{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Valid transitions from one state to another. Error conditions are handled
-- separately in "ErrorTransitions" if possible.
module Stg.Machine.Evaluate.ValidTransitions (
) where

import           Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.Foldable  as F
import qualified Data.Map       as M
import           Data.Monoid    hiding (Alt)
import qualified Data.Set       as S

import           Data.Stack                  (Stack (..), (<>>))
import qualified Data.Stack                  as S
import           Stg.Language
import           Stg.Machine.Env
import           Stg.Machine.Evaluate.Common
import qualified Stg.Machine.Heap            as H
import           Stg.Machine.Types
import           Stg.StaticAnalysis
import           Stg.Util

-- | Smart constructor to avoid generating info if nothing was discarded
mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables :: [Var] -> Locals -> [InfoDetail]
mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables usedVars locals =
    [ Detail_UnusedLocalVariables usedVars locals
    | let Locals localsMap = locals
          used = M.fromList [ (var, ()) | var <- usedVars ]
          unused = localsMap `M.difference` used
    , not (M.null unused) && not (M.null localsMap) ]

-- | Rule 1: Function application
-- Push argument values onto the stack, and enter the function's address.
rule1_functionApp :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule1_functionApp s@StgState
    { stgCode    = Eval (AppF f xs) locals
    , stgStack   = stack
    , stgGlobals = globals }
    | Success (Addr addr) <- val locals globals (AtomVar f)
    , Success xsVals <- vals locals globals xs

  = let stack' = map ArgumentFrame xsVals <>> stack

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Enter addr
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info
            (StateTransition Rule1_Eval_FunctionApplication)
            ( Detail_FunctionApplication f xs
            : mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables (f : [ var | AtomVar var <- xs ]) locals )})

rule1_functionApp _ = Nothing

isArgFrame :: StackFrame -> Bool
isArgFrame ArgumentFrame{} = True
isArgFrame _else           = False

-- | Rule 2: Enter non-updatable closure
-- Fetch all arguments from the stack, bind them to the lambda's variables, and
-- continue evaluating the body.
rule2_enterNonUpdatable :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule2_enterNonUpdatable s@StgState
    { stgCode  = Enter addr
    , stgStack = stack
    , stgHeap  = heap }
    | Just (HClosure (Closure (LambdaForm free NoUpdate bound body) freeVals))
        <- H.lookup addr heap
    , Just (frames, stack') <- bound `S.forEachPop` stack
    , all isArgFrame frames
    , args <- [ arg | ArgumentFrame arg <- frames ]

  = let locals = makeLocals (freeLocals <> boundLocals)
        freeLocals = zipWith Mapping free freeVals
        boundLocals = zipWith Mapping bound args

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval body locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule2_Enter_NonUpdatableClosure)
                          [Detail_EnterNonUpdatable addr boundLocals] })

rule2_enterNonUpdatable _ = Nothing

-- | Create a 'Closure' out of a 'LambdaForm', given a local environment.
liftLambdaToClosure :: Locals -> LambdaForm -> Validate NotInScope Closure
liftLambdaToClosure locals lf@(LambdaForm free _ _ _) =
    case traverse (first (:[]) . localVal locals . AtomVar) free of
        Success freeVals   -> Success (Closure lf freeVals)
        Failure notInScope -> Failure (mconcat notInScope)

-- | Rule 3: let(rec)
-- Allocate closures for each definition on the heap, making sure references to
-- existing (or recursive) definitions are correct, and add the bindings to the
-- local environment. Proceed by evaluating the @in@ part of the @let@.
rule3_let :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule3_let s@StgState
    { stgCode = Eval (Let rec (Binds letBinds) expr) locals
    , stgHeap = heap }

  = let (letVars, letLambdaForms) = unzip (M.assocs letBinds)

