{-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Test.Machine.GarbageCollection (tests) where import Control.DeepSeq import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Stg.Language.Prettyprint import Stg.Machine import Stg.Machine.GarbageCollection.Common import Stg.Machine.Types import Stg.Marshal import Stg.Parser.QuasiQuoter import qualified Stg.Prelude as Stg import Test.Orphans () import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Garbage collection" [ gcTests "Tri-state tracing" triStateTracing , gcTests "Two space copying" twoSpaceCopying ] gcTests :: Text -> GarbageCollectionAlgorithm -> TestTree gcTests name algorithm = testGroup (T.unpack name) [ test algorithm | test <- [ splitHeapTest , fibonacciSumTest ]] prettyIndented :: Pretty a => a -> Text prettyIndented = T.unlines . map (" " <>) . T.lines . prettyprint splitHeapTest :: GarbageCollectionAlgorithm -> TestTree splitHeapTest algorithm = testGroup "Split heap in dead/alive" [ deadAddressesFound , deadAndAliveContainAll ] where addr ~> closure = (MemAddr addr, HClosure closure) dirtyHeap = Heap [ 0 ~> Closure [stg| \(cyclic used1) -> Used cyclic used1 |] [Addr (MemAddr addr) | addr <- [4,1] ] , 1 ~> Closure [stg| \(used2 prim) -> Used used2 prim |] [Addr (MemAddr 2), PrimInt 1] , 2 ~> Closure [stg| \ -> Used |] [] , 3 ~> Closure [stg| \ -> Unused |] [] , 4 ~> Closure [stg| \(cyclic) -> Used cyclic |] [Addr (MemAddr 4)] ] globals = Globals [("main", Addr (MemAddr 0))] expectedDead = [MemAddr 3] dummyState = StgState { stgCode = ReturnInt 1 , stgStack = mempty , stgHeap = dirtyHeap , stgGlobals = globals , stgSteps = 0 , stgInfo = Info GarbageCollection [] } errorMsg = T.unlines [ "Globals:" , prettyIndented globals , "Dirty heap:" , prettyIndented dirtyHeap , "Clean heap:" , prettyIndented cleanHeap ] (deadAddrs, _forwards, StgState{stgHeap = cleanHeap}) = splitHeapWith algorithm dummyState deadAddressesFound = testCase "Dead addresses are found" test where test = assertEqual (T.unpack errorMsg) expectedDead deadAddrs deadAndAliveContainAll = testCase "Heap shrinks by number of dead addresses" test where expectedNewHeapSize = let Heap old = dirtyHeap in M.size old - S.size deadAddrs actualNewHeapSize = let Heap new = cleanHeap in M.size new test = assertEqual (T.unpack errorMsg) expectedNewHeapSize actualNewHeapSize fibonacciSumTest :: GarbageCollectionAlgorithm -> TestTree fibonacciSumTest algorithm = testCase "Long-running program" test where -- This program choked on the new copying GC (ran into an infinite loop), -- so it is added as a test case. It's much rather a sanity test than a -- minimal example displaying the actual issue, however. source = mconcat [ Stg.add , toStg "zero" (0 :: Int) , Stg.foldl' , Stg.zipWith ] <> [stg| flipConst = \x y -> y; main = \ => letrec fibo = \ => letrec fib0 = \(fib1) -> Cons zero fib1; fib1 = \(fib2) => let one = \ -> Int# 1# in Cons one fib2; fib2 = \(fib0 fib1) => zipWith add fib0 fib1 in fib0 in foldl' flipConst zero fibo |] prog = initialState "main" source states = NE.take 1e3 (evalsUntil (RunForMaxSteps 1e10) (HaltIf (const False)) (PerformGc (const (Just algorithm))) prog ) test = rnf states `seq` pure ()