{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}
-- | Upload Haddock documentation to S3.
module Stackage.Curator.UploadDocs
    ( uploadDocs
    , upload
    ) where
import           ClassyPrelude.Conduit         hiding (threadDelay)
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar             as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry       as Tar
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource  (liftResourceT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Ref   (MonadRWS, get, modify, put,
                                                runRWSIORefT, tell)
import           Crypto.Hash                   (Digest, SHA256)
import           Crypto.Hash.Conduit           (sinkHash)
import           Data.ByteArray                (convert)
import           Data.Conduit.Zlib             (WindowBits (WindowBits),
import           Data.Function                 (fix)
import           Data.XML.Types                (Content (ContentText), Event (EventBeginDoctype, EventEndDoctype, EventBeginElement),
import           Distribution.Package          (PackageIdentifier (..))
import qualified Filesystem                    as F
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS     as F
import           Network.AWS                   (Credentials (Discover), Env,
                                                send, toBody, runAWS)
import           Network.AWS.S3                (ObjectCannedACL (OPublicRead),
                                                poACL, poCacheControl,
                                                poContentType, putObject,
                                                BucketName (..), ObjectKey (..))
import           Network.Mime                  (defaultMimeLookup)
import           Stackage.Types                (simpleParse)
import qualified System.Directory              as Dir
import qualified System.FilePath               as FP
import           Text.Blaze.Html               (toHtml)
import           Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
import           Text.HTML.DOM                 (eventConduit)
import           Text.XML                      (fromEvents)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding

upload :: (MonadResource m)
       => Bool -- ^ compression?
       -> Env
       -> Text
       -> Text
       -> Consumer ByteString m ()
upload toCompress env bucket name = do
    let mime = defaultMimeLookup name

    body <-
        if toCompress
            then compress 9 (WindowBits 31) =$= sinkLazy
            else sinkLazy

    let po = set poContentType (Just $ decodeUtf8 mime)
           $ (if toCompress
                then set poContentEncoding (Just "gzip")
                else id)
           $ set poCacheControl (Just "maxage=31536000")
           $ set poACL (Just OPublicRead)
           $ putObject (BucketName bucket) (ObjectKey name) (toBody body)

    -- use ByteString output to ensure no interleaving of sending lines
    hPut stdout $ encodeUtf8 $ "Sending " ++ name ++ "\n"
    _pors <- liftResourceT $ runAWS env $ send po
    return ()

-- | Uses 'newEnv' for S3 credentials.
uploadDocs :: FilePath -- ^ directory containing docs
           -> FilePath -- ^ the bundle file
           -> Text -- ^ name of current docs, used as prefix in object names
           -> Text -- ^ bucket name
           -> IO ()
uploadDocs input' bundleFile name bucket = do
    env <- newEnv Discover

    unlessM (Dir.doesDirectoryExist input') $ error $ "Could not find directory: " ++ show input'
    input <- fmap (</> "") $ Dir.canonicalizePath input'

    let inner :: M m => m ()
        inner = do
          let threads = 16
              size = threads * 2
          queue <- liftIO $ newTBQueueIO size
          isOpenVar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO True
          let readIO = liftIO $ atomically $
                  (Just <$> readTBQueue queue) <|>
                  (do isOpen <- readTVar isOpenVar
                      checkSTM $ not isOpen
                      return Nothing)
              close = liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar isOpenVar False

              fillQueue = runResourceT $
                (sourceDirectoryDeep False input
                  $$ mapM_C (liftIO . atomically . writeTBQueue queue))
                `finally` close

              srcQueue = fix $ \loop -> do
                mres <- readIO
                case mres of
                  Nothing -> return ()
                  Just res -> yield res >> loop
          run <- askRunBase
          liftIO $ runConcurrently $
            Concurrently fillQueue *>
              sequence_ (asList $ replicate threads
                          (Concurrently (run $ srcQueue $$ mapM_C (go input name))))
    runResourceT $ do
        ((), _, hoogles) <- runRWSIORefT inner (env, bucket) mempty

        lbs <- liftIO $ fmap Tar.write $ mapM toEntry $ toList hoogles
        flip runReaderT (env, bucket) $ do
            upload' True (name ++ "/hoogle/orig.tar") $ sourceLazy lbs
            upload' False (name ++ "/bundle.tar.xz") $ sourceFile bundleFile

