-- |
-- Module    : Statistics.Test.MannWhitneyU
-- Copyright : (c) 2010 Neil Brown
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Mann-Whitney U test (also know as Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon and
-- Wilcoxon rank sum test) is a non-parametric test for assesing
-- whether two samples of independent observations have different
-- mean.
module Statistics.Test.MannWhitneyU (
    -- * Mann-Whitney U test
  , mannWhitneyU
  , mannWhitneyUCriticalValue
  , mannWhitneyUSignificant
    -- ** Wilcoxon rank sum test
  , wilcoxonRankSums
    -- * Data types
  , TestType(..)
  , TestResult(..)
    -- * References
    -- $references
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List           (findIndex)
import Data.Ord            (comparing)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U

import Numeric.SpecFunctions          (choose)

import Statistics.Distribution        (quantile)
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal (standard)
import Statistics.Types               (Sample)
import Statistics.Function            (sortBy)
import Statistics.Test.Types
import Statistics.Test.Internal

-- | The Wilcoxon Rank Sums Test.
-- This test calculates the sum of ranks for the given two samples.  The samples
-- are ordered, and assigned ranks (ties are given their average rank), then these
-- ranks are summed for each sample.
-- The return value is (W&#8321;, W&#8322;) where W&#8321; is the sum of ranks of the first sample
-- and W&#8322; is the sum of ranks of the second sample.  This test is trivially transformed
-- into the Mann-Whitney U test.  You will probably want to use 'mannWhitneyU'
-- and the related functions for testing significance, but this function is exposed
-- for completeness.
wilcoxonRankSums :: Sample -> Sample -> (Double, Double)
wilcoxonRankSums xs1 xs2 = ( U.sum ranks1 , U.sum ranks2
    -- Ranks for each sample
    (ranks1,ranks2) = splitByTags $ U.zip tags (rank (==) joinSample)
    -- Sorted and tagged sample
    (tags,joinSample) = U.unzip
                      $ sortBy (comparing snd)
                      $ tagSample True xs1 U.++ tagSample False xs2
    -- Add tag to a sample
    tagSample t = U.map ((,) t)

-- | The Mann-Whitney U Test.
-- This is sometimes known as the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test, and
-- confusingly many sources state that the Mann-Whitney U test is the same as
-- the Wilcoxon's rank sum test (which is provided as 'wilcoxonRankSums').
-- The Mann-Whitney U is a simple transform of Wilcoxon's rank sum test.
-- Again confusingly, different sources state reversed definitions for U&#8321;
-- and U&#8322;, so it is worth being explicit about what this function returns.
-- Given two samples, the first, xs&#8321;, of size n&#8321; and the second, xs&#8322;,
-- of size n&#8322;, this function returns (U&#8321;, U&#8322;)
-- where U&#8321; = W&#8321; - (n&#8321;(n&#8321;+1))\/2
-- and U&#8322; = W&#8322; - (n&#8322;(n&#8322;+1))\/2,
-- where (W&#8321;, W&#8322;) is the return value of @wilcoxonRankSums xs1 xs2@.
-- Some sources instead state that U&#8321; and U&#8322; should be the other way round, often
-- expressing this using U&#8321;' = n&#8321;n&#8322; - U&#8321; (since U&#8321; + U&#8322; = n&#8321;n&#8322;).
-- All of which you probably don't care about if you just feed this into 'mannWhitneyUSignificant'.
mannWhitneyU :: Sample -> Sample -> (Double, Double)
mannWhitneyU xs1 xs2
  = (fst summedRanks - (n1*(n1 + 1))/2
    ,snd summedRanks - (n2*(n2 + 1))/2)
    n1 = fromIntegral $ U.length xs1
    n2 = fromIntegral $ U.length xs2

    summedRanks = wilcoxonRankSums xs1 xs2

-- | Calculates the critical value of Mann-Whitney U for the given sample
-- sizes and significance level.
-- This function returns the exact calculated value of U for all sample sizes;
-- it does not use the normal approximation at all.  Above sample size 20 it is
-- generally recommended to use the normal approximation instead, but this function
-- will calculate the higher critical values if you need them.
-- The algorithm to generate these values is a faster, memoised version of the
-- simple unoptimised generating function given in section 2 of \"The Mann Whitney
-- Wilcoxon Distribution Using Linked Lists\"
mannWhitneyUCriticalValue :: (Int, Int) -- ^ The sample size
                          -> Double     -- ^ The p-value (e.g. 0.05) for which you want the critical value.
                          -> Maybe Int  -- ^ The critical value (of U).
mannWhitneyUCriticalValue (m, n) p
  | m < 1 || n < 1 = Nothing    -- Sample must be nonempty
  | p  >= 1        = Nothing    -- Nonsensical p-value
  | p' <= 1        = Nothing    -- p-value is too small. Null hypothesys couln't be disproved
  | otherwise      = findIndex (>= p')
                   $ take (m*n)
                   $ tail
                   $ alookup !! (m+n-2) !! (min m n - 1)
    mnCn = (m+n) `choose` n
    p'   = mnCn * p

