{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Build the project.

module Stack.Build

import           Stack.Prelude
import           Data.Aeson (Value (Object, Array), (.=), object)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import           Data.List ((\\))
import           Data.List.Extra (groupSort)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import           Data.Text.Read (decimal)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import           Stack.Build.ConstructPlan
import           Stack.Build.Execute
import           Stack.Build.Haddock
import           Stack.Build.Installed
import           Stack.Build.Source
import           Stack.Build.Target
import           Stack.Fetch as Fetch
import           Stack.Package
import           Stack.PackageLocation (parseSingleCabalFileIndex)
import           Stack.Types.Build
import           Stack.Types.BuildPlan
import           Stack.Types.Config
import           Stack.Types.FlagName
import           Stack.Types.Package
import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import           Stack.Types.PackageName
import           Stack.Types.Version

#ifdef WINDOWS
import           Stack.Types.Compiler
import           System.FileLock (FileLock, unlockFile)

#ifdef WINDOWS
import           System.Win32.Console (setConsoleCP, setConsoleOutputCP, getConsoleCP, getConsoleOutputCP)

-- | Build.
--   If a buildLock is passed there is an important contract here.  That lock must
--   protect the snapshot, and it must be safe to unlock it if there are no further
--   modifications to the snapshot to be performed by this build.
build :: HasEnvConfig env
      => (Set (Path Abs File) -> IO ()) -- ^ callback after discovering all local files
      -> Maybe FileLock
      -> BuildOptsCLI
      -> RIO env ()
build setLocalFiles mbuildLk boptsCli = fixCodePage $ do
    bopts <- view buildOptsL
    let profiling = boptsLibProfile bopts || boptsExeProfile bopts
    let symbols = not (boptsLibStrip bopts || boptsExeStrip bopts)
    menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride

    (targets, mbp, locals, extraToBuild, sourceMap) <- loadSourceMapFull NeedTargets boptsCli

    -- Set local files, necessary for file watching
    stackYaml <- view stackYamlL
    liftIO $ setLocalFiles
           $ Set.insert stackYaml
           $ Set.unions
             -- The `locals` value above only contains local project
             -- packages, not local dependencies. This will get _all_
             -- of the local files we're interested in
             -- watching. Arguably, we should not bother watching repo
             -- and archive files, since those shouldn't
             -- change. That's a possible optimization to consider.
             [lpFiles lp | PSFiles lp _ <- Map.elems sourceMap]

    (installedMap, globalDumpPkgs, snapshotDumpPkgs, localDumpPkgs) <-
        getInstalled menv
                         { getInstalledProfiling = profiling
                         , getInstalledHaddock   = shouldHaddockDeps bopts
                         , getInstalledSymbols   = symbols }

    baseConfigOpts <- mkBaseConfigOpts boptsCli
    plan <- withLoadPackage $ \loadPackage ->
        constructPlan mbp baseConfigOpts locals extraToBuild localDumpPkgs loadPackage sourceMap installedMap (boptsCLIInitialBuildSteps boptsCli)

    allowLocals <- view $ configL.to configAllowLocals
    unless allowLocals $ case justLocals plan of
      [] -> return ()
      localsIdents -> throwM $ LocalPackagesPresent localsIdents

    -- If our work to do is all local, let someone else have a turn with the snapshot.
    -- They won't damage what's already in there.
    case (mbuildLk, allLocal plan) of
       -- NOTE: This policy is too conservative.  In the future we should be able to
       -- schedule unlocking as an Action that happens after all non-local actions are
       -- complete.
      (Just lk,True) -> do logDebug "All installs are local; releasing snapshot lock early."
                           liftIO $ unlockFile lk
      _ -> return ()

    warnAboutSplitObjs bopts
    warnIfExecutablesWithSameNameCouldBeOverwritten locals plan

    when (boptsPreFetch bopts) $
        preFetch plan

    if boptsCLIDryrun boptsCli
        then printPlan plan
        else executePlan menv boptsCli baseConfigOpts locals

-- | If all the tasks are local, they don't mutate anything outside of our local directory.
allLocal :: Plan -> Bool
allLocal =
    all (== Local) .
    map taskLocation .
    Map.elems .

justLocals :: Plan -> [PackageIdentifier]
justLocals =
    map taskProvides .
    filter ((== Local) . taskLocation) .
    Map.elems .