        -- We'll need the memory addresses to be created on the heap at this
        -- point already, so we pre-allocate enough already. If everything goes
        -- fine (i.e. all variables referenced in the 'let' are in scope), these
        -- dummy objects can later be overwritten by the actual closures formed
        -- in the 'let' block.
        (newAddrs, heapWithPreallocations) =
            let preallocatedObjs = map (const (Blackhole 0)) letVars
            in H.allocMany preallocatedObjs heap

        -- The local environment enriched by the definitions in the 'let'.
        locals' = let varToAddr var addr = Mapping var (Addr addr)
                      newMappings = zipWith varToAddr letVars newAddrs
                  in makeLocals newMappings <> locals

        -- The local environment applicable in the lambda forms defined in the
        -- 'let' binding.
        localsRhs = case rec of
            NonRecursive -> locals  -- New bindings are invisible
            Recursive    -> locals' -- New bindings are in scope

    in Just (case traverse (liftLambdaToClosure localsRhs) letLambdaForms of
        Success closures ->
                -- As promised above, the preallocated dummy closures are
                -- now discarded, and replaced with the newly formed
                -- closures.
            let addrToClosure addr closure = Mapping addr (HClosure closure)
                heap' = H.updateMany
                    (zipWith addrToClosure newAddrs closures)
            in s { stgCode = Eval expr locals'
                 , stgHeap = heap'
                 , stgInfo = Info (StateTransition (Rule3_Eval_Let rec))
                                  [Detail_EvalLet letVars newAddrs] }
        Failure notInScope ->
            s { stgInfo = Info (StateError (VariablesNotInScope notInScope)) [] })

rule3_let _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 4: Case evaluation
-- Push a return frame with the possible branches, and continue evaluating the
-- scrutinee.
-- Compared to the paper, this rule was improved by removing local bindings that
-- are not used at all in the alternatives, which would unnecessarily prolong
-- the garbage collection lifetime of unused bindings.
rule4_case :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule4_case s@StgState
    { stgCode  = Eval (Case expr alts) locals
    , stgStack = stack }

  = let stack' = ReturnFrame alts (removeUnusedLocals locals) :< stack

        removeUnusedLocals (Locals unpackedLocals) =
            let freeInBody var _val = var `S.member` freeVariables alts
            in Locals (M.filterWithKey freeInBody unpackedLocals)

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule4_Eval_Case)
                          [Detail_EvalCase] })

rule4_case _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 5: Constructor application
-- Simply transition into the 'ReturnCon' state.
rule5_constructorApp :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule5_constructorApp s@StgState
    { stgCode    = Eval (AppC con xs) locals
    , stgGlobals = globals }
    | Success valsXs <- vals locals globals xs

  = Just (s
        { stgCode = ReturnCon con valsXs
        , stgInfo = Info
            (StateTransition Rule5_Eval_AppC)
            (mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables [ var | AtomVar var <- xs ] locals) })

rule5_constructorApp _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 6: Algebraic constructor return, standard match
-- Continue with the branch of the matched constructor, extending the local
-- environment with the matched pattern variables' values.
rule6_algebraicNormalMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule6_algebraicNormalMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnCon con ws
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack' }
    | Success (AltMatches (AlgebraicAlt _con vars expr)) <-
        lookupAlgebraicAlt alts con
    , length ws == length vars

  = let locals' = addLocals (zipWith Mapping vars ws) locals

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals'
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule6_ReturnCon_Match)
                          [Detail_ReturnCon_Match con vars] })

rule6_algebraicNormalMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 7: Algebraic constructor return, unbound default match
-- None of the given alternatives matched, so simply continue with the default
-- branch.
rule7_algebraicUnboundDefaultMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule7_algebraicUnboundDefaultMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnCon con _ws
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack' }
    | Success (DefaultMatches (DefaultNotBound expr)) <-
        lookupAlgebraicAlt alts con

  = Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule7_ReturnCon_DefUnbound) [] })

rule7_algebraicUnboundDefaultMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 8: Algebraic constructor return, bound default match
-- None of the given alternatives matched, so continue with the default branch.
-- Also allocate the default-matched value on the heap and extend the local
-- environment with its binding to retain a reference to the scrutinized value.
rule8_algebraicBoundDefaultMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule8_algebraicBoundDefaultMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnCon con ws
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack'
    , stgHeap  = heap
    , stgSteps = steps }
    | Success (DefaultMatches (DefaultBound v expr)) <-
        lookupAlgebraicAlt alts con

