module Main (main) where import Data.Version.Extra import SimpleCmd import SimpleCmdArgs import System.IO (BufferMode(NoBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdout) import GHC import Paths_stack_clean_old (version) import Snapshots main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering simpleCmdArgs (Just version) "Stack clean up tool" "Cleans away old stack-work builds (and pending: stack snapshots) to recover diskspace." $ subcommands [ Subcommand "project" "Commands for project .stack-work builds" $ subcommands [ Subcommand "size" "Total size of project's .stack-work/install" $ sizeStackWork <$> dirOption <*> notHumanOpt , Subcommand "list" "List builds in .stack-work/install per ghc version" $ listGhcSnapshots . setStackWorkDir <$> dirOption <*> optional ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-version" "Remove builds in .stack-work/install for a ghc version" $ cleanGhcSnapshots . setStackWorkDir <$> dirOption <*> dryrun <*> ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-earlier-minor" "Remove builds in .stack-work/install for previous ghc minor versions" $ cleanMinorSnapshots . setStackWorkDir <$> dirOption <*> dryrun <*> optional ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-older" "Purge older builds in .stack-work/install" $ cleanOldStackWork <$> dryrun <*> keepOption <*> optional (strArg "PROJECTDIR") , Subcommand "remove-work" "Remove .stack-work subdirs recursively" $ removeStackWorks <$> dryrun <*> optional (strArg "PROJECTDIR") ] , Subcommand "snapshots" "Commands for ~/.stack/snapshots" $ subcommands [ Subcommand "size" "Total size of all stack build snapshots" $ sizeSnapshots <$> notHumanOpt , Subcommand "list" "List build snapshots per ghc version" $ listGhcSnapshots setStackSnapshotsDir <$> optional ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-version" "Remove build snapshots for a ghc version" $ cleanGhcSnapshots setStackSnapshotsDir <$> dryrun <*> ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-earlier-minor" "Remove build snapshots for previous ghc minor versions" $ cleanMinorSnapshots setStackSnapshotsDir <$> dryrun <*> optional ghcVerArg ] , Subcommand "ghc" "Commands on stack's ghc compiler installations" $ subcommands [ Subcommand "size" "Total size of installed stack ghc compilers" $ sizeGhcInstalls <$> notHumanOpt , Subcommand "list" "List installed stack ghc compiler versions" $ listGhcInstallation <$> optional ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-version" "Remove installation of a stack ghc compiler version" $ removeGhcVersionInstallation <$> dryrun <*> ghcVerArg , Subcommand "remove-earlier-minor" "Remove installations of stack ghc previous minor versions" $ removeGhcMinorInstallation <$> dryrun <*> optional ghcVerArg ] ] where dryrun = switchWith 'n' "dryrun" "Show what would be done, without removing" notHumanOpt = switchWith 'H' "not-human-size" "Do not use du --human-readable" dirOption = optional (strOptionWith 'd' "dir" "PROJECTDIR" "Path to project") ghcVerArg = readVersion <$> strArg "GHCVER" keepOption = positive <$> optionalWith auto 'k' "keep" "INT" "number of project builds per ghc version [default 5]" 5 positive :: Int -> Int positive n = if n > 0 then n else error' "Must be positive integer"