{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Stack.Upgrade ( upgrade , UpgradeOpts , upgradeOpts ) where import Stack.Prelude hiding (force) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import Distribution.Version (mkVersion') import Lens.Micro (set) import Options.Applicative import Path import qualified Paths_stack as Paths import Stack.Build import Stack.Config import Stack.Fetch import Stack.PackageIndex import Stack.PrettyPrint import Stack.Setup import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier import Stack.Types.PackageIndex import Stack.Types.PackageName import Stack.Types.Version import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.Resolver import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitSuccess)) import System.Process (rawSystem, readProcess) import System.Process.Run upgradeOpts :: Parser UpgradeOpts upgradeOpts = UpgradeOpts <$> (sourceOnly <|> optional binaryOpts) <*> (binaryOnly <|> optional sourceOpts) where binaryOnly = flag' Nothing (long "binary-only" <> help "Do not use a source upgrade path") sourceOnly = flag' Nothing (long "source-only" <> help "Do not use a binary upgrade path") binaryOpts = BinaryOpts <$> optional (strOption ( long "binary-platform" <> help "Platform type for archive to download" <> showDefault)) <*> switch (long "force-download" <> help "Download the latest available stack executable") <*> optional (strOption (long "binary-version" <> help "Download a specific stack version")) <*> optional (strOption (long "github-org" <> help "Github organization name")) <*> optional (strOption (long "github-repo" <> help "Github repository name")) sourceOpts = SourceOpts <$> ((\fromGit repo branch -> if fromGit then Just (repo, branch) else Nothing) <$> switch ( long "git" <> help "Clone from Git instead of downloading from Hackage (more dangerous)" ) <*> strOption ( long "git-repo" <> help "Clone from specified git repository" <> value "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack" <> showDefault ) <*> strOption ( long "git-branch" <> help "Clone from this git branch" <> value "master" <> showDefault )) data BinaryOpts = BinaryOpts { _boPlatform :: !(Maybe String) , _boForce :: !Bool -- ^ force a download, even if the downloaded version is older -- than what we are , _boVersion :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ specific version to download , _boGithubOrg :: !(Maybe String) , _boGithubRepo :: !(Maybe String) } deriving Show newtype SourceOpts = SourceOpts (Maybe (String, String)) -- repo and branch deriving Show data UpgradeOpts = UpgradeOpts { _uoBinary :: !(Maybe BinaryOpts) , _uoSource :: !(Maybe SourceOpts) } deriving Show upgrade :: HasConfig env => ConfigMonoid -> Maybe AbstractResolver -> Maybe String -- ^ git hash at time of building, if known -> UpgradeOpts -> RIO env () upgrade gConfigMonoid mresolver builtHash (UpgradeOpts mbo mso) = case (mbo, mso) of -- FIXME It would be far nicer to capture this case in the -- options parser itself so we get better error messages, but -- I can't think of a way to make it happen. (Nothing, Nothing) -> throwString "You must allow either binary or source upgrade paths" (Just bo, Nothing) -> binary bo (Nothing, Just so) -> source so -- See #2977 - if --git or --git-repo is specified, do source upgrade. (_, Just so@(SourceOpts (Just _))) -> source so (Just bo, Just so) -> binary bo `catchAny` \e -> do prettyWarnL [ flow "Exception occured when trying to perform binary upgrade:" , fromString . show $ e , line <> flow "Falling back to source upgrade" ] source so where binary bo = binaryUpgrade bo source so = sourceUpgrade gConfigMonoid mresolver builtHash so binaryUpgrade :: HasConfig env => BinaryOpts -> RIO env () binaryUpgrade (BinaryOpts mplatform force' mver morg mrepo) = do platforms0 <- case mplatform of Nothing -> preferredPlatforms Just p -> return [("windows" `T.isInfixOf` T.pack p, p)] archiveInfo <- downloadStackReleaseInfo