{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.SExp.Parse
  ( SExpToken(..)
  , stringTokenValueM, booleanTokenValueM, integerTokenValueM, floatingTokenValueM
  , symbolTokenValueM, lParenTokenValueM, rParenTokenValueM, whitespaceTokenValueM
  , commentTokenValueM, antiConsTokenValueM, antiValueTokenValueM, antiAtomTokenValueM
  , antiListTokenValueM, antiStringTokenValueM, antiBooleanTokenValueM, antiIntegerTokenValueM
  , antiFloatingTokenValueM, antiSymbolTokenValueM
  , isDiscardSExpToken
  , sexpTokens
  , lexSExp
  , parseSExp, parseDualSExp
  , convertAtomE, convertAntiAtomToValueE
  , convertOpenLinkE
  , convertAtomP, convertAntiAtomToValueP
  , convertOpenLinkP
  , sexp, sexpl
  , unparseAtom, unparseSExp
  , lexOne, tokParse, qtokParse
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.SExp.Data
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Printf

-- Lexing

data SExpToken =
  -- Atom Tokens
    StringToken String
  | BooleanToken Bool
  | IntegerToken Integer
  | FloatingToken Double
  | SymbolToken String

  -- Structure Tokens
  | LParenToken
  | RParenToken

  -- Filtered Tokens
  | WhitespaceToken
  | CommentToken String

  -- Anti Tokens
  | AntiConsToken
  | AntiValueToken String
  | AntiAtomToken String
  | AntiListToken String
  | AntiStringToken String
  | AntiBooleanToken String
  | AntiIntegerToken String
  | AntiFloatingToken String
  | AntiSymbolToken String
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

isDiscardSExpToken :: SExpToken -> Bool
isDiscardSExpToken WhitespaceToken = True
isDiscardSExpToken (CommentToken _) = True
isDiscardSExpToken _ = False

stringTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
stringTokenValueM t = case t of (StringToken s) -> Just s ; _ -> Nothing
booleanTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe Bool
booleanTokenValueM t = case t of (BooleanToken b) -> Just b ; _ -> Nothing
integerTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe Integer
integerTokenValueM t = case t of (IntegerToken i) -> Just i ; _ -> Nothing
floatingTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe Double
floatingTokenValueM t = case t of (FloatingToken f) -> Just f ; _ -> Nothing
symbolTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
symbolTokenValueM t = case t of (SymbolToken s) -> Just s ; _ -> Nothing
lParenTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe ()
lParenTokenValueM t = case t of LParenToken -> Just () ; _ -> Nothing
rParenTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe ()
rParenTokenValueM t = case t of RParenToken -> Just () ; _ -> Nothing
whitespaceTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe ()
whitespaceTokenValueM t = case t of WhitespaceToken -> Just () ; _ -> Nothing
commentTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
commentTokenValueM t = case t of (CommentToken s) -> Just s  ; _ -> Nothing
antiConsTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe ()
antiConsTokenValueM t = case t of AntiConsToken -> Just () ; _ -> Nothing
antiValueTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiValueTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiValueToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiAtomTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiAtomTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiAtomToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiListTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiListTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiListToken n) -> Just n ; _  -> Nothing
antiStringTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiStringTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiStringToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiBooleanTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiBooleanTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiBooleanToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiIntegerTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiIntegerTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiIntegerToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiFloatingTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiFloatingTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiFloatingToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing
antiSymbolTokenValueM :: SExpToken -> Maybe String
antiSymbolTokenValueM t = case t of (AntiSymbolToken n) -> Just n ; _ -> Nothing

sexpTokens :: [Parser SExpToken]
sexpTokens = 
  -- Atom Tokens
    let inside = many $ noneOf "\"\\" <|> esc
        esc = char '\\' >> msum [escQuote, escEsc, escNewline]
        escQuote = char '"'
        escEsc = char '\\'
        escNewline = char 'n' >> return '\n'
    in liftM StringToken $ between (char '"') (char '"') inside
  , string "true" >> return (BooleanToken True)
  , string "false" >> return (BooleanToken False)
  , do
      sign <- option "" $ string "-"
      num <- many1 digit
      return . IntegerToken . read $ sign ++ num
  , do
      sign <- option "" $ string "-"
      num <- many1 digit
      decimal <- option "" $ do
        dot <- string "."
        followDot <- many1 digit
        return $ dot ++ followDot
      exponential <- option "" $ do
        leading <- string "e"
        followExp <- many1 digit
        return $ leading ++ followExp
      return . FloatingToken . read $ sign ++ num ++ decimal ++ exponential
  , liftM SymbolToken $ do { a <- noneOf " \t\n@#()\"\\" ; b <- many (noneOf " \t\n#()\"\\") ; return $ a:b }

