIDE.md doc/install_and_upgrade.md doc/MAINTAINER_GUIDE.md doc/nix_integration.md doc/nonstandard_project_init.md doc/README.md doc/shell_autocompletion.md doc/SIGNING_KEY.md doc/travis_ci.md doc/yaml_configuration.md package.yaml README.md src/setup-shim/StackSetupShim.hs stack.yaml test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.4-osx.txt test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git custom-setup setup-depends: Cabal , base , filepath flag disable-git-info description: Disable compile-time inclusion of current git info in stack manual: True default: False flag hide-dependency-versions description: Hides dependency versions from "stack --version", used only by building with stack.yaml manual: True default: False flag integration-tests description: Run the integration test suite manual: True default: False flag static description: Pass -static/-pthread to ghc when linking the stack binary. manual: True default: False flag supported-build description: If false, causes "stack --version" to issue a warning about the build being unsupported. True only if building with stack.yaml manual: True default: False library hs-source-dirs: src/ ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -fwarn-identities build-depends: Cabal , aeson , annotated-wl-pprint , ansi-terminal , async , attoparsec , base >=4.9 && <5 , base64-bytestring , blaze-builder , bytestring , clock , conduit , conduit-extra , containers , cryptonite , cryptonite-conduit , deepseq , directory , echo , exceptions , extra , fast-logger , file-embed , filelock , filepath , fsnotify , generic-deriving , hackage-security , hashable , hastache , hpack , hpc , http-client , http-client-tls , http-conduit , http-types , memory , microlens , microlens-mtl , mintty , monad-logger , mono-traversable , mtl , neat-interpolation , network-uri , open-browser , optparse-applicative , path , path-io , persistent , persistent-sqlite , persistent-template , pretty , primitive , process , project-template , regex-applicative-text , resourcet , retry , semigroups , split , stm , store , store-core , streaming-commons , tar , template-haskell , temporary , text , text-metrics , th-reify-many , time , tls , transformers , unicode-transforms , unix-compat , unliftio , unordered-containers , vector , yaml , zip-archive , zlib if os(windows) cpp-options: -DWINDOWS build-depends: Win32 else build-depends: bindings-uname , pid1 , unix build-tools: hsc2hs if os(windows) hs-source-dirs: src/windows/ else hs-source-dirs: src/unix/ exposed-modules: Control.Concurrent.Execute Data.Aeson.Extended Data.Attoparsec.Args Data.Attoparsec.Combinators Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter Data.IORef.RunOnce Data.Store.VersionTagged Network.HTTP.Download Network.HTTP.Download.Verified Options.Applicative.Args Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra Options.Applicative.Complicated Path.CheckInstall Path.Extra Path.Find Paths_stack Stack.Build Stack.Build.Cache Stack.Build.ConstructPlan Stack.Build.Execute Stack.Build.Haddock Stack.Build.Installed Stack.Build.Source Stack.Build.Target Stack.BuildPlan Stack.Clean Stack.Config Stack.Config.Build Stack.Config.Urls Stack.Config.Docker Stack.Config.Nix Stack.ConfigCmd Stack.Constants Stack.Constants.Config Stack.Coverage Stack.Docker Stack.Docker.GlobalDB Stack.Dot Stack.Exec Stack.Fetch Stack.FileWatch Stack.GhcPkg Stack.Ghci Stack.Ghci.Script Stack.Hoogle Stack.IDE Stack.Image Stack.Init Stack.New Stack.Nix Stack.Options.BenchParser Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser Stack.Options.BuildParser Stack.Options.CleanParser Stack.Options.ConfigParser Stack.Options.Completion Stack.Options.DockerParser Stack.Options.DotParser Stack.Options.ExecParser Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser Stack.Options.GhciParser Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser Stack.Options.GlobalParser Stack.Options.HaddockParser Stack.Options.HpcReportParser Stack.Options.LogLevelParser Stack.Options.NewParser Stack.Options.NixParser Stack.Options.PackageParser Stack.Options.ResolverParser Stack.Options.ScriptParser Stack.Options.SDistParser Stack.Options.SolverParser Stack.Options.TestParser Stack.Options.Utils Stack.Package Stack.PackageDump Stack.PackageIndex Stack.PackageLocation Stack.Path Stack.Prelude Stack.PrettyPrint Stack.Runners Stack.Script Stack.SDist Stack.Setup Stack.Setup.Installed Stack.SetupCmd Stack.Sig Stack.Sig.GPG Stack.Sig.Sign Stack.Snapshot Stack.Solver Stack.StaticBytes Stack.Types.Build Stack.Types.BuildPlan Stack.Types.CompilerBuild Stack.Types.Urls Stack.Types.Compiler Stack.Types.Config Stack.Types.Config.Build Stack.Types.Docker Stack.Types.FlagName Stack.Types.GhcPkgId Stack.Types.Image Stack.Types.Nix Stack.Types.Package Stack.Types.PackageDump Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier Stack.Types.PackageIndex Stack.Types.PackageName Stack.Types.Resolver Stack.Types.Runner Stack.Types.Sig Stack.Types.TemplateName Stack.Types.Version Stack.Types.VersionIntervals Stack.Upgrade Stack.Upload Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Extended System.Process.Log System.Process.PagerEditor System.Process.Read System.Process.Run