{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}
-- | Manipulate @GenericPackageDescription@ from Cabal into something more
-- useful for us.
module Stackage.PackageDescription
    ( SimpleDesc (..)
    , toSimpleDesc
    , CheckCond (..)
    , Component (..)
    , DepInfo (..)
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict     (MonadWriter, execWriterT,
import           Data.Semigroup                  (Option (..), Max (..))
import           Distribution.Compiler           (CompilerFlavor)
import           Distribution.Package            (Dependency (..))
import           Distribution.PackageDescription
import           Distribution.Types.CondTree     (CondBranch (..))
import           Distribution.System             (Arch, OS)
import           Stackage.PackageIndex
import           Stackage.Prelude

-- | Convert a 'GenericPackageDescription' into a 'SimpleDesc' by following the
-- constraints in the provided 'CheckCond'.
toSimpleDesc :: MonadThrow m
             => CheckCond
             -> SimplifiedPackageDescription
             -> m SimpleDesc
toSimpleDesc cc spd = execWriterT $ do
    forM_ (spdCondLibrary spd) $ tellTree cc CompLibrary
    forM_ (spdCondExecutables spd) $ tellTree cc CompExecutable . snd
    tell mempty { sdProvidedExes = setFromList
                                 $ map (fromString . fst)
                                 $ spdCondExecutables spd
                , sdCabalVersion = Option $ Just $ Max $ spdCabalVersion spd
                , sdPackages = unionsWith (<>) $ maybe [] (map
                   $ \(Dependency x y) -> singletonMap x DepInfo
                        { diComponents = setFromList [minBound..maxBound]
                        , diRange = simplifyVersionRange y
                        }) (spdSetupDeps spd)
                , sdSetupDeps =
                    case spdSetupDeps spd of
                        Nothing -> Nothing
                        Just deps -> Just $ setFromList $ map (\(Dependency x _) -> x) deps
    when (ccIncludeTests cc) $ forM_ (spdCondTestSuites spd)
        $ tellTree cc CompTestSuite . snd
    when (ccIncludeBenchmarks cc) $ forM_ (spdCondBenchmarks spd)
        $ tellTree cc CompBenchmark . snd

-- | Convert a single CondTree to a 'SimpleDesc'.
tellTree :: (MonadWriter SimpleDesc m, MonadThrow m)
         => CheckCond
         -> Component
         -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] SimplifiedComponentInfo
         -> m ()
tellTree cc component =
    loop (CondNode dat deps comps) = do
        tell mempty
            { sdPackages = unionsWith (<>) $ flip map deps
                $ \(Dependency x y) -> singletonMap x DepInfo
                    { diComponents = singletonSet component
                    , diRange = simplifyVersionRange y
            , sdTools = unionsWith (<>) $ flip map (sciBuildTools dat)
                $ \(name, range) -> singletonMap
                    -- In practice, cabal files refer to the exe name, not the
                    -- package name.
                        { diComponents = singletonSet component
                        , diRange = simplifyVersionRange range
            , sdModules = sciModules dat
        forM_ comps $ \(CondBranch cond ontrue onfalse) -> do
            b <- checkCond cc cond
            if b
                then loop ontrue
                else maybe (return ()) loop onfalse

-- | Resolve a condition to a boolean based on the provided 'CheckCond'.
checkCond :: MonadThrow m => CheckCond -> Condition ConfVar -> m Bool
checkCond CheckCond {..} cond0 =
    go cond0
    go (Var (OS os)) = return $ os == ccOS
    go (Var (Arch arch)) = return $ arch == ccArch
    go (Var (Flag flag)) =
        case lookup flag ccFlags of
            Nothing -> throwM $ FlagNotDefined ccPackageName flag cond0
            Just b -> return b
    go (Var (Impl flavor range)) = return
                                 $ flavor == ccCompilerFlavor
                                && ccCompilerVersion `withinRange` range
    go (Lit b) = return b
    go (CNot c) = not `liftM` go c
    go (CAnd x y) = (&&) `liftM` go x `ap` go y
    go (COr x y) = (||) `liftM` go x `ap` go y

data CheckCondException = FlagNotDefined PackageName FlagName (Condition ConfVar)
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception CheckCondException

data CheckCond = CheckCond
    { ccPackageName       :: PackageName -- for debugging only
    , ccOS                :: OS
    , ccArch              :: Arch
    , ccFlags             :: Map FlagName Bool
    , ccCompilerFlavor    :: CompilerFlavor
    , ccCompilerVersion   :: Version
    , ccIncludeTests      :: Bool
    , ccIncludeBenchmarks :: Bool