  -- Structure Tokens
  , char '(' >> return LParenToken
  , char ')' >> return RParenToken

  -- Filtered Tokens
  , many1 (oneOf " \t\n") >> return WhitespaceToken
  , do  
      a <- liftM (:[]) $ char '#' 
      b <- option "" $ do
        j <- liftM (:[]) $ noneOf "|\n"
        k <- many (noneOf "\n")
        return $ j ++ k
      c <- liftM (:[]) $ char '\n' 
      return . CommentToken $ concat [a, b, c]
  , let inside :: Int -> Parser String
        inside n = if n == 0 then return "" else msum 
          [ do { a <- noneOf "#|" ; b <- inside n ; return $ a:b }
          , do { a <- char '#' ; b <- insidePostPound n ; return $ a:b }
          , do { a <- char '|' ; b <- insidePostPipe n ; return $ a:b }
        insidePostPound n = msum
          [ do { a <- noneOf "#|" ; b <- inside n ; return $ a:b }
          , do { a <- char '#' ; b <- insidePostPound n ; return $ a:b }
          , do { a <- char '|' ; b <- inside (n + 1) ; return $ a:b }
        insidePostPipe n = msum
          [ do { a <- noneOf "#|" ; b <- inside n ; return $ a:b }
          , do { a <- char '|' ; b <- insidePostPipe n ; return $ a:b }
          , if n == 0 then mzero else do { a <- char '#' ; b <- inside (n - 1) ; return $ a:b }
    in do { a <- string "#|" ; b <- inside 1 ; return . CommentToken $ a ++ b }

  -- Anti Tokens
  , string "@~" >> return AntiConsToken
  , string "@:" >> liftM AntiValueToken antiName
  , string "@atom:" >> liftM AntiAtomToken antiName
  , string "@list:" >> liftM AntiListToken antiName
  , string "@str:" >> liftM AntiStringToken antiName
  , string "@bool:" >> liftM AntiBooleanToken antiName
  , string "@int:" >> liftM AntiIntegerToken antiName
  , string "@float:" >> liftM AntiFloatingToken antiName
  , string "@sym:" >> liftM AntiSymbolToken antiName
    antiName = do
      a <- letter <|> char '_'
      as <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'")
      return (a:as)

lexSExp :: String -> Either String [(SourcePos, SExpToken)]
lexSExp i = do
  (result, o, i') <- lexSExp' (initialPos "") i
  case i' of
    [] -> return $ filter (not . isDiscardSExpToken . snd) result
    _ -> fail $ printf "did not consume all input: %s" (show o) 

lexSExp' :: SourcePos -> String -> Either String ([(SourcePos, SExpToken)], SourcePos, String)
lexSExp' o [] = return ([], o, [])
lexSExp' o i = do
  (lexed, o', i') <- lexOne o sexpTokens i
  (rest, o'', i'') <- lexSExp' o' i'
  return (lexed : rest, o'', i'')

-- Parsing

type SExpParser a = GenParser (SourcePos, SExpToken) () a

sexpTokenParser :: (SExpToken -> Maybe a) -> SExpParser a
sexpTokenParser f = token show fst (f . snd)

