module Sos.Template
  ( RawTemplate
  , Template
  , parseTemplate
  , instantiateTemplate
  ) where

import Sos.Exception
import Sos.Job       (ShellCommand)
import Sos.Utils

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.ByteString              (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

import qualified Data.Text.Encoding     as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy         as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LText

-- | A 'RawTemplate' represents a shell command, possibly containing capture
-- groups, e.g. "ghc \0"
type RawTemplate = ByteString

-- A 'Template' is a parsed 'RawTemplate' that replaces all capture groups with
-- Lefts.
-- For example, the raw template
--    "gcc -c \1.c -o \1.c"
-- will become
--    [Right "gcc -c ", Left 1, Right ".c -o ", Left 1, Right ".c"]
type Template = [Either Int ByteString]

parseTemplate :: MonadError SosException m => RawTemplate -> m Template
parseTemplate raw_template =
  case readP_to_S parser (unpackBS raw_template) of
    [(template, "")] -> return template
    _ -> throwError (SosCommandParseException raw_template)
  parser :: ReadP Template
  parser = some (capturePart <|||> textPart) <* eof
    capturePart :: ReadP Int
    capturePart = read <$> (char '\\' *> munch1 digit)
      digit :: Char -> Bool
      digit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'

    textPart :: ReadP ByteString
    textPart = packBS <$> munch1 (/= '\\')

-- Instantiate a template with a list of captured variables, per their indices.
-- For example,
--    instantiateTemplate ["ONE", "TWO"] [Right "foo", Left 0, Right "bar", Left 1] == "fooONEbarTWO"
  :: forall m. MonadError SosException m
  => [ByteString]
  -> Template
  -> m ShellCommand
instantiateTemplate vars0 template0 = go 0 vars0 template0
  go :: Int -> [ByteString] -> Template -> m ShellCommand
  go _ [] template =
    case flattenTemplate template of
      Left n ->
        let err = "uninstantiated template variable: \\" ++ show n
        in throwError (SosCommandApplyException template0 vars0 err)
      Right x -> return x
  go n (t:ts) template = go (n+1) ts (map f template)
    f :: Either Int ByteString -> Either Int ByteString
    f (Left n')
        | n == n'   = Right t
        | otherwise = Left n'
    f x = x

-- Attempt to flatten a list of Rights to a single string.
flattenTemplate :: Template -> Either Int ShellCommand
flattenTemplate = go mempty
  go :: LText.Builder -> Template -> Either Int ShellCommand
  go !acc [] = Right (LText.unpack (LText.toLazyText acc))
  go !acc (x:xs) =
    case x of
      Right s ->
        let acc' = acc <> LText.fromText (Text.decodeUtf8 s)
        in go acc' xs
      Left n -> Left n