module Runner ( run ) where import Control.Lens import Data.Foldable as F import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromStack import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromStack.Package import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.Hackage as DB import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.PackageSourceSpec (loadHackageDB) import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.Stack import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.Stack.PrettyPrinting as PP import Distribution.Version (Version) import Distribution.Compiler (AbiTag(..), unknownCompilerInfo) import Distribution.Package (PackageName, mkPackageName, pkgName) import Distribution.Text as Text (display) import Language.Nix as Nix import Options.Applicative import Paths_stackage2nix ( version ) import Runner.Cli import Stack.Config import Stack.Types import Stackage.Types import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..), hPutStrLn) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass (Doc, render) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified LtsHaskell as LH run :: IO () run = do opts <- execParser pinfo hackageDb <- loadHackageDB (opts ^. optHackageDb) Nothing let -- With optparse-applicative it seems there's no way to make -- 'StackageOptions' optional for Stackage override and required in -- other cases missingErr = error . ("Missing required parameter: " <>) sopts = StackageOptions (fromMaybe (missingErr "--all-cabal-hashes") (opts ^. optAllCabalHashesRepo) ) (fromMaybe (missingErr "--lts-haskell") (opts ^. optLtsHaskellRepo)) case opts ^. optConfigOrigin of -- Generate Stackage packages from stack.yaml resolver OriginStackYaml stackYaml buildTarget -> do stackConf <- either fail pure =<< readStackConfig stackYaml let stackResolver = stackConf ^. scResolver stackPackagesConfig = mkStackPackagesConfig opts stackConfPackages <- traverse (fmap mkNode . packageDerivation stackPackagesConfig hackageDb) $ stackConf ^. scPackages stackConfExtraDeps <- traverse (fmap mkNode . packageDerivation stackPackagesConfig hackageDb) $ stackConf ^. scExtraDeps let stackConfAllPackages = maybe stackConfPackages ((<>) stackConfPackages) $ NE.nonEmpty stackConfExtraDeps case buildTarget of TargetStackageClosure -> do (buildPlanFile, buildPlan, packageSetConfig) <- loadStackageBuildPlan hackageDb stackResolver opts sopts let overrideConfig = mkOverrideConfig opts (siGhcVersion $ bpSystemInfo buildPlan) stackageSetConfig = if opts ^. optTweaks . tExtraDepsRevisionLatest then extraDepsLatestConfig stackConfAllPackages packageSetConfig else packageSetConfig stackagePackages <- buildStackagePackages stackageSetConfig buildPlan let reachable = reachableDeps stackConfAllPackages -- Nixpkgs generic-builder puts hscolour on path for all libraries withHscolour pkgs = let hscolour = F.find ((== "hscolour") . nodeName) stackagePackages in maybe pkgs (`Set.insert` pkgs) hscolour -- Find all reachable dependencies in stackage set to stick into -- stackage packages file. This is performed on the full stackage -- set rather than pruning stackage packages beforehand because -- stackage does not concern itself with build tools while cabal2nix -- does: pruning only after generating full set of packages allows -- us to make sure all those extra dependencies are explicitly -- listed as well. nodes = Set.toAscList $ withHscolour $ flip reachableDependencies stackagePackages -- Originally reachable nodes are root nodes $ L.filter (\n -> mkPackageName (nodeName n) `Set.member` reachable) stackagePackages writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackagePackages) $ pPrintOutPackages (view nodeDerivation <$> nodes) writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackageConfig) $ pPrintOutConfig (bpSystemInfo buildPlan) nodes writeOutFile (stackYaml ^. syFilePath) (opts ^. optOutDerivation) $ PP.overrideHaskellPackages overrideConfig (view nodeDerivation <$> stackConfAllPackages) TargetStackagePackages -> do (buildPlanFile, buildPlan, packageSetConfig) <- loadStackageBuildPlan hackageDb stackResolver opts sopts let overrideConfig = mkOverrideConfig opts (siGhcVersion $ bpSystemInfo buildPlan) stackageSetConfig = if opts ^. optTweaks . tExtraDepsRevisionLatest then extraDepsLatestConfig