# 0.7.2 - Build with ghc-8.4 - Drop compatibility with Cabal<2.2 - Don't check extra-deps when generating derivation from stack.yaml # 0.7.1 - Generate stack packages `stack-yaml-packages.nix` # 0.7.0 - Add compatibility with nixos-18.03 - Drop compatibility with nixos-17-09 - Add partial support for new stack extra-deps syntax. https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/#packages-and-extra-deps Supported same syntax for packages and extra-deps sections # 0.6.1 - Pass extra `buildHaskellPackages` argument to `makePackageSet` function # 0.6.0 - Replace call to `` in generated Haskell packages with `makePackageSet` library function # 0.5.0 - Add `--with-stackage` and `--with-stackage-closure` flag generates stackage - Add `--extra-deps-revision-latest` flag. Changes generation strategy for the direct dependencies of the stack.yaml extra-deps. Default strategy is to generate exact revision defined in the Stackage config. With this flag enabled, direct dependencies of the stack.yaml extra-deps will be generated with latest revision available on Hackage. This may help when Cabal fails to resolve dependencies of extra-deps, and dependences are fixed in the latest revision - Upd by default stackage2nix generates override of pre-generated Stackage packages set. - Upd generated Stackage packages with `doCheck` and `runHaddock` enabled by default - Remove `--do-check-stackage` flag (enabled by default) - Remove `--do-haddock-stackage` flag (enabled by default) - Remove `--no-packages-closure` flag (use `--with-stackage-closure`) - Remove `cabal2nix < 2.7.2` support #45 # 0.4.0 - Add `--resolver` option to generate full stackage packages set - Add Nix wrapper, see `nix/README.md` - Upd support cabal2nix >2.5 - Fix honor `--hackage-db` flag # 0.3.0 - Initial Hackage release - Add CHANGELOG.md