{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-} module System.Metrics.StatsD.Internal ( Stats (..), newStats, StatParams, newParams, StatConfig (..), MetricData (..), Store (..), Metrics, newMetrics, Value (..), Sample (..), Report (..), StatCounter (..), StatGauge (..), StatTiming (..), StatSet (..), addMetric, newMetric, validateKey, addReading, newReading, processSample, statsLoop, statsFlush, flushStats, catKey, statReports, TimingStats (..), makeTimingStats, timingReports, trimPercentile, percentileSuffix, timingStats, cumulativeSums, cumulativeSquares, stdev, mean, median, flush, toReport, formatReport, submit, connectStatsD, parseReport, parseRead, parseInt, ) where import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (..), forM_, forever, guard, unless, void, when) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString qualified as B import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString, char8, intDec, string8, toLazyByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as L import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet import Data.List (nub, sort) import Data.Vector (Vector, (!)) import Data.Vector qualified as V import Network.Socket (Socket) import Network.Socket qualified as Net import Network.Socket.ByteString qualified as Net import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import UnliftIO (MonadIO, handleIO, liftIO, throwIO) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (threadDelay) import UnliftIO.STM ( STM, TVar, atomically, modifyTVar, newTVarIO, readTVar, stateTVar, ) data Stats = Stats { metrics :: !(TVar Metrics), socket :: !Socket, params :: !StatParams } data StatParams = StatParams { pfx :: !ByteString, pfxCounter :: !ByteString, pfxTimer :: !ByteString, pfxGauge :: !ByteString, pfxSet :: !ByteString, flush :: !Int, stats :: !Bool, samples :: !Bool, percentiles :: ![Int], newline :: !Bool } data StatConfig = StatConfig { reportStats :: !Bool, reportSamples :: !Bool, namespace :: !String, prefixStats :: !String, prefixCounter :: !String, prefixTimer :: !String, prefixGauge :: !String, prefixSet :: !String, statsdServer :: !String, statsdPort :: !Int, flushInterval :: !Int, timingPercentiles :: ![Int], appendNewline :: !Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) data MetricData = CounterData !Int | GaugeData !Int | TimingData ![Int] | SetData !(HashSet ByteString) data Store = Store { index :: !Int, dat :: !(Maybe MetricData) } type Metrics = HashMap ByteString Store data Value = Counter !Int | Gauge !Int !Bool | Timing !Int | Set !ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Report = Report { key :: !ByteString, value :: !Value, rate :: !Double } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Sample = Sample { key :: !ByteString, value :: !Value, sampling :: !Int, index :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data StatCounter = StatCounter { stats :: !Stats, key :: !ByteString, sampling :: !Int } data StatGauge = StatGauge { stats :: !Stats, key :: !ByteString } data StatTiming = StatTiming { stats :: !Stats, key :: !ByteString, sampling :: !Int } data StatSet = StatSet { stats :: !Stats, key :: !ByteString } addMetric :: StatParams -> ByteString -> MetricData -> Metrics -> Metrics addMetric params key dat = HashMap.insert key $ Store 0 $ if params.stats then Just dat else Nothing newMetric :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> ByteString -> MetricData -> m () newMetric stats key store = do unless (validateKey key) $ do throwIO $ userError "Metric key is invalid" e <- atomically $ do exists <- HashMap.member key <$> readTVar stats.metrics if exists then return True else do modifyTVar stats.metrics (addMetric stats.params key store) return False when e $ throwIO $ userError $ "StatsD key exists: " <> C.unpack key validateKey :: ByteString -> Bool validateKey t = not (C.null t) && C.all valid t where valid c = elem c ("._-" :: [Char]) || isAscii c && isAlphaNum c validateValue :: Value -> Bool validateValue (Counter c) = c > 0 validateValue (Gauge g False) = g > 0 validateValue (Gauge _ True) = True validateValue (Timing t) = t > 0 validateValue (Set e) = validateKey e addReading :: Value -> ByteString -> Metrics -> Metrics addReading reading = HashMap.adjust adjust where adjust m = m {index = m.index + 1, dat = change <$> m.dat} change store = case (reading, store) of (Counter c, CounterData