# staversion ![travis status](https://api.travis-ci.org/debug-ito/staversion.png) staversion is a command-line tool to look for version numbers of Haskell packages. See `--help` message for detailed usage. ## Package version in Stackage staversion mainly focuses on package versions in stackage, i.e. it answers to questions like "What version is the package X in stackage lts-Y.ZZ?" It aims to make it easier to write `build-depends` section in YOUR_PACKAGE.cabal. $ staversion --resolver lts-4.2 conduit ------ lts-4.2 conduit == $ staversion --resolver lts-4.2 --resolver lts-7.0 conduit ------ lts-4.2 conduit == ------ lts-7.0 conduit ==1.2.7 $ staversion --resolver lts-4.2 --resolver lts-6 conduit base ------ lts-4.2 conduit ==, base == ------ lts-6 conduit ==1.2.8, base == staversion first reads build plan YAML files that are stored locally in your computer, then it tries to fetch them over network. ## Package version in Hackage You can also look up the latest version numbers hosted on hackage. $ staversion --hackage conduit base ------ latest in hackage conduit ==1.2.8, base == ## Package version for build-depends You can also specify .cabal files in the query. In that case, staversion reads `build-depends` fields in all sections of those .cabal files, and shows versions of the dependency packages. $ staversion --hackage staversion.cabal ------ latest in hackage -- staversion.cabal - library base ==, unordered-containers ==, aeson ==, text ==, bytestring ==, yaml ==, filepath ==, directory ==, optparse-applicative ==, containers ==, http-client ==0.5.5, http-client-tls ==0.3.3, http-types ==0.9.1, transformers ==, transformers-compat ==, megaparsec ==5.1.2 (snip) ## TODO - Show version number ranges supported by the given resolvers. - Cache build plans in some local storage (SQLite?) ## Author Toshio Ito