-- | -- Module: Staversion.Internal.Command -- Description: Command from the user. -- Maintainer: Toshio Ito -- -- __This is an internal module. End-users should not use it.__ module Staversion.Internal.Command ( Command(..), parseCommandArgs ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), optional, some, (<|>)) import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Data.Text (pack) import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt import qualified Paths_staversion as MyInfo import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory) import System.FilePath (()) import Staversion.Internal.Log ( LogLevel(..), Logger(loggerThreshold), defaultLogger ) import Staversion.Internal.Query ( Resolver, PackageName, Query(..), parseQuery, PackageSource(..) ) -- | Command from the user. data Command = Command { commBuildPlanDir :: FilePath, -- ^ path to the directory where build plan files are stored. commLogger :: Logger, -- ^ the logger commSources :: [PackageSource], -- ^ package sources to search commQueries :: [Query], -- ^ package queries commAllowNetwork :: Bool -- ^ if 'True', it accesses the Internet to query build plans etc. } deriving (Show) -- | Default values for 'Command'. data DefCommand = DefCommand { defBuildPlanDir :: FilePath } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) defCommand :: IO DefCommand defCommand = DefCommand <$> def_build_plan_dir where def_build_plan_dir = do home <- getHomeDirectory return $ home ".stack" "build-plan" commandParser :: DefCommand -> Opt.Parser Command commandParser def_comm = Command <$> build_plan_dir <*> logger <*> sources <*> queries <*> network where logger = makeLogger <$> is_verbose makeLogger True = defaultLogger { loggerThreshold = Just LogDebug } makeLogger False = defaultLogger is_verbose = Opt.switch $ mconcat [ Opt.long "verbose", Opt.short 'v', Opt.help "Verbose messages." ] build_plan_dir = Opt.strOption $ mconcat [ Opt.long "build-plan-dir", Opt.help "Directory where build plan YAML files are stored.", Opt.metavar "DIR", Opt.value (defBuildPlanDir def_comm), Opt.showDefault ] sources = some $ resolver <|> hackage resolver = fmap SourceStackage $ Opt.strOption $ mconcat [ Opt.long "resolver", Opt.short 'r', Opt.help "Stackage resolver to search. e.g. \"lts-6.15\"", Opt.metavar "RESOLVER_NAME" ] hackage = Opt.flag' SourceHackage $ mconcat [ Opt.long "hackage", Opt.short 'H', Opt.help "Search hackage.org for the latest version." ] queries = some $ parseQuery <$> (query_package <|> query_cabal) query_package = Opt.strArgument $ mconcat [ Opt.help "Name of package whose version you want to check.", Opt.metavar "PACKAGE_NAME" ] query_cabal = Opt.strArgument $ mconcat [ Opt.help "(EXPERIMENTAL) .cabal file name. It checks versions of packages in build-deps lists.", Opt.metavar "CABAL_FILEPATH" ] network = not <$> no_network no_network = Opt.switch $ mconcat [ Opt.long "no-network", Opt.help "Forbid network access." ] programDescription :: Opt.Parser a -> Opt.ParserInfo a programDescription parser = Opt.info (Opt.helper <*> parser) $ mconcat [ Opt.fullDesc, Opt.progDesc ( "Look for version numbers for Haskell packages in specific stackage resolvers" ++ " (or possibly other package sources)" ), Opt.footer ("Version: " ++ (showVersion MyInfo.version)) ] parseCommandArgs :: IO Command parseCommandArgs = Opt.execParser . programDescription . commandParser =<< defCommand