-- | Module      : Math.Statistics.Fusion
-- Copyright   : (c) 2008 Don Stewart
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : dons@galois.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Description :
-- A collection of commonly used statistical functions designed to
-- fuse under stream fusion, with attention paid to the generated assembly.
-- These are high performance replacements for various list functions, 
-- implemented in pure Haskell using stream fusion for sequences.
-- To illustrate the performance gap, consider the task of calculating
-- the numerically stable mean of a sequence of 1e9 double values.
-- Using the standard list implementation provided by the hstats
-- package, 
-- >    $ time ./mean 
-- >    3.141592653589793
-- >    ./mean  26.80s user 0.08s system 99% cpu 26.965 total
-- And this package,
-- >    $ time ./mean                      
-- >    3.141592653589793
-- >    ./mean  6.25s user 0.00s system 99% cpu   6.261 total

module Math.Statistics.Fusion (
       , harmonic
       , geometric
    ) where

import Data.Array.Vector

-- | A numerically stable mean.
mean :: UArr Double -> Double
mean = fstT . foldlU k (T 0 1)
        k (T b a) n = T b' (a+1)
            where b' = b + (n - b) / fromIntegral a
{-# INLINE mean #-}
-- ^ required.

-- | The harmonic mean
harmonic :: UArr Double -> Double
harmonic xs = fromIntegral a / b
        T b a = foldlU k (T 0 0) xs
        k (T b a) n = T (b + (1/n)) (a+1)
{-# INLINE harmonic #-}

-- | The geometric mean of a non-negative list.
geometric :: UArr Double -> Double
geometric xs = p ** (1 / fromIntegral n)
        T p n = foldlU k (T 1 0) xs
        k (T p n) a = T (p * a) (n + 1)
{-# INLINE geometric #-}

-- Helper code. Monomorphic unpacked accumulators.

-- don't support polymorphism, as we can't get unboxed returns if we use it.
data T = T {-# UNPACK #-}!Double {-# UNPACK #-}!Int

fstT :: T -> Double
fstT (T a _) = a


Consider this core:

with data T a = T !a !Int

$wfold :: Double#
               -> Int#
               -> Int#
               -> (# Double, Int# #)

and without,

$wfold :: Double#
               -> Int#
               -> Int#
               -> (# Double#, Int# #)

yielding to boxed returns and heap checks.