stringTok       :: SExpParser String  ; stringTok       = sexpTokenParser stringTokenValueM
booleanTok      :: SExpParser Bool    ; booleanTok      = sexpTokenParser booleanTokenValueM
integerTok      :: SExpParser Integer ; integerTok      = sexpTokenParser integerTokenValueM
floatingTok     :: SExpParser Double  ; floatingTok     = sexpTokenParser floatingTokenValueM
symbolTok       :: SExpParser String  ; symbolTok       = sexpTokenParser symbolTokenValueM
lParenTok       :: SExpParser ()      ; lParenTok       = sexpTokenParser lParenTokenValueM
rParenTok       :: SExpParser ()      ; rParenTok       = sexpTokenParser rParenTokenValueM
antiConsTok     :: SExpParser ()      ; antiConsTok     = sexpTokenParser antiConsTokenValueM
antiValueTok    :: SExpParser String  ; antiValueTok    = sexpTokenParser antiValueTokenValueM
antiAtomTok     :: SExpParser String  ; antiAtomTok     = sexpTokenParser antiAtomTokenValueM
antiListTok     :: SExpParser String  ; antiListTok     = sexpTokenParser antiListTokenValueM
antiStringTok   :: SExpParser String  ; antiStringTok   = sexpTokenParser antiStringTokenValueM
antiBooleanTok  :: SExpParser String  ; antiBooleanTok  = sexpTokenParser antiBooleanTokenValueM
antiIntegerTok  :: SExpParser String  ; antiIntegerTok  = sexpTokenParser antiIntegerTokenValueM
antiFloatingTok :: SExpParser String  ; antiFloatingTok = sexpTokenParser antiFloatingTokenValueM
antiSymbolTok   :: SExpParser String  ; antiSymbolTok   = sexpTokenParser antiSymbolTokenValueM

atomP :: SExpParser Atom
atomP = msum
  [ liftM StringAtom stringTok
  , liftM BooleanAtom booleanTok
  , liftM IntegerAtom integerTok
  , liftM FloatingAtom floatingTok
  , liftM SymbolAtom symbolTok

antiAtomP :: SExpParser AntiAtom
antiAtomP = msum
  [ liftM ValueAntiAtom antiValueTok
  , liftM AtomAntiAtom antiAtomTok
  , liftM ListAntiAtom antiListTok 
  , liftM StringAntiAtom antiStringTok
  , liftM BooleanAntiAtom antiBooleanTok
  , liftM IntegerAntiAtom antiIntegerTok
  , liftM FloatingAntiAtom antiFloatingTok
  , liftM SymbolAntiAtom antiSymbolTok

sexpP :: SExpParser SExp
sexpP = msum
  [ liftM (SExp . AtomSExp) atomP
  , liftM (SExp . LinkSExp) $ between lParenTok rParenTok sexpLinkP

sexpLinkP :: SExpParser SExpLink
sexpLinkP = msum
  [ do
      s <- sexpP
      ss <- sexpLinkP
      return . SExpLink $ ConsLink s ss
  , return $ SExpLink NullLink

dualSExpP :: SExpParser DualSExp
dualSExpP = msum
  [ liftM (PositiveDualSExp . AtomSExp) atomP
  , liftM AntiAtomDualSExp antiAtomP
  , liftM (PositiveDualSExp . LinkSExp) $ between lParenTok rParenTok dualSExpLinkP

dualSExpLinkP :: SExpParser DualSExpLink
dualSExpLinkP = msum
  [ do 
      s <- dualSExpP 
      ss <- dualSExpLinkP 
      return . PositiveDualSExpLink $ ConsLink s ss
  , do 
      msum [ do
               anti <- antiValueTok 
               return $ AntiConsValueDualSExpLink anti
           , do
               anti <- antiListTok
               return $ AntiConsListDualSExpLink anti
  , return $ PositiveDualSExpLink NullLink

parseSExp :: String -> Either String SExp
parseSExp = tokParse lexSExp sexpP

parseDualSExp :: String -> Either String DualSExp
parseDualSExp = tokParse lexSExp dualSExpP

-- Quasi Quoting

convertAtomE :: Atom -> Q Exp
convertAtomE (StringAtom s) = conE 'StringAtom `appE` litE (stringL s)
convertAtomE (BooleanAtom True) = conE 'BooleanAtom `appE` conE 'True
convertAtomE (BooleanAtom False) = conE 'BooleanAtom `appE` conE 'False
convertAtomE (IntegerAtom i) = conE 'IntegerAtom `appE` litE (integerL i)
convertAtomE (FloatingAtom f) = conE 'FloatingAtom `appE` litE (rationalL (toRational f))
convertAtomE (SymbolAtom s) = conE 'SymbolAtom `appE` litE (stringL s)