checkCabalVersion :: HasEnvConfig env => RIO env ()
checkCabalVersion = do
    allowNewer <- view $ configL.to configAllowNewer
    cabalVer <- view cabalVersionL
    -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/2023
    when (allowNewer && cabalVer < $(mkVersion "1.22")) $ throwM $
        CabalVersionException $
            "Error: --allow-newer requires at least Cabal version 1.22, but version " ++
            versionString cabalVer ++
            " was found."

newtype CabalVersionException = CabalVersionException { unCabalVersionException :: String }
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Show CabalVersionException where show = unCabalVersionException
instance Exception CabalVersionException

-- | See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1198.
    :: MonadLogger m => [LocalPackage] -> Plan -> m ()
warnIfExecutablesWithSameNameCouldBeOverwritten locals plan = do
    logDebug "Checking if we are going to build multiple executables with the same name"
    forM_ (Map.toList warnings) $ \(exe,(toBuild,otherLocals)) -> do
        let exe_s
                | length toBuild > 1 = "several executables with the same name:"
                | otherwise = "executable"
            exesText pkgs =
                    ", "
                    ["'" <> packageNameText p <> ":" <> exe <> "'" | p <- pkgs]
        (logWarn . T.unlines . concat)
            [ [ "Building " <> exe_s <> " " <> exesText toBuild <> "." ]
            , [ "Only one of them will be available via 'stack exec' or locally installed."
              | length toBuild > 1
            , [ "Other executables with the same name might be overwritten: " <>
                exesText otherLocals <> "."
              | not (null otherLocals)
    -- Cases of several local packages having executables with the same name.
    -- The Map entries have the following form:
    --  executable name: ( package names for executables that are being built
    --                   , package names for other local packages that have an
    --                     executable with the same name
    --                   )
    warnings :: Map Text ([PackageName],[PackageName])
    warnings =
            (\(pkgsToBuild,localPkgs) ->
                case (pkgsToBuild,NE.toList localPkgs \\ NE.toList pkgsToBuild) of
                    (_ :| [],[]) ->
                        -- We want to build the executable of single local package
                        -- and there are no other local packages with an executable of
                        -- the same name. Nothing to warn about, ignore.
                    (_,otherLocals) ->
                        -- We could be here for two reasons (or their combination):
                        -- 1) We are building two or more executables with the same
                        --    name that will end up overwriting each other.
                        -- 2) In addition to the executable(s) that we want to build
                        --    there are other local packages with an executable of the
                        --    same name that might get overwritten.
                        -- Both cases warrant a warning.
                        Just (NE.toList pkgsToBuild,otherLocals))
            (Map.intersectionWith (,) exesToBuild localExes)
    exesToBuild :: Map Text (NonEmpty PackageName)
    exesToBuild =
            [ (exe,pkgName)
            | (pkgName,task) <- Map.toList (planTasks plan)
            , TTFiles lp _ <- [taskType task] -- FIXME analyze logic here, do we need to check for Local?
            , exe <- (Set.toList . exeComponents . lpComponents) lp
    localExes :: Map Text (NonEmpty PackageName)
    localExes =
            [ (exe,packageName pkg)
            | pkg <- map lpPackage locals
            , exe <- Set.toList (packageExes pkg)
    collect :: Ord k => [(k,v)] -> Map k (NonEmpty v)
    collect = Map.map NE.fromList . Map.fromDistinctAscList . groupSort

warnAboutSplitObjs :: MonadLogger m => BuildOpts -> m ()
warnAboutSplitObjs bopts | boptsSplitObjs bopts = do
    logWarn $ "Building with --split-objs is enabled. " <> T.pack splitObjsWarning
warnAboutSplitObjs _ = return ()

splitObjsWarning :: String
splitObjsWarning = unwords
     [ "Note that this feature is EXPERIMENTAL, and its behavior may be changed and improved."
     , "You will need to clean your workdirs before use. If you want to compile all dependencies"
     , "with split-objs, you will need to delete the snapshot (and all snapshots that could"
     , "reference that snapshot)."

