{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Stack.Options.ConfigParser where import Data.Char import qualified Data.Set as Set import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra import Path import Stack.Constants import Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser import Stack.Options.DockerParser import Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser import Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser import Stack.Options.NixParser import Stack.Options.Utils import Stack.Prelude import Stack.Types.Config import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath -- | Command-line arguments parser for configuration. configOptsParser :: FilePath -> GlobalOptsContext -> Parser ConfigMonoid configOptsParser currentDir hide0 = (\stackRoot workDir buildOpts dockerOpts nixOpts systemGHC installGHC arch ghcVariant ghcBuild jobs includes libs overrideGccPath overrideHpack skipGHCCheck skipMsys localBin modifyCodePage allowDifferentUser dumpLogs -> mempty { configMonoidStackRoot = stackRoot , configMonoidWorkDir = workDir , configMonoidBuildOpts = buildOpts , configMonoidDockerOpts = dockerOpts , configMonoidNixOpts = nixOpts , configMonoidSystemGHC = systemGHC , configMonoidInstallGHC = installGHC , configMonoidSkipGHCCheck = skipGHCCheck , configMonoidArch = arch , configMonoidGHCVariant = ghcVariant , configMonoidGHCBuild = ghcBuild , configMonoidJobs = jobs , configMonoidExtraIncludeDirs = includes , configMonoidExtraLibDirs = libs , configMonoidOverrideGccPath = overrideGccPath , configMonoidOverrideHpack = overrideHpack , configMonoidSkipMsys = skipMsys , configMonoidLocalBinPath = localBin , configMonoidModifyCodePage = modifyCodePage , configMonoidAllowDifferentUser = allowDifferentUser , configMonoidDumpLogs = dumpLogs }) <$> optionalFirst (absDirOption ( long stackRootOptionName <> metavar (map toUpper stackRootOptionName) <> help ("Absolute path to the global stack root directory " ++ "(Overrides any STACK_ROOT environment variable)") <> hide )) <*> optionalFirst (option (eitherReader (mapLeft showWorkDirError . parseRelDir)) ( long "work-dir" <> metavar "WORK-DIR" <> completer (pathCompleterWith (defaultPathCompleterOpts { pcoAbsolute = False, pcoFileFilter = const False })) <> help ("Relative path of work directory " ++ "(Overrides any STACK_WORK environment variable, default is '.stack-work')") <> hide )) <*> buildOptsMonoidParser hide0 <*> dockerOptsParser True <*> nixOptsParser True <*> firstBoolFlags "system-ghc" "using the system installed GHC (on the PATH) if it is available and its version matches. Disabled by default." hide <*> firstBoolFlags "install-ghc" "downloading and installing GHC if necessary (can be done manually with stack setup)" hide <*> optionalFirst (strOption ( long "arch" <> metavar "ARCH" <> help "System architecture, e.g. i386, x86_64" <> hide )) <*> optionalFirst (ghcVariantParser (hide0 /= OuterGlobalOpts)) <*> optionalFirst (ghcBuildParser (hide0 /= OuterGlobalOpts)) <*> optionalFirst (option auto ( long "jobs" <> short 'j' <> metavar "JOBS" <> help "Number of concurrent jobs to run" <> hide )) <*> fmap Set.fromList (many ((currentDir FilePath.) <$> strOption ( long "extra-include-dirs" <> metavar "DIR" <> completer dirCompleter <> help "Extra directories to check for C header files" <> hide ))) <*> fmap Set.fromList (many ((currentDir FilePath.) <$> strOption ( long "extra-lib-dirs" <> metavar "DIR" <> completer dirCompleter <> help "Extra directories to check for libraries" <> hide ))) <*> optionalFirst (absFileOption ( long "with-gcc" <> metavar "PATH-TO-GCC" <> help "Use gcc found at PATH-TO-GCC" <> hide )) <*> optionalFirst (strOption ( long "with-hpack" <> metavar "HPACK" <> help "Use HPACK executable (overrides bundled Hpack)" <> hide )) <*> firstBoolFlags "skip-ghc-check" "skipping the GHC version and architecture check" hide <*> firstBoolFlags "skip-msys" "skipping the local MSYS installation (Windows only)" hide <*> optionalFirst (strOption ( long "local-bin-path" <> metavar "DIR" <> completer dirCompleter <> help "Install binaries to DIR" <> hide )) <*> firstBoolFlags "modify-code-page" "setting the codepage to support UTF-8 (Windows only)" hide <*> firstBoolFlags "allow-different-user" ("permission for users other than the owner of the stack root " ++ "directory to use a stack installation (POSIX only)") hide <*> fmap toDumpLogs (firstBoolFlags "dump-logs" "dump the build output logs for local packages to the console" hide) where hide = hideMods (hide0 /= OuterGlobalOpts) toDumpLogs (First (Just True)) = First (Just DumpAllLogs) toDumpLogs (First (Just False)) = First (Just DumpNoLogs) toDumpLogs (First Nothing) = First Nothing showWorkDirError err = show err ++ "\nNote that --work-dir must be a relative child directory, because work-dirs outside of the package are not supported by Cabal." ++ "\nSee https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2954"