{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Job
    ( Job
    , JobQueue
    , ShellCommand
    , newJobQueue
    , enqueueJob
    , dequeueJob
    , runJob
    ) where

import ANSI

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import Data.Function                (fix)
import Data.List.NonEmpty           (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence                (Seq, ViewL(..), (|>), viewl)
import Lens.Micro            hiding (to)
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.Printf

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

type ShellCommand = String

data Job = Job
    { jobHeader   :: String
    , jobCommands :: NonEmpty ShellCommand
    , jobTMVar    :: TMVar ()

makeJob :: String -> NonEmpty ShellCommand -> STM Job
makeJob header cmds = do
    tmvar <- newEmptyTMVar
    pure (Job header cmds tmvar)

jobEquals :: NonEmpty ShellCommand -> Job -> Bool
jobEquals cmds job = cmds == jobCommands job

data JobQueue
    = JobQueue
        (TVar (Maybe Job)) -- Currently running job
        (TVar (Seq Job))   -- Queue of jobs to run

newJobQueue :: IO JobQueue
newJobQueue = JobQueue <$> newTVarIO Nothing <*> newTVarIO mempty

enqueueJob :: String -> NonEmpty ShellCommand -> JobQueue -> IO ()
enqueueJob header cmds (JobQueue running_tv queue_tv) = atomically $
    readTVar running_tv >>= \case
        Just job | cmds `jobEquals` job ->
            restartJob job
        _ -> do
            queue <- readTVar queue_tv
            unless (seqContains jobEquals cmds queue) $ do
                new_job <- makeJob header cmds
                modifyTVar' queue_tv (|> new_job)

-- | Dequeue a Job from a JobQueue. This assumes that there is no currently
-- running job, but does not actually check.
dequeueJob :: JobQueue -> IO Job
dequeueJob (JobQueue running_tv queue_tv) = atomically $ do
    queue <- readTVar queue_tv
    case viewl queue of
        EmptyL -> retry
        (job :< jobs) -> do
            writeTVar running_tv (Just job)
            writeTVar queue_tv jobs
            pure job

runJob :: JobQueue -> Job -> IO ()
runJob job_queue@(JobQueue running_tv queue_tv)
       job@(Job header cmds tmvar) = do

    putStrLn ("\n" <> colored Cyan header)

    a <- async (runShellCommands (NE.toList cmds))

    let lhs :: STM (Either SomeException JobResult)
        lhs = waitCatchSTM a <* writeTVar running_tv Nothing

        rhs :: STM ()
        rhs = takeTMVar tmvar

    atomically (lhs <|||> rhs) >>= \case
        -- Job threw an exception - a ThreadKilled we are
        -- okay with, but anything else we should print to the
        -- console.
        Left (Left ex) ->
            case fromException ex of
                Just ThreadKilled -> pure ()
                _ -> putStrLn (colored Red ("Exception: " ++ show ex))

        -- Commands finished successfully.
        Left (Right JobSuccess) -> pure ()

        -- A command failed - if there is another enqueued list
        -- of commands to run, prompt the user to continue or
        -- abort.
        Left (Right JobFailure) -> do
            queue <- atomically (readTVar queue_tv)
            case length queue of
                0 -> pure ()
                n -> do
                    putStrLn (colored Yellow (show n ++ " job(s) still pending."))

                    hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
                    continue <- fix (\prompt -> do
                        putStr (colored Yellow "Press 'c' to continue, 'p' to print, or 'a' to abort: ")
                        hFlush stdout
                        (getChar <* putStrLn "") >>= \case
                            'c' -> pure True
                            'a' -> pure False
                            'p' -> do
                                mapM_ (\(c:|cs) -> do
                                          putStrLn ("- " ++ c)
                                          mapM_ (putStrLn . ("  " ++)) cs)
                                      (queue^..traversed.to jobCommands)
                            _ -> prompt)
                    hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering

                    -- Here, it's possible we've reported that
                    -- `n` jobs were enqueued, but by the time
                    -- the user decides to abort them, more
                    -- were added. Oh well, delete them all.
                    unless continue $ do
                        n' <- atomically (length <$> swapTVar queue_tv mempty)
                        putStrLn (colored Red ("Aborted " ++ show n' ++ " job(s)."))

        -- Another filesystem event triggered this list of commands
        -- to be run again - cancel the previous run and start over.
        Right () -> do
            cancel a
            _ <- waitCatch a
            runJob job_queue job

restartJob :: Job -> STM ()
restartJob job = void (tryPutTMVar (jobTMVar job) ())

data JobResult = JobSuccess | JobFailure

-- Run a list of shell commands sequentially. If a command returns ExitFailure,
-- don't run the rest. Return whether or not all commands completed
-- successfully.
runShellCommands :: [ShellCommand] -> IO JobResult
runShellCommands cmds0 = go 1 cmds0
    go :: Int -> [ShellCommand] -> IO JobResult
    go _ [] = pure JobSuccess
    go n (cmd:cmds) = do
        putStrLn (colored Magenta (printf "[%d/%d] " n (length cmds0)) <> cmd)

        let create = (\(_, _, _, ph) -> ph) <$> createProcess (shell cmd)
            teardown ph = do
                putStrLn (colored Yellow ("Canceling: " ++ cmd))
                terminateProcess ph
        bracketOnError create teardown waitForProcess >>= \case
            ExitSuccess -> do
                putStrLn (colored Green "Success ✓")
                go (n+1) cmds
            _ -> do
                putStrLn (colored Red "Failure ✗")
                pure JobFailure

seqContains :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> a -> Seq b -> Bool
seqContains _ _ (viewl -> EmptyL) = False
seqContains p x (viewl -> y :< ys)
    | p x y     = True
    | otherwise = seqContains p x ys


to :: (s -> a) -> (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s
to f g s = Const (getConst (g (f s)))

(<|||>) :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
fa <|||> fb = Left <$> fa <|> Right <$> fb