convertAntiAtomToValueE :: AntiAtom -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp
convertAntiAtomToValueE (ValueAntiAtom name) _ _ = varE $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueE (AtomAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom . varE $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueE (ListAntiAtom name) _ qlistToValue = qlistToValue . varE $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueE (StringAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conE 'StringAtom `appE` varE (mkName name)
convertAntiAtomToValueE (BooleanAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conE 'BooleanAtom `appE` varE (mkName name)
convertAntiAtomToValueE (IntegerAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conE 'IntegerAtom `appE` varE (mkName name)
convertAntiAtomToValueE (FloatingAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conE 'FloatingAtom `appE` varE (mkName name)
convertAntiAtomToValueE (SymbolAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conE 'SymbolAtom `appE` varE (mkName name)

convertOpenSExpE :: (l -> Q Exp) -> OpenSExp l -> Q Exp
convertOpenSExpE _ (AtomSExp a) = conE 'AtomSExp `appE` convertAtomE a
convertOpenSExpE cl (LinkSExp l) = conE 'LinkSExp `appE` cl l

convertOpenLinkE :: (a -> Q Exp) -> (l -> Q Exp) -> OpenLink a l -> Q Exp
convertOpenLinkE _ _ NullLink = conE 'NullLink
convertOpenLinkE ch cl (ConsLink h l) = conE 'ConsLink `appE` ch h `appE` cl l

convertDualSExpToSExpE :: DualSExp -> Q Exp
convertDualSExpToSExpE (PositiveDualSExp p) = 
  conE 'SExp `appE` convertOpenSExpE convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE p
convertDualSExpToSExpE (AntiAtomDualSExp aa) = 
  convertAntiAtomToValueE aa (\ x -> conE 'SExp `appE` (conE 'AtomSExp `appE` x))
                             (\ x -> varE 'listToSExp `appE` x)

convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE :: DualSExpLink -> Q Exp
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE (PositiveDualSExpLink p) = 
  conE 'SExpLink `appE` convertOpenLinkE convertDualSExpToSExpE convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE p
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE (AntiConsValueDualSExpLink name) =
  conE 'SExpLink `appE` varE (mkName name)
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE (AntiConsListDualSExpLink name) =
  varE 'listToSExpLink `appE` varE (mkName name)

convertAtomP :: Atom -> Q Pat
convertAtomP (StringAtom s) = conP 'StringAtom [litP (stringL s)]
convertAtomP (BooleanAtom True) = conP 'BooleanAtom [conP 'True []]
convertAtomP (BooleanAtom False) = conP 'BooleanAtom [conP 'False []]
convertAtomP (IntegerAtom i) = conP 'IntegerAtom [litP (integerL i)]
convertAtomP (FloatingAtom f) = conP 'FloatingAtom [litP (rationalL (toRational f))]
convertAtomP (SymbolAtom s) = conP 'SymbolAtom [litP (stringL s)]

convertAntiAtomToValueP :: AntiAtom -> (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> Q Pat
convertAntiAtomToValueP (ValueAntiAtom "_") _ _ = wildP
convertAntiAtomToValueP (ValueAntiAtom name) _ _ = varP $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueP (AtomAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom wildP
convertAntiAtomToValueP (AtomAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom . varP $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueP (ListAntiAtom "_") _ qvalueToList = qvalueToList wildP
convertAntiAtomToValueP (ListAntiAtom name) _ qvalueToList = qvalueToList . varP $ mkName name
convertAntiAtomToValueP (StringAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'StringAtom [wildP]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (StringAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'StringAtom [varP $ mkName name]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (BooleanAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'BooleanAtom [wildP]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (BooleanAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'BooleanAtom [varP $ mkName name]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (IntegerAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'IntegerAtom [wildP]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (IntegerAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'IntegerAtom [varP $ mkName name]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (FloatingAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'FloatingAtom [wildP]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (FloatingAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'FloatingAtom [varP $ mkName name]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (SymbolAntiAtom "_") qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'SymbolAtom [wildP]
convertAntiAtomToValueP (SymbolAntiAtom name) qatom _ = qatom $ conP 'SymbolAtom [varP $ mkName name]

convertOpenSExpP :: (l -> Q Pat) -> OpenSExp l -> Q Pat
convertOpenSExpP _ (AtomSExp a) = conP 'AtomSExp [convertAtomP a]
convertOpenSExpP cl (LinkSExp l) = conP 'LinkSExp [cl l]