morg mrepo mver let mdownloadVersion = getDownloadVersion archiveInfo force = case mver of Nothing -> force' Just _ -> True -- specifying a version implies we're forcing things isNewer <- case mdownloadVersion of Nothing -> do prettyErrorL $ flow "Unable to determine upstream version from Github metadata" : [ line <> flow "Rerun with --force-download to force an upgrade" | not force] return False Just downloadVersion -> do prettyInfoL [ flow "Current Stack version:" , display stackVersion <> "," , flow "available download version:" , display downloadVersion ] return $ downloadVersion > stackVersion toUpgrade <- case (force, isNewer) of (False, False) -> do prettyInfoS "Skipping binary upgrade, you are already running the most recent version" return False (True, False) -> do prettyInfoS "Forcing binary upgrade" return True (_, True) -> do prettyInfoS "Newer version detected, downloading" return True when toUpgrade $ do config <- view configL downloadStackExe platforms0 archiveInfo (configLocalBin config) True $ \tmpFile -> do -- Sanity check! ec <- rawSystem (toFilePath tmpFile) ["--version"] unless (ec == ExitSuccess) $ throwString "Non-success exit code from running newly downloaded executable" sourceUpgrade :: HasConfig env => ConfigMonoid -> Maybe AbstractResolver -> Maybe String -> SourceOpts -> RIO env () sourceUpgrade gConfigMonoid mresolver builtHash (SourceOpts gitRepo) = withSystemTempDir "stack-upgrade" $ \tmp -> do menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride mdir <- case gitRepo of Just (repo, branch) -> do remote <- liftIO $ readProcess "git" ["ls-remote", repo, branch] [] latestCommit <- case words remote of [] -> throwString $ "No commits found for branch " ++ branch ++ " on repo " ++ repo x:_ -> return x when (isNothing builtHash) $ prettyWarnS $ "Information about the commit this version of stack was " <> "built from is not available due to how it was built. " <> "Will continue by assuming an upgrade is needed " <> "because we have no information to the contrary." if builtHash == Just latestCommit then do prettyInfoS "Already up-to-date, no upgrade required" return Nothing else do prettyInfoS "Cloning stack" -- NOTE: "--recursive" was added after v1.0.0 (and before the -- next release). This means that we can't use submodules in -- the stack repo until we're comfortable with "stack upgrade -- --git" not working for earlier versions. let args = [ "clone", repo , "stack", "--depth", "1", "--recursive", "--branch", branch] runCmd (Cmd (Just tmp) "git" menv args) Nothing return $ Just $ tmp $(mkRelDir "stack") Nothing -> do updateAllIndices PackageCache caches <- getPackageCaches let versions = filter (/= $(mkVersion "9.9.9")) -- Mistaken upload to Hackage, just ignore it $ maybe [] HashMap.keys $ HashMap.lookup $(mkPackageName "stack") caches when (null versions) (throwString "No stack found in package indices") let version = Data.List.maximum versions if version <= fromCabalVersion (mkVersion' Paths.version) then do prettyInfoS "Already at latest version, no upgrade required" return Nothing else do let ident = PackageIdentifier $(mkPackageName "stack") version paths <- unpackPackageIdents tmp Nothing -- accept latest cabal revision [PackageIdentifierRevision ident CFILatest] case Map.lookup ident paths of Nothing -> error "Stack.Upgrade.upgrade: invariant violated, unpacked directory not found" Just path -> return $ Just path forM_ mdir $ \dir -> do lc <- loadConfig gConfigMonoid mresolver (SYLOverride $ dir $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml")) bconfig <- liftIO $ lcLoadBuildConfig lc Nothing envConfig1 <- runRIO bconfig $ setupEnv $ Just $ "Try rerunning with --install-ghc to install the correct GHC into " <> T.pack (toFilePath (configLocalPrograms (view configL bconfig))) runRIO (set (buildOptsL.buildOptsInstallExesL) True envConfig1) $ build (const $ return ()) Nothing defaultBuildOptsCLI { boptsCLITargets = ["stack"] }