{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Tests for each of the STG rules. The scope should be as small as possible -- around the actual test subject as possible. (To test return-after-case -- you have to combine case evaluation and return handling, but you do not -- have to introduce new bindings with @let@, for example.) module Test.Machine.Evaluate.Rules (tests) where import Stg.Language import Stg.Machine import Stg.Machine.Types import Stg.Parser.QuasiQuoter (stg) import Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MachineState hiding (defSpec) import qualified Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MachineState as MachineTest import qualified Test.Machine.Evaluate.TestTemplates.MarshalledValue as MVal import Test.Orphans () import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers import Test.Tasty tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Rules" [ nonUpdatableFunctionApplication , testGroup "Let (rule 3)" [ testGroup "Non-recursive" [ letBinding , letMultiBinding , letNestedBinding ] , testGroup "Recursive" [ letrecBinding , letrecMultiBinding ] ] , testGroup "Case evaluation (rule 4)" [ testGroup "Default-only" [ defaultOnlyCase_unboundAlgebraic , defaultOnlyCase_boundAlgebraic , defaultOnlyCase_unboundPrimitive , defaultOnlyCase_boundPrimitive ] , testGroup "Algebraic alternatives" [ algebraicCase_normalMatch , algebraicCase_defaultUnboundMatch , algebraicCase_defaultBoundMatch ] , testGroup "Primitive alternatives" [ primitiveCase_normalMatch , primitiveCase_defaultUnboundMatch , primitiveCase_defaultBoundMatch ] ] , constructorApplication , literalEvaluation , literalApplication , primops , enterUpdatableClosure , algebraicReturnUpdate , missingArgsUpdate , testGroup "Primitive case evaluation shortcuts" [ primopShortcut_defaultBound , primopShortcut_normalMatch ] ] defSpec :: MachineStateTestSpec defSpec = MachineTest.defSpec { maxSteps = 32 , performGc = PerformGc (const Nothing) } nonUpdatableFunctionApplication :: TestTree nonUpdatableFunctionApplication = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Function application, enter non-updatable closure (rule 1 and 2)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case id unit of Unit -> Success; default -> TestFail; id = \x -> x; unit = \ -> Unit |] } letBinding :: TestTree letBinding = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Single binding" , source = [stg| main = \ => let x = \ -> Success in x |] } letMultiBinding :: TestTree letMultiBinding = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Multiple bindings" , source = [stg| main = \ => let id = \x -> x; one = \ -> Int# 1# in case id one of Int# y -> case y of 1# -> Success; wrong -> TestFail wrong; default -> Error |] } letNestedBinding :: TestTree letNestedBinding = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Nested bindings" , source = [stg| main = \ => let id = \x -> x; one = \ -> Int# 1# in let idOne = \(id one) -> case id one of v -> v in case idOne of Int# y -> case y of 1# -> Success; wrong -> TestFail wrong; default -> Error |] } letrecBinding :: TestTree letrecBinding = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Single binding" , source = [stg| main = \ => letrec x = \ -> Success in x |] } letrecMultiBinding :: TestTree letrecMultiBinding = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Cross-referencing bindings" , source = [stg| main = \ => letrec id = \x -> x; idOne = \(id one) -> case id one of v -> v; one = \ -> Int# 1# in case idOne of Int# y -> case y of 1# -> Success; default -> TestFail; default -> Error |] } defaultOnlyCase_unboundAlgebraic :: TestTree defaultOnlyCase_unboundAlgebraic = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Unbound, algebraic scrutinee (rule 7)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case x of default -> x; x = \ -> Success |] } defaultOnlyCase_boundAlgebraic :: TestTree defaultOnlyCase_boundAlgebraic = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Bound, algebraic scrutinee (rule 8)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case x of x -> x; x = \ -> Success |] } defaultOnlyCase_unboundPrimitive :: TestTree defaultOnlyCase_unboundPrimitive = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Unbound, primitive scrutinee (rule 13)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of default -> Success |] } defaultOnlyCase_boundPrimitive :: TestTree defaultOnlyCase_boundPrimitive = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Bound, primitive scrutinee (rule 12)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of x -> Success |] } algebraicCase_normalMatch :: TestTree algebraicCase_normalMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Algebraic, normal match (rule 6)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case Nothing of Nothing -> Success; default -> TestFail |] } algebraicCase_defaultUnboundMatch :: TestTree algebraicCase_defaultUnboundMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Algebraic, unbound default match (rule 7)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case Nothing of