{- | Copyright: (c) 2020 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik Main running module. -} module Stan ( run -- ** Internal , createCabalExtensionsMap ) where import Colourista (errorMessage, formatWith, infoMessage, italic, successMessage, warningMessage) import Data.Aeson.Micro (encode) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.FilePath (takeFileName) import Trial (Trial (..), prettyTaggedTrial, prettyTrial, prettyTrialWith, trialToMaybe, whenResult_) import Stan.Analysis (Analysis (..), runAnalysis) import Stan.Analysis.Pretty (prettyShowAnalysis) import Stan.Browse (openBrowser) import Stan.Cabal (createCabalExtensionsMap, usedCabalFiles) import Stan.Cli (CliToTomlArgs (..), InspectionArgs (..), ReportArgs (..), StanArgs (..), StanCommand (..), TomlToCliArgs (..), runStanCli) import Stan.Config (ConfigP (..), applyConfig, configToCliCommand, defaultConfig, finaliseConfig) import Stan.Config.Pretty (prettyConfigCli) import Stan.Core.Id (Id (..)) import Stan.EnvVars (EnvVars (..), envVarsToText, getEnvVars) import Stan.Hie (readHieFiles) import Stan.Hie.Compat (HieFile (..)) import Stan.Info (ProjectInfo (..), StanEnv (..)) import Stan.Inspection (Inspection (..), inspectionsMd, prettyShowInspection, prettyShowInspectionShort) import Stan.Inspection.All (getInspectionById, inspections, lookupInspectionById) import Stan.Observation (Observation (..), prettyShowIgnoredObservations) import Stan.Report (generateReport) import Stan.Severity (Severity (Error)) import Stan.Toml (configCodec, getTomlConfig, usedTomlFiles) import qualified Toml run :: IO () run = runStanCli >>= \case Stan stanArgs -> runStan stanArgs StanInspection inspectionArgs -> runInspection inspectionArgs StanTomlToCli tomlToCliArgs -> runTomlToCli tomlToCliArgs StanCliToToml cliToTomlArgs -> runCliToToml cliToTomlArgs StanInspectionsToMd -> putTextLn $ inspectionsMd inspections runStan :: StanArgs -> IO () runStan StanArgs{..} = do let notJson = not stanArgsJsonOut -- ENV vars env@EnvVars{..} <- getEnvVars let defConfTrial = envVarsUseDefaultConfigFile <> stanArgsUseDefaultConfigFile when notJson $ do infoMessage "Checking environment variables and CLI arguments for default configurations file usage..." putTextLn $ indent $ prettyTaggedTrial defConfTrial let useDefConfig = maybe True snd (trialToMaybe defConfTrial) -- config tomlConfig <- getTomlConfig notJson useDefConfig stanArgsConfigFile let configTrial = finaliseConfig $ defaultConfig <> tomlConfig <> stanArgsConfig when notJson $ do infoMessage "The following Configurations are used:\n" putTextLn $ indent $ prettyTrialWith (toString . prettyConfigCli) configTrial whenResult_ configTrial $ \warnings config -> do hieFiles <- readHieFiles stanArgsHiedir -- create cabal default extensions map cabalExtensionsMap <- createCabalExtensionsMap notJson stanArgsCabalFilePath hieFiles -- get checks for each file let checksMap = applyConfig (map hie_hs_file hieFiles) config let analysis = runAnalysis cabalExtensionsMap checksMap (configIgnored config) hieFiles -- show what observations are ignored when notJson $ putText $ indent $ prettyShowIgnoredObservations (configIgnored config) (analysisIgnoredObservations analysis) -- show the result let observations = analysisObservations analysis let isNullObs = null observations if notJson then do if isNullObs then successMessage "All clean! Stan did not find any observations at the moment." else warningMessage "Stan found the following observations for the project:\n" putTextLn $ prettyShowAnalysis analysis stanArgsOutputSettings else putLBSLn $ encode analysis -- report generation whenJust stanArgsReport $ \ReportArgs{..} -> do -- Project Info piName <- takeFileName <$> getCurrentDirectory piCabalFiles <- usedCabalFiles stanArgsCabalFilePath let piHieDir = stanArgsHiedir let piFileNumber = length hieFiles -- Stan Env Info seCliArgs <- getArgs seTomlFiles <- usedTomlFiles useDefConfig stanArgsConfigFile let stanEnv = StanEnv { seEnvVars = envVarsToText env , .. } generateReport analysis config warnings stanEnv ProjectInfo{..} when notJson $ infoMessage "Report is generated here -> stan.html" when reportArgsBrowse $ openBrowser "stan.html" -- decide on exit status when ( not isNullObs && any ((>= Error) . getObservationSeverity) observations ) exitFailure where getObservationSeverity :: Observation -> Severity getObservationSeverity = inspectionSeverity . getInspectionById . observationInspectionId indent :: Text -> Text indent = unlines . map (" " <>) . lines runInspection :: InspectionArgs -> IO () runInspection InspectionArgs{..} = case inspectionArgsId of Nothing -> for_ inspections (putTextLn . prettyShowInspectionShort) Just insId -> case lookupInspectionById insId of Just ins -> putTextLn $ prettyShowInspection ins Nothing -> do errorMessage $ "Inspection with such ID does not exist: " <> unId insId putTextLn $ " 💡 " <> formatWith [italic] "Use 'stan inspection' to see the list of all available inspections." runTomlToCli :: TomlToCliArgs -> IO () runTomlToCli TomlToCliArgs{..} = do let useDefConfig = isNothing tomlToCliArgsFilePath partialConfig <- getTomlConfig True useDefConfig tomlToCliArgsFilePath case finaliseConfig partialConfig of Result _ res -> putTextLn $ configToCliCommand res fiasco -> do errorMessage "Could not get Configurations:" putTextLn $ prettyTrial fiasco runCliToToml :: CliToTomlArgs -> IO () runCliToToml CliToTomlArgs{..} = do let toml = Toml.encode configCodec cliToTomlArgsConfig case cliToTomlArgsFilePath of Nothing -> do putTextLn toml infoMessage "Copy-paste the above TOML into .stan.toml and stan will pick up this file on the next run" Just path -> do isFile <- doesFileExist path if isFile then errorMessage $ "Aborting writing to file because it already exists: " <> toText path else do writeFileText path toml infoMessage $ "TOML configuration is written to file: " <> toText path