# Snapshot and package location [:octicons-tag-24: 2.1.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.1.1) This document describes: * the specification of a snapshot location (in the `resolver` key) * the specification of a package location (in the `extra-deps` key and in a snapshot) !!! info Stack uses the [Pantry](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pantry) to specify the location of snapshots and packages. Pantry is geared towards reproducible build plans with cryptographically secure specification of snapshots and packages. ## Snapshot location There are essentially four different ways of specifying a snapshot location: 1. Via a compiler version, which is a "compiler only" snapshot. This could be, for example: ~~~yaml resolver: ghc-8.6.5` ~~~ 2. Via a URL pointing to a snapshot configuration file, for example: ~~~yaml resolver: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots/master/nightly/2018/8/21.yaml` ~~~ 3. Via a local file path pointing to a snapshot configuration file, for example: ~~~yaml resolver: my-local-snapshot.yaml ~~~ 4. Via a _convenience synonym_, which provides a short form for some common URLs. These are: * GitHub: `github:user/repo:path` is treated as: ~~~text https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/master/path ~~~ * LTS Haskell: `lts-X.Y` is treated (by default) as: ~~~text github:commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots:lts/X/Y.yaml ~~~ * Stackage Nightly: `nightly-YYYY-MM-DD` is treated (by default) as: ~~~text github:commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots:nightly/YYYY/M/D.yaml ~~~ !!! info By default, LTS Haskell and Stackage Nightly snapshot configurations are retrieved from the `stackage-snapshots` GitHub repository of user `commercialhaskell`. The [snapshot-location-base](yaml_configuration.md#snapshot-location-base) option allows a custom location to be set. For safer, more reproducible builds, you can optionally specify a URL together with a cryptographic hash of its content. For example: ~~~yaml resolver: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots/master/lts/12/0.yaml size: 499143 sha256: 781ea577595dff08b9c8794761ba1321020e3e1ec3297fb833fe951cce1bee11 ~~~ `size` is the number of bytes in the file and `sha256` is the file's SHA256 hash. If not provided, the information will automatically be generated and stored in a [lock file](lock_files.md). ## Package location There are three types of package locations: 1. Hackage packages 2. Git and Mecurial repositories 3. Local or remote archives All three types support optional tree metadata to be added, which can be used for reproducibility and faster downloads. This information can automatically be generated in a [lock file](lock_files.md). ### Hackage packages Packages can be stated by a name-version combination. The basic syntax for this is: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - acme-missiles-0.3 ~~~ Using this syntax, the most recent Cabal file revision available will be used. You can specify a specific revision number, with `0` being the original file, like this: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - acme-missiles-0.3@rev:0 ~~~ For safer, more reproducible builds, you can optionally specify the SHA256 hash of the Cabal file's contents, like this: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - acme-missiles-0.3@sha256:2ba66a092a32593880a87fb00f3213762d7bca65a687d45965778deb8694c5d1 ~~~ You can optionally also specify the size of the Cabal file in bytes, like this: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - acme-missiles-0.3@sha256:2ba66a092a32593880a87fb00f3213762d7bca65a687d45965778deb8694c5d1,631 ~~~ !!! note Specifying package using SHA256 is slightly more resilient in that it does not rely on correct ordering in the package index, while revision number is likely simpler to use. In practice, both should guarantee equally reproducible build plans. You can also include the Pantry tree information. The following would be generated and stored in the lock file: ~~~yaml - hackage: acme-missiles-0.3@sha256:2ba66a092a32593880a87fb00f3213762d7bca65a687d45965778deb8694c5d1,613 pantry-tree: size: 226 sha256: 614bc0cca76937507ea0a5ccc17a504c997ce458d7f2f9e43b15a10c8eaeb033 ~~~ ### Git and Mercurial repositories You can give a Git or Mercurial repository at a specific commit, and Stack will clone that repository. For example: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - git: git@github.com:commercialhaskell/stack.git commit: 6a86ee32e5b869a877151f74064572225e1a0398 - git: git@github.com:snoyberg/http-client.git commit: "a5f4f3" - hg: https://example.com/hg/repo commit: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 ~~~ !!! note It is highly recommended that you only use SHA1 values for a Git or Mercurial commit. Other values may work, but they are not officially supported, and may result in unexpected behavior (namely, Stack will not automatically pull to update to new versions). Another problem with this is that your build will not be deterministic, because when someone else tries to build the project they can get a different checkout of the package. A common practice in the Haskell world is to use "megarepos", or repositories with multiple packages in various subdirectories. Some common examples include [wai](https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/) and [digestive-functors](https://github.com/jaspervdj/digestive-functors). To support this, you may also specify `subdirs` for repositories. For example: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - git: git@github.com:yesodweb/wai commit: 2f8a8e1b771829f4a8a77c0111352ce45a14c30f subdirs: - auto-update - wai ~~~ If unspecified, `subdirs` defaults to `['.']` meaning looking for a package in the root of the repository. If you specify a value of `subdirs`, then `'.'` is _not_ included by default and needs to be explicitly specified if a required package is found in the top-level directory of the repository. #### GitHub [:octicons-tag-24: 1.7.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v1.7.1) You can specify packages from GitHub repository name using `github`. For example: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - github: snoyberg/http-client commit: a5f4f30f01366738f913968163d856366d7e0342 ~~~ #### git-annex [git-annex](https://git-annex.branchable.com) is not supported. This is because `git archive` does not handle symbolic links outside the work tree. It is still possible to use repositories which use git-annex but do not require the annex files for the package to be built. To do so, ensure that any files or directories stored by git-annex are marked [export-ignore](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-archive#Documentation/git-archive.txt-export-ignore) in the `.gitattributes` file in the repository. For further information, see issue [#4579](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4579). For example, if the directory `fonts/` is controlled by git-annex, use the following line: ~~~gitattributes fonts export-ignore ~~~ ### Local or remote archives You can use filepaths referring to local archive files or HTTP or HTTPS URLs referring to remote archive files, either tarballs or ZIP files. !!! note Stack assumes that these archive files never change after downloading to avoid needing to make an HTTP request on each build. For safer, more reproducible builds, you can optionally specify a cryptographic hash of the archive file. For example: ~~~yaml extra-deps: - https://example.com/foo/bar/baz-0.0.2.tar.gz - archive: http://github.com/yesodweb/wai/archive/2f8a8e1b771829f4a8a77c0111352ce45a14c30f.zip subdirs: - wai - warp - archive: ../acme-missiles-0.3.tar.gz sha256: e563d8b524017a06b32768c4db8eff1f822f3fb22a90320b7e414402647b735b ~~~