  = let locals' = addLocals [Mapping v (Addr addr)] locals
        (addr, heap') = H.alloc (HClosure closure) heap
        closure = Closure (LambdaForm vs NoUpdate [] (AppC con (map AtomVar vs))) ws
        vs = let newVar _old i = Var ("alg8_" <> show' steps <> "-" <> show' i)
             in zipWith newVar ws [0::Integer ..]
    in Just (s { stgCode  = Eval expr locals'
         , stgStack = stack'
         , stgHeap  = heap'
         , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule8_ReturnCon_DefBound)
                           [Detail_ReturnConDefBound v addr] })

rule8_algebraicBoundDefaultMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 9: Literal evaluation
-- Simply transition into the 'ReturnInt' state.
rule9_primitiveLiteralEval :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule9_primitiveLiteralEval s@StgState { stgCode = Eval (LitE (Literal k)) _locals}
  = Just (s
        { stgCode = ReturnInt k
        , stgInfo = Info (StateTransition Rule9_Lit) [] })

rule9_primitiveLiteralEval _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 10: Literal application
-- Simply transition into the 'ReturnInt' state.
rule10_primitiveLiteralApp :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule10_primitiveLiteralApp s@StgState { stgCode = Eval (AppF f []) locals }
    | Success (PrimInt k) <- val locals mempty (AtomVar f)

  = Just (s
        { stgCode = ReturnInt k
        , stgInfo = Info (StateTransition Rule10_LitApp)
                         (mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables [f] locals) })

rule10_primitiveLiteralApp _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 11: Primitive return, standard match found
-- Like 'rule4_case', but for primitives.
rule11_primitiveNormalMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule11_primitiveNormalMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnInt k
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack' }
    | Success (AltMatches (PrimitiveAlt _k expr)) <-
        lookupPrimitiveAlt alts (Literal k)

  = Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule11_ReturnInt_Match) [] })

rule11_primitiveNormalMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 12: Primitive return, bound default match
-- Similar to 'rule8_algebraicBoundDefaultMatch', but for primtives. Since the
-- bound variable is primitive, this rule is a bit sompler since we can store
-- the value directly in its binding, instead of allocating it on the heap and
-- storing the address.
rule12_primitiveBoundDefaultMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule12_primitiveBoundDefaultMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnInt k
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack' }
    | Success (DefaultMatches (DefaultBound v expr)) <-
        lookupPrimitiveAlt alts (Literal k)

  = let locals' = addLocals [Mapping v (PrimInt k)] locals

    in Just ( s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals'
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule12_ReturnInt_DefBound)
                          [Detail_ReturnIntDefBound v k] })

rule12_primitiveBoundDefaultMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 13: Primitive return, unbound default match
-- Like 'rule7_algebraicUnboundDefaultMatch', but for primitives.
rule13_primitiveUnboundDefaultMatch :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule13_primitiveUnboundDefaultMatch s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnInt k
    , stgStack = ReturnFrame alts locals :< stack' }
    | Success (DefaultMatches (DefaultNotBound expr)) <-
        lookupPrimitiveAlt alts (Literal k)

  = Just (s
        { stgCode  = Eval expr locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule13_ReturnInt_DefUnbound) [] })

rule13_primitiveUnboundDefaultMatch _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 14: Primitive function application
-- This rule has been modified to take not only primitive-valued variables, but
-- also primitive values directly as arguments.
-- Without this modification, you cannot evaluate @+\# 1\# 2\#@, you have to
-- write
-- @
-- case 1\# of one -> case 2\# of two -> case +\# one two of ...
-- @
-- which is a bit silly. I think this might be an oversight in the 1992 paper.
-- The fast curry paper does not seem to impose this restriction.
-- This rule is shadowed by 'rule1819_casePrimopShortcut', which handles
-- primitive application more efficiently, without the need for an intermediate
-- 'ReturnInt' state.
rule14_primop :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule14_primop s@StgState
    { stgCode = Eval (AppP op x y) locals }
    | Success (PrimInt xVal) <- localVal locals x
    , Success (PrimInt yVal) <- localVal locals y
    , Success result <- applyPrimOp op xVal yVal

