{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Statistics.Math.RootFinding
-- Copyright : (c) 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Haskell functions for finding the roots of mathematical functions.

module Statistics.Math.RootFinding
    , fromRoot
    , ridders
    -- * References
    -- $references
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), ap)
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Binary (put, get)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord8)
import Data.Binary.Put (putWord8)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Statistics.Function.Comparison (within)

-- | The result of searching for a root of a mathematical function.
data Root a = NotBracketed
            -- ^ The function does not have opposite signs when
            -- evaluated at the lower and upper bounds of the search.
            | SearchFailed
            -- ^ The search failed to converge to within the given
            -- error tolerance after the given number of iterations.
            | Root a
            -- ^ A root was successfully found.
              deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance (Binary a) => Binary (Root a) where
    put NotBracketed = putWord8 0
    put SearchFailed = putWord8 1
    put (Root a) = putWord8 2 >> put a

    get = do
        i <- getWord8
        case i of
            0 -> return NotBracketed
            1 -> return SearchFailed
            2 -> fmap Root get
            _ -> fail $ "Root.get: Invalid value: " ++ show i

instance Functor Root where
    fmap _ NotBracketed = NotBracketed
    fmap _ SearchFailed = SearchFailed
    fmap f (Root a)     = Root (f a)

instance Monad Root where
    NotBracketed >>= _ = NotBracketed
    SearchFailed >>= _ = SearchFailed
    Root a       >>= m = m a

    return = Root

instance MonadPlus Root where
    mzero = SearchFailed

    r@(Root _) `mplus` _ = r
    _          `mplus` p = p

instance Applicative Root where
    pure  = Root
    (<*>) = ap

instance Alternative Root where
    empty = SearchFailed

    r@(Root _) <|> _ = r
    _          <|> p = p

-- | Returns either the result of a search for a root, or the default
-- value if the search failed.
fromRoot :: a                   -- ^ Default value.
         -> Root a              -- ^ Result of search for a root.
         -> a
fromRoot _ (Root a) = a
fromRoot a _        = a

-- | Use the method of Ridders to compute a root of a function.
-- The function must have opposite signs when evaluated at the lower
-- and upper bounds of the search (i.e. the root must be bracketed).
ridders :: Double               -- ^ Absolute error tolerance.
        -> (Double,Double)      -- ^ Lower and upper bounds for the search.
        -> (Double -> Double)   -- ^ Function to find the roots of.
        -> Root Double
ridders tol (lo,hi) f
    | flo == 0    = Root lo
    | fhi == 0    = Root hi
    | flo*fhi > 0 = NotBracketed -- root is not bracketed
    | otherwise   = go lo flo hi fhi 0
    go !a !fa !b !fb !i
        -- Root is bracketed within 1 ulp. No improvement could be made
        | within 1 a b       = Root a
        -- Root is found. Check that f(m) == 0 is nessesary to ensure
        -- that root is never passed to 'go'
        | fm == 0            = Root m
        | fn == 0            = Root n
        | d < tol            = Root n
        -- Too many iterations performed. Fail
        | i >= (100 :: Int)  = SearchFailed
        -- Ridder's approximation coincide with one of old
        -- bounds. Revert to bisection
        | n == a || n == b   = case () of
          _| fm*fa < 0 -> go a fa m fm (i+1)
           | otherwise -> go m fm b fb (i+1)
        -- Proceed as usual
        | fn*fm < 0          = go n fn m fm (i+1)
        | fn*fa < 0          = go a fa n fn (i+1)
        | otherwise          = go n fn b fb (i+1)
        d    = abs (b - a)
        dm   = (b - a) * 0.5
        !m   = a + dm
        !fm  = f m
        !dn  = signum (fb - fa) * dm * fm / sqrt(fm*fm - fa*fb)
        !n   = m - signum dn * min (abs dn) (abs dm - 0.5 * tol)
        !fn  = f n
    !flo = f lo
    !fhi = f hi

-- $references
-- * Ridders, C.F.J. (1979) A new algorithm for computing a single
--   root of a real continuous function.
--   /IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems/ 26:979&#8211;980.