convertOpenLinkP :: (a -> Q Pat) -> (l -> Q Pat) -> OpenLink a l -> Q Pat
convertOpenLinkP _ _ NullLink = conP 'NullLink []
convertOpenLinkP ch cl (ConsLink h l) = conP 'ConsLink [ch h, cl l]

convertDualSExpToSExpP :: DualSExp -> Q Pat
convertDualSExpToSExpP (PositiveDualSExp p) =
  conP 'SExp [convertOpenSExpP convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP p]
convertDualSExpToSExpP (AntiAtomDualSExp aa) =
  convertAntiAtomToValueP aa (\ x -> conP 'SExp [conP 'AtomSExp [x]])
                             (\ x -> viewP (varE 'sexpToList) (conP 'Just [x]))

convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP :: DualSExpLink -> Q Pat
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP (PositiveDualSExpLink p) = 
  conP 'SExpLink [convertOpenLinkP convertDualSExpToSExpP convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP p]
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP (AntiConsValueDualSExpLink name) =
  conP 'SExpLink [varP (mkName name)]
convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP (AntiConsListDualSExpLink name) =
  viewP (varE 'sexpLinkToList) (varP (mkName name))

sexp :: QuasiQuoter
sexp = QuasiQuoter 
  { quoteExp = convertDualSExpToSExpE <=< qtokParse lexSExp dualSExpP
  , quotePat = convertDualSExpToSExpP <=< qtokParse lexSExp dualSExpP
  , quoteType = undefined
  , quoteDec = undefined

sexpl :: QuasiQuoter
sexpl = QuasiQuoter 
  { quoteExp = convertDualSExpToSExpLinkE <=< qtokParse lexSExp dualSExpLinkP
  , quotePat = convertDualSExpToSExpLinkP <=< qtokParse lexSExp dualSExpLinkP
  , quoteType = undefined
  , quoteDec = undefined

-- Unparsing

unparseAtom :: Atom -> String
unparseAtom (StringAtom s) = printf "\"%s\"" (concatMap escape s)
    escape '\n' = "\\n"
    escape '"' = "\\\""
    escape '\\' = "\\\\"
    escape o = [o]
unparseAtom (BooleanAtom True) = "true"
unparseAtom (BooleanAtom False) = "false"
unparseAtom (IntegerAtom i) = show i
unparseAtom (FloatingAtom f) = show f
unparseAtom (SymbolAtom s) = s

unparseSExp :: SExp -> String
unparseSExp (SExp (AtomSExp a)) = unparseAtom a
unparseSExp (SExp (LinkSExp (SExpLink NullLink))) = "()"
unparseSExp (SExp (LinkSExp (SExpLink (ConsLink h t)))) = printf "(%s%s)" (unparseSExp h) (unparseInList t)

unparseInList :: SExpLink -> String
unparseInList (SExpLink NullLink) = ""
unparseInList (SExpLink (ConsLink h t)) = printf " %s%s" (unparseSExp h) (unparseInList t)

-- Helpers

lexOne :: (Ord a) => SourcePos -> [Parser a] -> String -> Either String ((SourcePos, a), SourcePos, String)
lexOne pos ps input = do
  (a, b, c) <- foldl findBest (Left $ printf "could not lex at %s: %s" (show pos) (show input)) $ map tryP ps
  return ((pos, a), b, c)
    tryP p = left show $ parse p' "" input
        p' = do
          setPosition pos
          x <- p
          i <- getInput
          o <- getPosition
          return (x, o, i)
    findBest x@(Left _) (Left _) = x
    findBest (Left _) x@(Right _) = x
    findBest x@(Right _) (Left _) = x
    findBest x1@(Right (_, p1, _)) x2@(Right (_, p2, _))
      | p2 > p1 = x2
      | otherwise = x1

    left :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
    left f (Left x) = Left (f x)
    left _ (Right x) = Right x

tokParse :: (String -> Either String [tok]) -> GenParser tok () a -> String -> Either String a
tokParse lexify p input = do
  lexed <- lexify input
  left show $ parse p "" lexed
    left f (Left x) = Left (f x)
    left _ (Right x) = Right x

qtokParse :: (String -> Either String [tok]) -> GenParser tok () a -> String -> Q a
qtokParse lexify p input = case tokParse lexify p input  of
  (Left e) -> runIO $ fail e
  (Right r) -> return r