  = Just (s
        { stgCode = ReturnInt result
        , stgInfo = Info (StateTransition Rule14_Eval_AppP)
                         (mkDetail_UnusedLocalVariables [var | AtomVar var <- [x,y]]
                                                        locals )})

rule14_primop _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 15: Enter updatable closure
-- Evaluate the address pointed to, and store its future update in an
-- 'UpdateFrame'.
-- In theory this could just do what 'rule2_enterNonUpdatable' does, plus the
-- update frame. However, since lambda forms that take arguments never form
-- updatable closures, there is no need for 'ArgumentFrame' handling in this
-- rule.
rule15_enterUpdatable :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule15_enterUpdatable s@StgState
    { stgCode  = Enter addr
    , stgStack = stack
    , stgHeap  = heap
    , stgSteps = tick }
    | Just (HClosure (Closure (LambdaForm free Update [] body) freeVals))
        <- H.lookup addr heap

  = let stack' = UpdateFrame addr :< stack
        locals = makeLocals (zipWith Mapping free freeVals)
        heap' = H.update (Mapping addr (Blackhole tick)) heap

    in Just ( s
        { stgCode  = Eval body locals
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgHeap  = heap'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule15_Enter_UpdatableClosure)
                          [Detail_EnterUpdatable addr] })

rule15_enterUpdatable _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 16: Update because of missing 'ReturnFrame'
-- A 'ReturnCon' state requires a 'ReturnFrame' to continue, but there is an
-- 'UpdateFrame' in the way. The latter has to be eliminated by performing an
-- update with the returned constructor before attempting the return once more.
rule16_missingReturnUpdate :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule16_missingReturnUpdate s@StgState
    { stgCode  = ReturnCon con ws
    , stgStack = UpdateFrame addr :< stack'
    , stgHeap  = heap
    , stgSteps = steps }

  = let vs = let newVar _old i = Var ("upd16_" <> show' steps <> "-" <> show' i)
             in zipWith newVar ws [0::Integer ..]
        lf = LambdaForm vs NoUpdate [] (AppC con (map AtomVar vs))
        heap' = H.update (Mapping addr (HClosure (Closure lf ws))) heap

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = ReturnCon con ws
        , stgStack = stack'
        , stgHeap  = heap'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule16_ReturnCon_Update)
                          [Detail_ConUpdate con addr] })

rule16_missingReturnUpdate _ = Nothing

-- | Are there enough 'ArgumentFrame's on the stack to fill the args
-- parameter? If so, return those frames, along with the rest of the stack.
popArgsUntilUpdate :: Stack StackFrame -> Maybe ([StackFrame], Stack StackFrame)
popArgsUntilUpdate withArgsStack
  = let (argFrames, argsPoppedStack) = S.span isArgFrame withArgsStack
    in Just ( filter isArgFrame (F.toList argFrames)
            , argsPoppedStack )

-- | Rule 17: Enter partially applied closure, update because of missing
-- 'ArgumentFrame'
-- There are not enough 'ArgFrame's on the stack for a lambda's arguments,
-- because an update frame blocks access to more.
-- Although this rule is a bit simpler to understand compared to rule 17a, it is
-- hard to implement in a real STG compiler, since a new closure has to be made
-- up during runtime, which means runtime code generation. Rule 17a remedies
-- this problem. This rule (17) is included for comparison anyway.
rule17_missingArgUpdate :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule17_missingArgUpdate s@StgState
    { stgCode  = Enter addrEnter
    , stgStack = stack
    , stgHeap  = heap }
    | Just (HClosure (Closure (LambdaForm vs NoUpdate xs body) wsf))
        <- H.lookup addrEnter heap
    , Just (argFrames, UpdateFrame addrUpdate :< stack')
        <- popArgsUntilUpdate stack

