{-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Test.Machine.Evaluate.Errors (tests) where import Test.Tasty import Stg.Language import Stg.Machine.Types import Stg.Parser.QuasiQuoter import Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MachineState import Test.Orphans () tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Error conditions" [ updatableClosureWithArgs , returnIntWithEmptyReturnStack , updateClosureWithPrimitive , functionArgumentNotInScope , constructorArgumentNotInScope , primitiveArgumentNotInScope , algebraicReturnToPrimitiveAlts , primReturnToAlgAlts , loopEnterBlackHole , functionScrutinee , testGroup "Invalid operations" [ divisionByZero , moduloZero ] , badConArity ] updatableClosureWithArgs :: TestTree updatableClosureWithArgs = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Updatable closure with arguments" , source = Program (Binds [(Var "main", LambdaForm [] Update [Var "x"] (AppF (Var "x") []) )]) , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError UpdatableClosureWithArgs) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } returnIntWithEmptyReturnStack :: TestTree returnIntWithEmptyReturnStack = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Closure with primitive body" , source = [stg| main = \ -> case 1# of v -> v |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError ReturnIntWithEmptyReturnStack) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } updateClosureWithPrimitive :: TestTree updateClosureWithPrimitive = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Closure update with primitive" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of v -> v |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError UpdateClosureWithPrimitive) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } functionArgumentNotInScope :: TestTree functionArgumentNotInScope = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Function argument not in scope" , source = [stg| main = \ -> main x |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError VariablesNotInScope{}) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } constructorArgumentNotInScope :: TestTree constructorArgumentNotInScope = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Function argument not in scope" , source = [stg| main = \ -> Con x |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError VariablesNotInScope{}) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } primitiveArgumentNotInScope :: TestTree primitiveArgumentNotInScope = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Primitive function argument not in scope" , source = [stg| main = \ -> case +# x y of default -> Foo |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError VariablesNotInScope{}) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } algebraicReturnToPrimitiveAlts :: TestTree algebraicReturnToPrimitiveAlts = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Algebraic scrutinee with primitive alts" , source = [stg| main = \ -> case Con of 1# -> A; default -> B |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError AlgReturnToPrimAlts) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } primReturnToAlgAlts :: TestTree primReturnToAlgAlts = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Primitive scrutinee with algebraic alts" , source = [stg| main = \ -> case 1# of Con -> A; default -> B |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError PrimReturnToAlgAlts) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } loopEnterBlackHole :: TestTree loopEnterBlackHole = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Loop on entering black hole" , source = [stg| main = \ => main |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError EnterBlackhole) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } functionScrutinee :: TestTree functionScrutinee = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Function scrutinee" , failWithInfo = False , source = [stg| id = \x -> x; main = \ => case id of default -> Success |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError NonAlgPrimScrutinee) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } divisionByZero :: TestTree divisionByZero = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Division by zero" , failWithInfo = False , source = [stg| main = \ => case /# 1# 0# of default -> Failure |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError DivisionByZero) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } moduloZero :: TestTree moduloZero = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Modulo by zero" , failWithInfo = False , source = [stg| main = \ => case %# 1# 0# of default -> Failure |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError DivisionByZero) _ -> True _otherwise -> False } badConArity :: TestTree badConArity = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Bad constructor arity" , failWithInfo = False , source = [stg| x = \ -> Unit; y = \ -> Unit; main = \ => case Cons x y of Cons x -> Bad; default -> Baaad |] , successPredicate = \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateError BadConArity{}) _ -> True _otherwise -> False }