Just x -> TestFail x; default -> Success |] } algebraicCase_defaultBoundMatch :: TestTree algebraicCase_defaultBoundMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Algebraic, bound default match (rule 8)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case Nothing of Just x -> TestFail; v -> Success |] } primitiveCase_normalMatch :: TestTree primitiveCase_normalMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Primitive, normal match (rule 11)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of 1# -> Success; default -> TestFail |] } primitiveCase_defaultUnboundMatch :: TestTree primitiveCase_defaultUnboundMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Primitive, unbound default match (rule 13)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of 0# -> TestFail; 123# -> TestFail; default -> Success |] } primitiveCase_defaultBoundMatch :: TestTree primitiveCase_defaultBoundMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Primitive, unbound default match (rule 12)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of 0# -> TestFail; 123# -> TestFail; -1# -> TestFail; x -> Success |] } constructorApplication :: TestTree constructorApplication = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Constructor application (rule 5)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case Just 1# of Just v -> Success; x -> TestFail x |] } literalEvaluation :: TestTree literalEvaluation = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Literal evaluation (rule 9)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of 1# -> Success; x -> TestFail x |] } literalApplication :: TestTree literalApplication = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Literal application (rule 10)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of v1 -> case v1 of 1# -> Success; x -> TestFail x |] } primops :: TestTree primops = MVal.marshalledValueTest MVal.MarshalledValueTestSpec { MVal.testName = "Primops" , MVal.maxSteps = 1024 , MVal.failWithInfo = True , MVal.failPredicate = const False , MVal.sourceSpec = \(op, arg1 :: Integer, NonZero arg2) -> MVal.MarshalSourceSpec -- arg2 is nonzero or the div/mod tests fail. Having their own tests -- is probably not worth the code duplication, so we just throw out -- the baby with the bathwater here. { MVal.resultVar = "main" , MVal.expectedValue = haskell op arg1 arg2 , MVal.source = Program (Binds [(Var "main", LambdaForm [] Update [] (Case (AppP op (AtomLit (Literal arg1)) (AtomLit (Literal arg2))) (Alts NoNonDefaultAlts (DefaultBound (Var "x") (AppC (Constr "Int#") [AtomVar (Var "x")])) )))])}} where boolToPrim op x y = if op x y then 1 else 0 haskell = \case Add -> (+) Sub -> (-) Mul -> (*) Div -> div Mod -> mod Eq -> boolToPrim (==) Lt -> boolToPrim (<) Leq -> boolToPrim (<=) Gt -> boolToPrim (>) Geq -> boolToPrim (>=) Neq -> boolToPrim (/=) enterUpdatableClosure :: TestTree enterUpdatableClosure = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Enter updatable closure (rule 15)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case Unit of default -> Success |] , allSatisfied = [ \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateTransition Enter_UpdatableClosure) _ -> True _otherwise -> False ] } algebraicReturnUpdate :: TestTree algebraicReturnUpdate = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Update because of missing return frame (rule 16)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case updateMe of default -> Success; updateMe = \ => case Unit of default -> Unit |] , allSatisfied = [ \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateTransition ReturnCon_Update) _ -> True _otherwise -> False ] } missingArgsUpdate :: TestTree missingArgsUpdate = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Update because of missing argument frame (rule 17a)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case flipTuple 1# 2# of Tuple a b -> case a of 2# -> case b of 1# -> Success; bad -> TestFail bad; bad -> TestFail bad; badTuple -> Error_badTuple badTuple; tuple = \x y -> Tuple x y; flip = \f x y -> f y x; flipTuple = \ => flip tuple |] , allSatisfied = [ \state -> case stgInfo state of Info (StateTransition Enter_PartiallyAppliedUpdate) _ -> True _otherwise -> False ] } primopShortcut_defaultBound :: TestTree primopShortcut_defaultBound = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Default bound match shortcut (rule 18)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case +# 1# 2# of 1# -> TestFail 1#; 2# -> TestFail 2#; v -> Success |] , failPredicate = \state -> case stgCode state of Eval AppP{} _ -> True -- The point of the shortcut is to never reach -- the AppP rule itself. _otherwise -> False } primopShortcut_normalMatch :: TestTree primopShortcut_normalMatch = machineStateTest defSpec { testName = "Standard match shortcut (rule 19)" , source = [stg| main = \ => case 1# of one -> case +# one 2# of 3# -> Success; wrong -> TestFail wrong |] , failPredicate = \state -> case stgCode state of Eval AppP{} _ -> True -- The point of the shortcut is to never reach -- the AppP rule itself. _otherwise -> False }