{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Extra Path utilities. module Path.Extra (toFilePathNoTrailingSep ,dropRoot ,parseCollapsedAbsDir ,parseCollapsedAbsFile ,concatAndColapseAbsDir ,rejectMissingFile ,rejectMissingDir ,pathToByteString ,pathToLazyByteString ,pathToText ,tryGetModificationTime ) where import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Path import Path.IO import Path.Internal (Path(..)) import Stack.Prelude import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified System.FilePath as FP -- | Convert to FilePath but don't add a trailing slash. toFilePathNoTrailingSep :: Path loc Dir -> FilePath toFilePathNoTrailingSep = FP.dropTrailingPathSeparator . toFilePath -- | Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse -- it with 'parseAbsDir'. -- (probably should be moved to the Path module) parseCollapsedAbsDir :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir) parseCollapsedAbsDir = parseAbsDir . collapseFilePath -- | Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse -- it with 'parseAbsFile'. -- (probably should be moved to the Path module) parseCollapsedAbsFile :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs File) parseCollapsedAbsFile = parseAbsFile . collapseFilePath -- | Add a relative FilePath to the end of a Path -- We can't parse the FilePath first because we need to account for ".." -- in the FilePath (#2895) concatAndColapseAbsDir :: MonadThrow m => Path Abs Dir -> FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir) concatAndColapseAbsDir base rel = parseCollapsedAbsDir (toFilePath base FP. rel) -- | Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from a path. -- -- > collapseFilePath "./foo" == "foo" -- > collapseFilePath "/bar/../baz" == "/baz" -- > collapseFilePath "/../baz" == "/../baz" -- > collapseFilePath "parent/foo/baz/../bar" == "parent/foo/bar" -- > collapseFilePath "parent/foo/baz/../../bar" == "parent/bar" -- > collapseFilePath "parent/foo/.." == "parent" -- > collapseFilePath "/parent/foo/../../bar" == "/bar" -- -- (adapted from @Text.Pandoc.Shared@) collapseFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath collapseFilePath = FP.joinPath . reverse . foldl' go [] . FP.splitDirectories where go rs "." = rs go r@(p:rs) ".." = case p of ".." -> "..":r (checkPathSeparator -> True) -> "..":r _ -> rs go _ (checkPathSeparator -> True) = [[FP.pathSeparator]] go rs x = x:rs checkPathSeparator [x] = FP.isPathSeparator x checkPathSeparator _ = False -- | Drop the root (either @\/@ on POSIX or @C:\\@, @D:\\@, etc. on -- Windows). dropRoot :: Path Abs t -> Path Rel t dropRoot (Path l) = Path (FP.dropDrive l) -- | If given file in 'Maybe' does not exist, ensure we have 'Nothing'. This -- is to be used in conjunction with 'forgivingAbsence' and -- 'resolveFile'. -- -- Previously the idiom @forgivingAbsence (relsoveFile …)@ alone was used, -- which relied on 'canonicalizePath' throwing 'isDoesNotExistError' when -- path does not exist. As it turns out, this behavior is actually not -- intentional and unreliable, see -- . This was “fixed” in -- version @ of @directory@ package (now it never throws). To make -- it work with all versions, we need to use the following idiom: -- -- > forgivingAbsence (resolveFile …) >>= rejectMissingFile rejectMissingFile :: MonadIO m => Maybe (Path Abs File) -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File)) rejectMissingFile Nothing = return Nothing rejectMissingFile (Just p) = bool Nothing (Just p) `liftM` doesFileExist p -- | See 'rejectMissingFile'. rejectMissingDir :: MonadIO m => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> m (Maybe (Path Abs Dir)) rejectMissingDir Nothing = return Nothing rejectMissingDir (Just p) = bool Nothing (Just p) `liftM` doesDirExist p -- | Convert to a lazy ByteString using toFilePath and UTF8. pathToLazyByteString :: Path b t -> BSL.ByteString pathToLazyByteString = BSL.fromStrict . pathToByteString -- | Convert to a ByteString using toFilePath and UTF8. pathToByteString :: Path b t -> BS.ByteString pathToByteString = T.encodeUtf8 . pathToText pathToText :: Path b t -> T.Text pathToText = T.pack . toFilePath tryGetModificationTime :: MonadIO m => Path Abs File -> m (Either () UTCTime) tryGetModificationTime = liftIO . tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) . getModificationTime