  = let (xs1, xs2) = splitAt (length argFrames) xs
        updatedClosure =
            let freeVars = vs <> xs1
                freeVals = wsf <> [af | ArgumentFrame af <- argFrames]
            in Closure (LambdaForm freeVars NoUpdate xs2 body) freeVals

        heap' = H.update (Mapping addrUpdate (HClosure updatedClosure)) heap

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Enter addrEnter
        , stgStack = argFrames <>> stack'
        , stgHeap  = heap'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule17_Enter_PartiallyAppliedUpdate)
                          [Detail_PapUpdate addrUpdate] })

rule17_missingArgUpdate _ = Nothing

-- | Rule 17a: Enter partially applied closure, update because of missing
-- 'ArgumentFrame'
-- This is a better version of rule 17, since it does not neccessitate runtime
-- code generation. All required closures can be precompiled.
rule17a_missingArgUpdate :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule17a_missingArgUpdate s@StgState
    { stgCode  = Enter addrEnter
    , stgStack = stack
    , stgHeap  = heap
    , stgSteps = steps }
    | Just (HClosure (Closure (LambdaForm _vs NoUpdate xs _body) _wsf))
        <- H.lookup addrEnter heap
    , Just (argFrames, UpdateFrame addrUpdate :< stack')
        <- popArgsUntilUpdate stack

  = let xs1 = zipWith const xs (F.toList argFrames)
        f = Var ("upd17a_" <> show' steps)
        fxs1 = AppF f (map AtomVar xs1)
        updatedClosure =
            let freeVars = f : xs1
                freeVals = zipWith const
                    (Addr addrEnter : F.foldMap (\(ArgumentFrame v) -> [v]) argFrames)
            in Closure (LambdaForm freeVars NoUpdate [] fxs1) freeVals

        heap' = H.update (Mapping addrUpdate (HClosure updatedClosure)) heap

    in Just (s
        { stgCode  = Enter addrEnter
        , stgStack = argFrames <>> stack'
        , stgHeap  = heap'
        , stgInfo  = Info (StateTransition Rule17a_Enter_PartiallyAppliedUpdate)
                          [Detail_PapUpdate addrUpdate] })

rule17a_missingArgUpdate _ = Nothing

-- | Rules 18, 19: Shortcut for evaluating/matching primops
-- This rule allows evaluating primops without the overhead of allocating an
-- intermediate return stack frame. In order to trigger, it must be applied with
-- higher precedence than 'rule4_case'.
-- When reading the source here for educational purposes, you should skip this
-- rule until you've seen the normal case rule ('rule4_case') and the normal primop
-- rule ('rule14_primop').
-- This rule has the slight modification compared to the paper in that it works
-- for both bound and unbound default cases.
rule1819_casePrimopShortcut :: StgState -> Maybe StgState
rule1819_casePrimopShortcut s@StgState
    { stgCode = Eval (Case (AppP op x y) alts) locals }
    | Success (PrimInt xVal) <- localVal locals x
    , Success (PrimInt yVal) <- localVal locals y
    , Success opXY <- applyPrimOp op xVal yVal
    , Success altLookup <- lookupPrimitiveAlt alts (Literal opXY)

  = let (locals', expr) = case altLookup of
            DefaultMatches (DefaultBound pat e)
                -> (addLocals [Mapping pat (PrimInt opXY)] locals, e)
            DefaultMatches (DefaultNotBound e)
                -> (locals, e)
            AltMatches (PrimitiveAlt _opXY e)
                -> (locals, e)

    in Just (
        s { stgCode = Eval expr locals'
          , stgInfo = Info (StateTransition Rule1819_Eval_Case_Primop_Shortcut) [] })

rule1819_casePrimopShortcut _ = Nothing