{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | Tests of medium size, defined by terminating within a certain number of -- steps (configured in 'defSpec'). -- These tests will be run with garbage collection enabled, and should have the -- scope of small functions a Haskell beginner might play around with. module Test.Machine.Evaluate.Programs (tests) where import Data.Foldable import Stg.Machine.Types import Stg.Marshal import Stg.Parser.QuasiQuoter import qualified Stg.Prelude as Stg import Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MachineState import qualified Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MarshalledValue as MVal import Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.Util import Test.Orphans () import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers import Test.Tasty tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Programs" [ add3 , takeRepeat , fibonacci , testGroup "mean of a list" [ meanNaive , meanNaiveWithFoldl' , meanGood ] ] add3 :: TestTree add3 = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "add3 x y z = x+y+z" , successPredicate = "main" `hasValue` (6 :: Integer) , source = [stg| add3 = \x y z -> case x of Int# i -> case y of Int# j -> case +# i j of ij -> case z of Int# k -> case +# ij k of ijk -> Int# ijk; badInt -> Error_add3_1 badInt; badInt -> Error_add3_2 badInt; badInt -> Error_add3_3 badInt; one = \ -> Int# 1#; two = \ -> Int# 2#; three = \ -> Int# 3#; main = \ => add3 one two three |] } takeRepeat :: TestTree takeRepeat = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "take 2 (repeat ())" , successPredicate = "twoUnits" `hasValue` replicate 2 () , source = mconcat [ toStg "two" (2 :: Integer) , Stg.take , Stg.repeat , Stg.foldr , Stg.force , [stg| consBang = \x xs -> case xs of v -> Cons x v; nil = \ -> Nil; forceSpine = \xs -> foldr consBang nil xs; twoUnits = \ => letrec repeated = \(unit) => repeat unit; unit = \ -> Unit; take2 = \(repeated) => take two repeated in forceSpine take2; main = \ -> force twoUnits |] ]} fibonacci :: TestTree fibonacci = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Fibonacci sequence" , successPredicate = "main" `hasValue` take numFibos fibo , maxSteps = 10000 , failWithInfo = True , source = mconcat [ toStg "zero" (0 :: Int) , toStg "one" (1 :: Int) , toStg "numFibos" (numFibos :: Int) , Stg.add , Stg.take , Stg.zipWith , Stg.force , [stg| main = \ => letrec fibos = \(fibo) => take numFibos fibo; fibo = \ => letrec fib0 = \(fib1) -> Cons zero fib1; fib1 = \(fib2) -> Cons one fib2; fib2 = \(fib0 fib1) => zipWith add fib0 fib1 in fib0 in force fibos |] ]} where fibo :: [Integer] fibo = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibo (tail fibo) numFibos :: Num a => a numFibos = 10 meanTestTemplate :: MVal.MarshalledValueTestSpec (NonEmptyList Integer) Integer meanTestTemplate = let mean :: [Integer] -> Integer mean xs = let (total, count) = foldl' go (0,0) xs go (!t, !c) x = (t+x, c+1) in total `div` count in MVal.MarshalledValueTestSpec { MVal.testName = "Mena test template" , MVal.maxSteps = 1024 , MVal.failWithInfo = False , MVal.failPredicate = const False , MVal.sourceSpec = \(NonEmpty inputList) -> MVal.MarshalSourceSpec { MVal.resultVar = "main" , MVal.expectedValue = mean inputList , MVal.source = mconcat [ Stg.add , Stg.div , toStg "zero" (0 :: Int) , toStg "one" (1 :: Int) , toStg "inputList" inputList , [stg| main = \ => mean inputList |] ]}} meanNaive :: TestTree meanNaive = MVal.marshalledValueTest meanTestTemplate { MVal.testName = "Naïve: foldl and lazy tuple" , MVal.sourceSpec = \inputList -> (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) { MVal.source = mconcat [ MVal.source (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) , Stg.foldl , [stg| mean = \xs -> letrec totals = \(go zeroTuple) -> foldl go zeroTuple; zeroTuple = \ -> Tuple zero zero; go = \acc x -> case acc of Tuple t n -> let tx = \(t x) => add t x; n1 = \(n) => add n one in Tuple tx n1; badTuple -> Error_mean1 badTuple in case totals xs of Tuple t n -> div t n; badTuple -> Error_mean2 badTuple |] ]}} meanNaiveWithFoldl' :: TestTree meanNaiveWithFoldl' = MVal.marshalledValueTest meanTestTemplate { MVal.testName = "Naïve with insufficient optimization: foldl'" , MVal.sourceSpec = \inputList -> (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) { MVal.source = mconcat [ MVal.source (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) , Stg.foldl' , [stg| mean = \xs -> letrec totals = \(go zeroTuple) -> foldl' go zeroTuple; zeroTuple = \ -> Tuple zero zero; go = \acc x -> case acc of Tuple t n -> let tx = \(t x) => add t x; n1 = \(n) => add n one in Tuple tx n1; badTuple -> Error_mean1 badTuple in case totals xs of Tuple t n -> div t n; badTuple -> Error_mean2 badTuple |] ]}} meanGood :: TestTree meanGood = MVal.marshalledValueTest meanTestTemplate { MVal.testName = "Proper: foldl' and strict tuple" , MVal.failWithInfo = False , MVal.failPredicate = \stgState -> length (stgStack stgState) >= 9 , MVal.sourceSpec = \inputList -> (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) { MVal.source = mconcat [ MVal.source (MVal.sourceSpec meanTestTemplate inputList) , Stg.foldl' , [stg| mean = \xs -> letrec totals = \(go zeroTuple) -> foldl' go zeroTuple; zeroTuple = \ -> Tuple zero zero; go = \acc x -> case acc of Tuple t n -> let tx = \(t x) => add t x; n1 = \(n) => add n one in case tx of default -> case n1 of default -> Tuple tx n1; badTuple -> Error_mean1 badTuple in case totals xs of Tuple t n -> div t n; badTuple -> Error_mean2 badTuple |] ]}}