{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Provide ability to upload tarballs to Hackage. module Stackage.Upload ( -- * Upload mkUploader , Uploader , upload , UploadSettings , defaultUploadSettings , setUploadUrl , setGetManager , setCredsSource , setSaveCreds -- * Credentials , HackageCreds , loadCreds , saveCreds , FromFile -- ** Credentials source , HackageCredsSource , fromAnywhere , fromPrompt , fromFile , fromMemory ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Exception (bracket) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), eitherDecode', encode, object, withObject, (.:), (.=)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Network.HTTP.Client (BodyReader, Manager, Response, applyBasicAuth, brRead, checkStatus, newManager, parseUrl, requestHeaders, responseBody, responseStatus, withResponse) import Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData (formDataBody, partFile) import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings) import Network.HTTP.Types (statusCode) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, getAppUserDataDirectory, removeFile) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (hFlush, hGetEcho, hSetEcho, stdin, stdout) -- | Username and password to log into Hackage. -- -- Since data HackageCreds = HackageCreds { hcUsername :: !Text , hcPassword :: !Text } deriving Show instance ToJSON HackageCreds where toJSON (HackageCreds u p) = object [ "username" .= u , "password" .= p ] instance FromJSON HackageCreds where parseJSON = withObject "HackageCreds" $ \o -> HackageCreds <$> o .: "username" <*> o .: "password" -- | A source for getting Hackage credentials. -- -- Since newtype HackageCredsSource = HackageCredsSource { getCreds :: IO (HackageCreds, FromFile) } -- | Whether the Hackage credentials were loaded from a file. -- -- This information is useful since, typically, you only want to save the -- credentials to a file if it wasn't already loaded from there. -- -- Since type FromFile = Bool -- | Load Hackage credentials from the given source. -- -- Since loadCreds :: HackageCredsSource -> IO (HackageCreds, FromFile) loadCreds = getCreds -- | Save the given credentials to the credentials file. -- -- Since saveCreds :: HackageCreds -> IO () saveCreds creds = do fp <- credsFile L.writeFile fp $ encode creds -- | Load the Hackage credentials from the prompt, asking the user to type them -- in. -- -- Since fromPrompt :: HackageCredsSource fromPrompt = HackageCredsSource $ do putStr "Hackage username: " hFlush stdout username <- TIO.getLine password <- promptPassword return (HackageCreds { hcUsername = username , hcPassword = password }, False) credsFile :: IO FilePath credsFile = do dir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "stackage-upload" createDirectoryIfMissing True dir return $ dir "credentials.json" -- | Load the Hackage credentials from the JSON config file. -- -- Since fromFile :: HackageCredsSource fromFile = HackageCredsSource $ do fp <- credsFile lbs <- L.readFile fp case eitherDecode' lbs of Left e -> E.throwIO $ Couldn'tParseJSON fp e Right creds -> return (creds, True) -- | Load the Hackage credentials from the given arguments. -- -- Since fromMemory :: Text -> Text -> HackageCredsSource fromMemory u p = HackageCredsSource $ return (HackageCreds { hcUsername = u , hcPassword = p }, False) data HackageCredsExceptions = Couldn'tParseJSON FilePath String deriving (Show, Typeable) instance E.Exception HackageCredsExceptions -- | Try to load the credentials from the config file. If that fails, ask the -- user to enter them. -- -- Since fromAnywhere = HackageCredsSource $ getCreds fromFile `E.catches` [ E.Handler $ \(_ :: E.IOException) -> getCreds fromPrompt , E.Handler $ \(_ :: HackageCredsExceptions) -> getCreds fromPrompt ] -- | Lifted from cabal-install, Distribution.Client.Upload promptPassword :: IO Text promptPassword = do putStr "Hackage password: " hFlush stdout -- save/restore the terminal echoing status passwd <- bracket (hGetEcho stdin) (hSetEcho stdin) $ \_ -> do hSetEcho stdin False -- no echoing for entering the password fmap T.pack getLine putStrLn "" return passwd -- | Turn the given settings into an @Uploader@. -- -- Since mkUploader :: UploadSettings -> IO Uploader mkUploader us = do manager <- usGetManager us (creds, fromFile) <- loadCreds $ usCredsSource us when (not fromFile && usSaveCreds us) $ saveCreds creds req0 <- parseUrl $ usUploadUrl us let req1 = req0 { requestHeaders = [("Accept", "text/plain")] , checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing } return Uploader { upload_ = \fp -> do let formData = [partFile "package" fp] req2 <- formDataBody formData req1 let req3 = applyBasicAuth (encodeUtf8 $ hcUsername creds) (encodeUtf8 $ hcPassword creds) req2 putStr $ "Uploading " ++ fp ++ "... " hFlush stdout withResponse req3 manager $ \res -> case statusCode $ responseStatus res of 200 -> putStrLn "done!" 401 -> do putStrLn "authentication failure" cfp <- credsFile handleIO (const $ return ()) (removeFile cfp) error $ "Authentication failure uploading to server" 403 -> do putStrLn "forbidden upload" putStrLn "Usually means: you've already uploaded this package/version combination" putStrLn "Ignoring error and continuing, full message from Hackage below:\n" printBody res 503 -> do putStrLn "service unavailable" putStrLn "This error some times gets sent even though the upload succeeded" putStrLn "Check on Hackage to see if your pacakge is present" printBody res code -> do putStrLn $ "unhandled status code: " ++ show code printBody res error $ "Upload failed on " ++ fp } printBody :: Response BodyReader -> IO () printBody res = loop where loop = do bs <- brRead $ responseBody res when (not $ S.null bs) $ do S.hPut stdout bs loop -- | The computed value from a @UploadSettings@. -- -- Typically, you want to use this with 'upload'. -- -- Since data Uploader = Uploader { upload_ :: !(FilePath -> IO ()) } -- | Upload a single tarball with the given @Uploader@. -- -- Since upload :: Uploader -> FilePath -> IO () upload = upload_ -- | Settings for creating an @Uploader@. -- -- Since data UploadSettings = UploadSettings { usUploadUrl :: !String , usGetManager :: !(IO Manager) , usCredsSource :: !HackageCredsSource , usSaveCreds :: !Bool } -- | Default value for @UploadSettings@. -- -- Use setter functions to change defaults. -- -- Since defaultUploadSettings :: UploadSettings defaultUploadSettings = UploadSettings { usUploadUrl = "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/" , usGetManager = newManager tlsManagerSettings , usCredsSource = fromAnywhere , usSaveCreds = True } -- | Change the upload URL. -- -- Default: "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/" -- -- Since setUploadUrl :: String -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings setUploadUrl x us = us { usUploadUrl = x } -- | How to get an HTTP connection manager. -- -- Default: @newManager tlsManagerSettings@ -- -- Since setGetManager :: IO Manager -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings setGetManager x us = us { usGetManager = x } -- | How to get the Hackage credentials. -- -- Default: @fromAnywhere@ -- -- Since setCredsSource :: HackageCredsSource -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings setCredsSource x us = us { usCredsSource = x } -- | Save new credentials to the config file. -- -- Default: @True@ -- -- Since setSaveCreds :: Bool -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings setSaveCreds x us = us { usSaveCreds = x } handleIO :: (E.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a handleIO = E.handle