-- Original function, without memoisation, from Cheung and Klotz:
-- Double is needed to avoid integer overflows.
a :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Double
a u bigN m
  | u < 0            = 0
  | u >= m * n       = bigN `choose` m
  | m == 1 || n == 1 = fromIntegral (u + 1)
  | otherwise        = a  u      (bigN - 1)  m
                     + a (u - n) (bigN - 1) (m-1)
    n = bigN - m

-- Memoised version of the original a function, above. 
-- Doubles are stored to avoid integer overflow. 32-bit Ints begin to
-- overflow for bigN as small as 33 (64-bit one at 66) while Double to
-- go to infinity till bigN=1029
-- outer list is indexed by big N - 2
-- inner list by (m-1) (we know m < bigN)
-- innermost list by u
-- So: (alookup !! (bigN - 2) !! (m - 1) ! u) == a u bigN m
alookup :: [[[Double]]]
alookup = gen 2 [1 : repeat 2]
    gen bigN predBigNList
       = let bigNlist = [ [ amemoed u m
                          | u <- [0 .. m*(bigN-m)]
                          ] ++ repeat (bigN `choose` m)
                        | m <- [1 .. (bigN-1)]] -- has bigN-1 elements
         in bigNlist : gen (bigN+1) bigNlist
        amemoed :: Int -> Int -> Double
        amemoed u m
          | m == 1 || n == 1 = fromIntegral (u + 1)
          | otherwise        = mList !! u
                             + if u < n then 0 else predmList !! (u-n)
            n = bigN - m
            (predmList : mList : _) = drop (m-2) predBigNList
            -- Lists for m-1 and m respectively. i-th list correspond to m=i+1
            -- We know that predBigNList has bigN - 2 elements
            -- (and we know that n > 1 therefore bigN > m + 1)
            -- So bigN - 2 >= m, i.e. predBigNList must have at least m elements
            -- elements, so dropping (m-2) must leave at least 2

-- | Calculates whether the Mann Whitney U test is significant.
-- If both sample sizes are less than or equal to 20, the exact U critical value
-- (as calculated by 'mannWhitneyUCriticalValue') is used.  If either sample is
-- larger than 20, the normal approximation is used instead.
-- If you use a one-tailed test, the test indicates whether the first sample is
-- significantly larger than the second.  If you want the opposite, simply reverse
-- the order in both the sample size and the (U&#8321;, U&#8322;) pairs.
mannWhitneyUSignificant ::
     TestType         -- ^ Perform one-tailed test (see description above).
  -> (Int, Int)       -- ^ The samples' size from which the (U&#8321;,U&#8322;) values were derived.
  -> Double           -- ^ The p-value at which to test (e.g. 0.05)
  -> (Double, Double) -- ^ The (U&#8321;, U&#8322;) values from 'mannWhitneyU'.
  -> Maybe TestResult -- ^ Return 'Nothing' if the sample was too
                      --   small to make a decision.
mannWhitneyUSignificant test (in1, in2) p (u1, u2)
   --Use normal approximation
  | in1 > 20 || in2 > 20 =
    let mean  = n1 * n2 / 2
        sigma = sqrt $ n1*n2*(n1 + n2 + 1) / 12
        z     = (mean - u1) / sigma
    in Just $ case test of
                OneTailed -> significant $ z     < quantile standard  p
                TwoTailed -> significant $ abs z > abs (quantile standard (p/2))
  -- Use exact critical value
  | otherwise = do crit <- fromIntegral <$> mannWhitneyUCriticalValue (in1, in2) p
                   return $ case test of
                              OneTailed -> significant $ u2        <= crit
                              TwoTailed -> significant $ min u1 u2 <= crit
    n1 = fromIntegral in1
    n2 = fromIntegral in2

-- | Perform Mann-Whitney U Test for two samples and required
-- significance. For additional information check documentation of
-- 'mannWhitneyU' and 'mannWhitneyUSignificant'. This is just a helper
-- function.
-- One-tailed test checks whether first sample is significantly larger
-- than second. Two-tailed whether they are significantly different.
mannWhitneyUtest :: TestType    -- ^ Perform one-tailed test (see description above).
                 -> Double      -- ^ The p-value at which to test (e.g. 0.05)
                 -> Sample      -- ^ First sample
                 -> Sample      -- ^ Second sample
                 -> Maybe TestResult
                 -- ^ Return 'Nothing' if the sample was too small to
                 --   make a decision.
mannWhitneyUtest ontTail p smp1 smp2 =
  mannWhitneyUSignificant ontTail (n1,n2) p $ mannWhitneyU smp1 smp2
      n1 = U.length smp1
      n2 = U.length smp2

-- $references
-- * Cheung, Y.K.; Klotz, J.H. (1997) The Mann Whitney Wilcoxon
--   distribution using linked lists. /Statistica Sinica/
--   7:805&#8211;813.
-- <http://www3.stat.sinica.edu.tw/statistica/oldpdf/A7n316.pdf>.