s) -> CounterData (s + c) (Gauge i False, GaugeData _) -> GaugeData i (Gauge i True, GaugeData g) | i > maxBound - g -> GaugeData maxBound | otherwise -> GaugeData (max 0 (g + i)) (Timing t, TimingData s) -> TimingData (t : s) (Set e, SetData s) -> SetData (HashSet.insert e s) _ -> error "Stats reading mismatch" newReading :: Stats -> ByteString -> Value -> STM Int newReading stats key reading = do modifyTVar stats.metrics (addReading reading key) maybe 0 (.index) . HashMap.lookup key <$> readTVar stats.metrics processSample :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> Int -> ByteString -> Value -> m () processSample stats sampling key val = do when (0 > sampling) $ throwIO $ userError "StatsD sampling rate must not be negative" unless (validateValue val) $ throwIO $ userError "StatsD value is not valid" idx <- atomically $ newReading stats key val when stats.params.samples $ submit stats $ Sample key val sampling idx newMetrics :: (MonadIO m) => m (TVar Metrics) newMetrics = newTVarIO HashMap.empty newParams :: StatConfig -> StatParams newParams cfg | v = StatParams { pfx = pfx, pfxCounter = s <> bc <> ".", pfxGauge = s <> bg <> ".", pfxTimer = s <> bt <> ".", pfxSet = s <> be <> ".", newline = cfg.appendNewline, stats = cfg.reportStats, samples = cfg.reportSamples, percentiles = 100 : nub cfg.timingPercentiles, flush = cfg.flushInterval } | otherwise = error "StatsD config invalid" where bn = C.pack cfg.namespace bs = C.pack cfg.prefixStats bg = C.pack cfg.prefixGauge bc = C.pack cfg.prefixCounter bt = C.pack cfg.prefixTimer be = C.pack cfg.prefixSet v = all validateKey [bs, bg, bc, bt, be] && bool (validateKey bn) True (null cfg.namespace) && 0 <= cfg.flushInterval && all (\pc -> pc > 0 && 100 > pc) cfg.timingPercentiles pfx = if null cfg.namespace then "" else bn <> "." s = pfx <> bs <> "." newStats :: StatConfig -> TVar Metrics -> Socket -> Stats newStats cfg metrics socket = Stats { metrics = metrics, socket = socket, params = newParams cfg } statsLoop :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> m () statsLoop stats = forever $ do threadDelay (stats.params.flush * 1000) statsFlush stats statsFlush :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> m () statsFlush stats = do mapM_ (send stats) =<< atomically (stateTVar stats.metrics (flushStats stats.params)) flushStats :: StatParams -> Metrics -> ([Report], Metrics) flushStats params metrics = let f xs key m = maybe xs ((<> xs) . statReports params key) m.dat rs = HashMap.foldlWithKey' f [] metrics g m = m {dat = flush <$> m.dat} ms = HashMap.map g metrics in (rs, ms) catKey :: [ByteString] -> ByteString catKey = C.intercalate "." . filter (not . C.null) statReports :: StatParams -> ByteString -> MetricData -> [Report] statReports params key dat = case dat of CounterData c -> [ Report { key = params.pfxCounter <> key <> ".count", value = Counter c, rate = 1.0 }, Report { key = params.pfxCounter <> key <> ".rate", value = Counter (computeRate params c), rate = 1.0 } ] GaugeData s -> [ Report { key = params.pfxGauge <> key, value = Gauge s False, rate = 1.0 } ] SetData s -> [ Report { key = params.pfxSet <> key <> ".count", value = Counter (HashSet.size s), rate = 1.0 } ] TimingData s -> timingReports params key s data TimingStats = TimingStats { timings :: !(Vector Int), cumsums :: !(Vector Int), cumsquares :: !(Vector Int) } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) makeTimingStats :: [Int] -> TimingStats makeTimingStats timings = TimingStats { timings = V.fromList sorted, cumsums = V.fromList (cumulativeSums sorted), cumsquares = V.fromList (cumulativeSquares sorted) } where sorted = sort timings timingReports :: StatParams -> ByteString -> [Int] -> [Report] timingReports params key timings = concatMap (timingStats params key tstats) params.percentiles where tstats = makeTimingStats timings trimPercentile :: Int -> TimingStats -> TimingStats trimPercentile pc ts = ts { timings = f ts.timings, cumsums = f ts.cumsums, cumsquares = f ts.cumsquares } where f ls = V.take (length ls * pc `div` 100) ls percentileSuffix :: Int -> ByteString percentileSuffix pc | pc == 100 = "" | otherwise = C.pack $ printf "_%d" pc computeRate :: StatParams -> Int -> Int computeRate params i = i * 1000 `div` params.flush mean :: TimingStats -> Int mean ts = V.last ts.cumsums `div` length ts.timings timingStats :: StatParams -> ByteString -> TimingStats -> Int -> [Report] timingStats params key tstats pc = concat [ [mkr "count" (Counter (length ts.timings))], [mkr "count_ps" (Counter rate) | pc == 100], [mkr "std" (Timing (stdev ts)) | pc == 100, not empty], [mkr "mean" (Timing (mean ts)) | not empty], [mkr "upper" (Timing (V.last ts.timings)) | not empty], [mkr "lower" (Timing (V.head ts.timings)) | not empty], [mkr "sum" (Timing (V.last ts.cumsums)) | not empty], [mkr "sum_squares" (Timing (V.last ts.cumsquares)) | not empty], [mkr "median" (Timing (median ts)) | not empty] ] where ts = trimPercentile pc tstats empty = null ts.timings rate = computeRate params (length ts.timings) sfx = percentileSuffix pc pfx = params.pfxTimer <> key <> "." mkr s v = Report {key = pfx <> s <> sfx, value = v, rate = 1.0} cumulativeSums :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] cumulativeSums = scanl1 (+) cumulativeSquares :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a] cumulativeSquares = scanl1 (+) . map (\x -> x * x) stdev :: TimingStats -> Int stdev ts = round $ sqrt var where len = length ts.timings var = fromIntegral ds / fromIntegral len :: Double ds = sum $ map ((^ (2 :: Int)) . subtract (mean ts)) (V.toList ts.timings) median :: TimingStats -> Int median ts | null ts.timings = 0 | even (length ts.timings) = let lower = ts.timings ! middle upper = ts.timings ! subtract 1 middle in (lower + upper) `div` 2 | otherwise = ts.timings ! middle where middle = length ts.timings `div` 2 flush :: MetricData -> MetricData flush (CounterData _) = CounterData 0 flush (GaugeData g) = GaugeData g flush (TimingData _) = TimingData [] flush (SetData _) = SetData HashSet.empty toReport :: Sample -> Maybe Report toReport sample | sample.sampling > 0 && sample.index `mod` sample.sampling == 0 = Just Report { key = sample.key, value = sample.value, rate = 1.0 / fromIntegral sample.sampling } | otherwise = Nothing formatReport :: Report -> ByteString formatReport report = L.toStrict $ toLazyByteString builder where builder = byteString report.key <> char8 ':' <> val rate | report.rate < 1.0 = string8 $ printf "|@%f" report.rate | otherwise = mempty val = case report.value of Counter i -> intDec i <> "|c" <> rate Gauge g False -> intDec g <> "|g" Gauge g True -> let sign = if 0 <= g then char8 '+' else mempty in sign <> intDec g <> "|g" Timing t -> intDec t <> "|ms" <> rate Set e -> byteString e <> "|s" submit :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> Sample -> m () submit stats sample = forM_ (toReport sample) (send stats) send :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> Report -> m () send stats report = liftIO $ handleIO (const (return ())) $ void $ Net.send stats.socket (formatReport report <> bool "" "\n" stats.params.newline) connectStatsD :: (MonadIO m) => String -> Int -> m Socket connectStatsD host port = liftIO $ do as <- Net.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just $ show port) a <- case as of a : _ -> return a [] -> error $ "Cannot resolve: " <> host <> ":" <> show port sock <- Net.socket (Net.addrFamily a) Net.Datagram Net.defaultProtocol Net.connect sock (Net.addrAddress a) return sock parseReport :: (MonadPlus m) => ByteString -> m Report parseReport bs = case C.split '|' bs of [kv, t] -> do (k, v) <- parseKeyValue kv t return $ Report k v 1.0 [kv, t, r] -> do (k, v) <- parseKeyValue kv t x <- parseRate r return $ Report k v x _ -> mzero where parseKeyValue kv t = do case C.split ':' kv of [key, v] -> do guard (validateKey key) value <- parseValue v t return (key, value) _ -> mzero parseValue v t = case C.unpack t of "c" -> Counter <$> parseNatural v "g" -> case C.uncons v of Just ('+', _) -> Gauge <$> parseInt v <*> pure True Just ('-', _) -> Gauge <$> parseInt v <*> pure True _ -> Gauge <$> parseNatural v <*> pure False "s" -> do guard (validateKey v) return (Set v) "ms" -> Timing <$> parseNatural v _ -> mzero parseRate r = case C.uncons r of Just ('@', s) -> do t <- parseRead s guard (t > 0.0) guard (t < 1.0) return t _ -> mzero parseRead :: (MonadPlus m, Read a) => ByteString -> m a parseRead = maybe mzero return . readMaybe . C.unpack parseInt :: (MonadPlus m) => ByteString -> m Int parseInt bs = case C.readInt bs of Just (i, bs') | B.null bs' -> return i _ -> mzero parseNatural :: (MonadPlus m) => ByteString -> m Int parseNatural bs = case C.readInt bs of Just (i, bs') | B.null bs' -> guard (0 <= i) >> return i _ -> mzero