module Stackage.Update ( stackageUpdate , StackageUpdateSettings , defaultStackageUpdateSettings ) where import Control.Exception (IOException, try) import Control.Monad (when) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, findExecutable, getAppUserDataDirectory, removeFile) import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitSuccess), exitWith) import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import System.Process (createProcess, cwd, proc, waitForProcess) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) -- | Settings for controlling the update process. -- -- Use 'defaultStackageUpdateSettings' to create a value of this type. -- -- Since data StackageUpdateSettings = StackageUpdateSettings -- | Default settings for the update process. -- -- Since defaultStackageUpdateSettings :: StackageUpdateSettings defaultStackageUpdateSettings = StackageUpdateSettings -- | Perform an update from the Git repository stackageUpdate :: StackageUpdateSettings -> IO () stackageUpdate StackageUpdateSettings = do mgit <- findExecutable "git" git <- case mgit of Just git -> return git Nothing -> error "Please install git and provide the executable on your PATH" suDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "stackage-update" let acfDir = suDir "all-cabal-files" repoExists <- doesDirectoryExist acfDir if repoExists then runIn suDir acfDir "git" ["fetch"] else runIn suDir suDir "git" [ "clone", "" , "-b", "display" -- avoid checking out a lot of files , "--depth", "1" , "--no-single-branch" ] cabalDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal" let hackageDir = cabalDir "packages" "" createDirectoryIfMissing True hackageDir let tarFile = hackageDir "00-index.tar" gzFile = tarFile <.> "gz" _ <- tryIO $ removeFile tarFile runIn suDir acfDir "git" ["archive", "--format=tar", "-o", tarFile, "origin/hackage"] tryIO :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a) tryIO = try runIn :: FilePath -- ^ su directory -> FilePath -- ^ directory -> FilePath -- ^ command -> [String] -- ^ command line arguments -> IO () runIn suDir dir cmd args = do createDirectoryIfMissing True dir (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, ph) <- createProcess (proc cmd args) { cwd = Just dir } ec <- waitForProcess ph when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ concat [ "Exit code " , show ec , " while running " , show (cmd:args) , " in " , dir ] hPutStrLn stderr $ concat [ "If the problem persists, please delete the following directory " , "and try again" ] hPutStrLn stderr suDir exitWith ec