System.Terminal other-modules: Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.HttpLib.HttpClient default-language: Haskell2010 executable stack main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: src/main ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -threaded build-depends: Cabal , aeson , annotated-wl-pprint , ansi-terminal , async , attoparsec , base >=4.9 && <5 , base64-bytestring , blaze-builder , bytestring , clock , conduit , conduit-extra , containers , cryptonite , cryptonite-conduit , deepseq , directory , echo , exceptions , extra , fast-logger , file-embed , filelock , filepath , fsnotify , generic-deriving , hackage-security , hashable , hastache , hpack , hpc , http-client , http-client-tls , http-conduit , http-types , memory , microlens , microlens-mtl , mintty , monad-logger , mono-traversable , mtl , neat-interpolation , network-uri , open-browser , optparse-applicative , path , path-io , persistent , persistent-sqlite , persistent-template , pretty , primitive , process , project-template , regex-applicative-text , resourcet , retry , semigroups , split , stack , stm , store , store-core , streaming-commons , tar , template-haskell , temporary , text , text-metrics , th-reify-many , time , tls , transformers , unicode-transforms , unix-compat , unliftio , unordered-containers , vector , yaml , zip-archive , zlib if os(windows) cpp-options: -DWINDOWS build-depends: Win32 else build-depends: bindings-uname , pid1 , unix build-tools: hsc2hs if flag(static) ld-options: -static -pthread if !(flag(disable-git-info)) cpp-options: -DUSE_GIT_INFO build-depends: gitrev , optparse-simple if flag(hide-dependency-versions) cpp-options: -DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS if flag(supported-build) cpp-options: -DSUPPORTED_BUILD other-modules: Paths_stack default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite stack-integration-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: IntegrationSpec.hs hs-source-dirs: test/integration test/integration/lib ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: Cabal , aeson , annotated-wl-pprint , ansi-terminal , async , attoparsec , base >=4.9 && <5 , base64-bytestring , blaze-builder , bytestring , clock , conduit , conduit-extra , containers , cryptonite , cryptonite-conduit , deepseq , directory , echo , exceptions , extra , fast-logger , file-embed , filelock , filepath , fsnotify , generic-deriving , hackage-security , hashable , hastache , hpack , hpc , hspec , http-client , http-client-tls , http-conduit , http-types , memory , microlens , microlens-mtl , mintty , monad-logger , mono-traversable , mtl , neat-interpolation , network-uri , open-browser , optparse-applicative , path , path-io , persistent , persistent-sqlite , persistent-template , pretty , primitive , process , project-template , regex-applicative-text , resourcet , retry , semigroups , split , stm , store , store-core , streaming-commons , tar , template-haskell , temporary , text , text-metrics , th-reify-many , time , tls , transformers , unicode-transforms , unix-compat , unliftio , unordered-containers , vector , yaml , zip-archive , zlib if os(windows) cpp-options: -DWINDOWS build-depends: Win32 else build-depends: bindings-uname , pid1 , unix build-tools: hsc2hs if !(flag(integration-tests)) buildable: False other-modules: StackTest Paths_stack default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite stack-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Test.hs hs-source-dirs: src/test ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -threaded build-depends: Cabal , QuickCheck , aeson , annotated-wl-pprint , ansi-terminal , async , attoparsec , base >=4.9 && <5 , base64-bytestring , blaze-builder , bytestring , clock , conduit , conduit-extra , containers , cryptonite , cryptonite-conduit , deepseq , directory , echo , exceptions , extra , fast-logger , file-embed , filelock , filepath , fsnotify , generic-deriving , hackage-security , hashable , hastache , hpack , hpc , hspec , http-client , http-client-tls , http-conduit , http-types , memory , microlens , microlens-mtl , mintty , monad-logger , mono-traversable , mtl , neat-interpolation , network-uri , open-browser , optparse-applicative , path , path-io , persistent , persistent-sqlite , persistent-template , pretty , primitive , process , project-template , regex-applicative-text , resourcet , retry , semigroups , smallcheck , split , stack , stm , store , store-core , streaming-commons , tar , template-haskell , temporary , text , text-metrics , th-reify-many , time , tls , transformers , unicode-transforms , unix-compat , unliftio , unordered-containers , vector , yaml , zip-archive , zlib if os(windows) cpp-options: -DWINDOWS build-depends: Win32 else build-depends: bindings-uname , pid1 , unix build-tools: hsc2hs other-modules: Network.HTTP.Download.VerifiedSpec Spec Stack.ArgsSpec Stack.Build.ExecuteSpec Stack.Build.TargetSpec Stack.ConfigSpec Stack.DotSpec Stack.Ghci.PortableFakePaths Stack.Ghci.ScriptSpec Stack.GhciSpec Stack.NixSpec Stack.PackageDumpSpec Stack.SolverSpec Stack.StaticBytesSpec Stack.StoreSpec Stack.Untar.UntarSpec Paths_stack default-language: Haskell2010