-- | Get the @BaseConfigOpts@ necessary for constructing configure options
mkBaseConfigOpts :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m)
                 => BuildOptsCLI -> m BaseConfigOpts
mkBaseConfigOpts boptsCli = do
    bopts <- view buildOptsL
    snapDBPath <- packageDatabaseDeps
    localDBPath <- packageDatabaseLocal
    snapInstallRoot <- installationRootDeps
    localInstallRoot <- installationRootLocal
    packageExtraDBs <- packageDatabaseExtra
    return BaseConfigOpts
        { bcoSnapDB = snapDBPath
        , bcoLocalDB = localDBPath
        , bcoSnapInstallRoot = snapInstallRoot
        , bcoLocalInstallRoot = localInstallRoot
        , bcoBuildOpts = bopts
        , bcoBuildOptsCLI = boptsCli
        , bcoExtraDBs = packageExtraDBs

-- | Provide a function for loading package information from the package index
withLoadPackage :: HasEnvConfig env
                => ((PackageLocationIndex FilePath -> Map FlagName Bool -> [Text] -> IO Package) -> RIO env a)
                -> RIO env a
withLoadPackage inner = do
    econfig <- view envConfigL
    root <- view projectRootL
    run <- askRunInIO
    withCabalLoader $ \loadFromIndex ->
        inner $ \loc flags ghcOptions -> run $
              (depPackageConfig econfig flags ghcOptions)
              <$> parseSingleCabalFileIndex loadFromIndex root loc
    -- | Package config to be used for dependencies
    depPackageConfig :: EnvConfig -> Map FlagName Bool -> [Text] -> PackageConfig
    depPackageConfig econfig flags ghcOptions = PackageConfig
        { packageConfigEnableTests = False
        , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
        , packageConfigFlags = flags
        , packageConfigGhcOptions = ghcOptions
        , packageConfigCompilerVersion = view actualCompilerVersionL econfig
        , packageConfigPlatform = view platformL econfig

-- | Set the code page for this process as necessary. Only applies to Windows.
-- See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/738
fixCodePage :: HasEnvConfig env => RIO env a -> RIO env a
#ifdef WINDOWS
fixCodePage inner = do
    mcp <- view $ configL.to configModifyCodePage
    ghcVersion <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL.to getGhcVersion
    if mcp && ghcVersion < $(mkVersion "7.10.3")
        then fixCodePage'
        -- GHC >=7.10.3 doesn't need this code page hack.
        else inner
    fixCodePage' = do
        origCPI <- liftIO getConsoleCP
        origCPO <- liftIO getConsoleOutputCP

        let setInput = origCPI /= expected
            setOutput = origCPO /= expected
                | setInput = bracket_
                    (liftIO $ do
                        setConsoleCP expected)
                    (liftIO $ setConsoleCP origCPI)
                | otherwise = id
                | setOutput = bracket_
                    (liftIO $ do
                        setConsoleOutputCP expected)
                    (liftIO $ setConsoleOutputCP origCPO)
                | otherwise = id

        case (setInput, setOutput) of
            (False, False) -> return ()
            (True, True) -> warn ""
            (True, False) -> warn " input"
            (False, True) -> warn " output"

        fixInput $ fixOutput inner
    expected = 65001 -- UTF-8
    warn typ = logInfo $ T.concat
        [ "Setting"
        , typ
        , " codepage to UTF-8 (65001) to ensure correct output from GHC"
fixCodePage = id

-- | Query information about the build and print the result to stdout in YAML format.
queryBuildInfo :: HasEnvConfig env
               => [Text] -- ^ selectors
               -> RIO env ()
queryBuildInfo selectors0 =
    >>= select id selectors0
    >>= liftIO . TIO.putStrLn . decodeUtf8 . Yaml.encode
    select _ [] value = return value
    select front (sel:sels) value =
        case value of
            Object o ->
                case HM.lookup sel o of
                    Nothing -> err "Selector not found"
                    Just value' -> cont value'
            Array v ->
                case decimal sel of
                    Right (i, "")
                        | i >= 0 && i < V.length v -> cont $ v V.! i
                        | otherwise -> err "Index out of range"
                    _ -> err "Encountered array and needed numeric selector"
            _ -> err $ "Cannot apply selector to " ++ show value
        cont = select (front . (sel:)) sels
        err msg = throwString $ msg ++ ": " ++ show (front [sel])

-- | Get the raw build information object
rawBuildInfo :: HasEnvConfig env => RIO env Value
rawBuildInfo = do
    (locals, _sourceMap) <- loadSourceMap NeedTargets defaultBuildOptsCLI
    return $ object
        [ "locals" .= Object (HM.fromList $ map localToPair locals)
    localToPair lp =
        (T.pack $ packageNameString $ packageName p, value)
        p = lpPackage lp
        value = object
            [ "version" .= packageVersion p
            , "path" .= toFilePath (lpDir lp)