-- | Create a TAR entry for each Hoogle txt file. Unfortunately doesn't stream.
toEntry :: FilePath -> IO Tar.Entry
toEntry fp = do
    tp <- either error return $ Tar.toTarPath False $ F.encodeString $ F.filename $ fromString fp
    Tar.packFileEntry fp tp

upload' :: (MonadResource m, MonadReader (Env, Text) m)
        => Bool -- ^ compress?
        -> Text -- ^ S3 key
        -> Source (ResourceT IO) ByteString
        -> m ()
upload' toCompress name src = do
    (env, bucket) <- ask
    let loop i = do
            eres <- liftResourceT $ tryAny $ src $$ upload toCompress env bucket name
            case eres of
                Left e
                    | i > maxAttempts -> throwIO e
                    | otherwise -> do
                        putStrLn $ concat
                            [ "Exception ("
                            , tshow i
                            , "/"
                            , tshow maxAttempts
                            , "), retrying: "
                            , tshow e
                        liftIO $ threadDelay $ 2000000 * i
                        loop $! i + 1
                Right () -> return ()
    loop 1
    maxAttempts = 20

isHoogleFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
isHoogleFile input fp' = fromMaybe False $ do
    fp <- F.stripPrefix (fromString input F.</> "") (fromString fp')
    [dir, name] <- Just $ F.splitDirectories fp
    pkgver <- stripSuffix "/" $ pack $ F.encodeString dir
    (pack . F.encodeString -> pkg, ["txt"]) <- Just $ F.splitExtensions name
    PackageIdentifier pkg1 _ver <- simpleParse pkgver
    pkg2 <- simpleParse pkg
    return $ pkg1 == pkg2

go :: M m
   => FilePath -- ^ prefix for all input
   -> Text -- ^ upload name
   -> FilePath -- ^ current file
   -> m ()
go input name fp
    | isHoogleFile input fp = tell $! singletonSet fp
    | F.hasExtension (fromString fp) "html" = do
        doc <- sourceFile fp
            $= eventConduit
            $= (do
                    yield (Nothing, EventBeginDoctype "html" Nothing)
                    yield (Nothing, EventEndDoctype)
                    mapMC $ \e -> do
                        e' <- goEvent fp toRoot packageUrl e
                        return (Nothing, e')
            $$ fromEvents

        -- Sink to a Document and then use blaze-html to render to avoid using
        -- XML rendering rules (e.g., empty elements)
        upload' True key $ sourceLazy (renderHtml $ toHtml doc)
    | any (F.hasExtension $ fromString fp) $ words "css js png gif" = void $ getName fp
    | otherwise = upload' True key $ sourceFile fp
    Just suffix = F.stripPrefix (fromString input F.</> "") (fromString fp)
    toRoot = concat $ asList $ replicate (length $ F.splitDirectories suffix) $ asText "../"
    key = name ++ "/" ++ pack (F.encodeString suffix)
    packageUrl = concat
        [ "https://www.stackage.org/"
        , name
        , "/package/"
        , takeWhile (/= '/') $ pack $ F.encodeString suffix

goEvent :: M m
        => FilePath -- HTML file path
        -> Text -- ^ relative prefix to root
        -> Text -- ^ package base page
        -> Event
        -> m Event
goEvent htmlfp toRoot packageUrl (EventBeginElement name attrs) =
    EventBeginElement name <$> mapM (goAttr htmlfp toRoot packageUrl) attrs
goEvent _ _ _ e = return e

goAttr :: M m
       => FilePath -- ^ HTML file path
       -> Text -- ^ relative prefix to root
       -> Text -- ^ package base page
       -> (Name, [Content])
       -> m (Name, [Content])
goAttr htmlfp toRoot packageUrl pair@(name, [ContentText value])
    | name == "href" && value == "index.html" = return ("href", [ContentText packageUrl])
    | isRef name && not (".html" `isSuffixOf` value) = do
        let fp = FP.takeDirectory htmlfp </> unpack value
        exists <- liftIO $ F.isFile $ fromString fp
        if exists
            then do
                x <- getName fp
                return (name, [ContentText $ toRoot ++ x])
            else return pair
goAttr _ _ _ pair = return pair

isRef :: Name -> Bool
isRef "href" = True
isRef "src" = True
isRef _ = False

type M m = ( MonadRWS (Env, Text) (Set FilePath) (Map FilePath Text, Set Text) m
           , MonadResource m
           , MonadBaseUnlift IO m

getName :: M m => FilePath -> m Text
getName src = do
    (m, _) <- get
    case lookup src m of
        Just x -> return x
        Nothing -> do
            x <- toHash src
            modify $ \(m', s) -> (insertMap src x m', s)
            return x

toHash :: M m => FilePath -> m Text
toHash src = do
    (digest, lbs) <- sourceFile src $$ sink
    let hash' = unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ asByteString $ convertToBase Base16 (digest :: Digest SHA256)
        name = pack $ F.encodeString $ F.addExtensions (fromString $ "byhash" </> hash') (F.extensions $ fromString src)
    (m, s) <- get
    unless (name `member` s) $ do
        put (m, insertSet name s)
        upload' True name $ sourceLazy lbs
    return name
    sink = getZipSink $ (,)
        <$> ZipSink sinkHash
        <*> ZipSink sinkLazy

type Setter s a = (a -> Identity a) -> s -> Identity s

set :: Setter s a -> a -> s -> s
set l a s = runIdentity $ l (const $ Identity a) s