stackConfAllPackages packageSetConfig else packageSetConfig -- stackageLoader mHash pkgId = -- if pkgName pkgId `Set.member` reachable -- then packageLoader packageSetConfig Nothing pkgId -- else packageLoader packageSetConfig mHash pkgId -- stackageSetConfig = packageSetConfig { packageLoader = stackageLoader } nodes <- buildStackagePackages stackageSetConfig buildPlan writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackagePackages) $ pPrintOutPackages (view nodeDerivation <$> nodes) writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackageConfig) $ pPrintOutConfig (bpSystemInfo buildPlan) nodes writeOutFile (stackYaml ^. syFilePath) (opts ^. optOutDerivation) $ PP.overrideHaskellPackages overrideConfig (view nodeDerivation <$> stackConfAllPackages) TargetStackageOverride -> do writeOutFile (stackYaml ^. syFilePath) (opts ^. optOutDerivation) $ PP.overrideStackage (stackConf ^. scResolver) (opts ^. optNixpkgsRepository) (view nodeDerivation <$> stackConfAllPackages) writeOutFile (stackYaml ^. syFilePath) (opts ^. optOutStackYamlPackages) $ PP.stackYamlPackages (view nodeDerivation <$> stackConfPackages) -- Generate Stackage packages from resolver OriginResolver stackResolver -> do (buildPlanFile, buildPlan, packageSetConfig) <- loadStackageBuildPlan hackageDb stackResolver opts sopts nodes <- buildStackagePackages packageSetConfig buildPlan let overrideConfig = mkOverrideConfig opts (siGhcVersion $ bpSystemInfo buildPlan) writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackagePackages) $ pPrintOutPackages (view nodeDerivation <$> nodes) writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutStackageConfig) $ pPrintOutConfig (bpSystemInfo buildPlan) nodes writeOutFile buildPlanFile (opts ^. optOutDerivation) $ PP.pPrintHaskellPackages overrideConfig loadStackageBuildPlan :: DB.HackageDB -> StackResolver -> Options -> StackageOptions -> IO (FilePath, BuildPlan, PackageSetConfig) loadStackageBuildPlan hackageDb stackResolver opts sopts = do let buildPlanFile = LH.buildPlanFilePath (sopts ^. soptLtsHaskellRepo) stackResolver buildPlan <- LH.loadBuildPlan buildPlanFile packageSetConfig <- LH.buildPackageSetConfig hackageDb (sopts ^. soptAllCabalHashesRepo) (opts ^. optNixpkgsRepository) buildPlan return (buildPlanFile, buildPlan, packageSetConfig) buildStackagePackages :: PackageSetConfig -> BuildPlan -> IO [Node] buildStackagePackages packageSetConfig buildPlan = do let stackagePackageConfig = PackageConfig { enableCheck = True , enableHaddock = True } traverse (uncurry (buildNode packageSetConfig stackagePackageConfig)) $ Map.toAscList (bpPackages buildPlan) reachableDeps :: Traversable t => t Node -> Set.Set PackageName reachableDeps = mkPackageName . F.foldr1 Set.union . fmap nodeDepends -- Return 'PackageSetConfig' with package loader that loads latest Hackage -- revison for direct (reachable) dependencies of input packages extraDepsLatestConfig :: Traversable t => t Node -> PackageSetConfig -> PackageSetConfig extraDepsLatestConfig packages packageSetConfig = let reachable = reachableDeps packages stackageLoader mHash pkgId = if pkgName pkgId `Set.member` reachable then packageLoader packageSetConfig Nothing pkgId else packageLoader packageSetConfig mHash pkgId in packageSetConfig { packageLoader = stackageLoader } writeOutFile :: Show source => source -> FilePath -> Doc -> IO () writeOutFile source filePath contents = withFile filePath WriteMode $ \h -> do hPutStrLn h ("# Generated by stackage2nix " ++ Text.display version ++ " from " ++ show source) hPutStrLn h $ render contents mkOverrideConfig :: Options -> Version -> OverrideConfig mkOverrideConfig opts ghcVersion = OverrideConfig { _ocGhc = ghcVersion , _ocStackagePackages = opts ^. optOutStackagePackages , _ocStackageConfig = opts ^. optOutStackageConfig , _ocNixpkgs = opts ^. optNixpkgsRepository } mkStackPackagesConfig :: Options -> StackPackagesConfig mkStackPackagesConfig opts = StackPackagesConfig { _spcHaskellResolver = const True , _spcNixpkgsResolver = \i -> Just (Nix.binding # (i, Nix.path # [i])) , _spcTargetPlatform = opts ^. optPlatform , _spcTargetCompiler = unknownCompilerInfo (opts ^. optCompilerId) NoAbiTag , _spcFlagAssignment = [] , _spcDoCheckPackages = opts ^. optDoCheckPackages , _spcDoHaddockPackages = opts ^. optDoHaddockPackages }