{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Tri-state ("tri-colour") garbage collector.
-- * Not compacting: alive memory is not altered
-- * Tracing
module Stg.Machine.GarbageCollection.TriStateTracing (
) where

import           Data.Map      (Map)
import qualified Data.Map      as M
import           Data.Monoid   hiding (Alt)
import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
import           Data.Set      (Set)
import qualified Data.Set      as S

import Stg.Machine.GarbageCollection.Common
import Stg.Machine.Types

-- | Remove all unused addresses, without moving the others.
triStateTracing :: GarbageCollectionAlgorithm
triStateTracing = GarbageCollectionAlgorithm
    "Tri-state tracing"
    (insert2nd mempty . garbageCollect)

insert2nd :: a -> (x, y) -> (x, a, y)
insert2nd a (x,y) = (x,a,y)

garbageCollect :: StgState -> (Set MemAddr, StgState)
garbageCollect stgState@StgState
    { stgCode    = code
    , stgHeap    = heap
    , stgGlobals = globals
    , stgStack   = stack }
  = let GcState {aliveHeap = alive, oldHeap = Heap dead}
            = until everythingCollected gcStep start
        start = GcState
            { aliveHeap = mempty
            , oldHeap = heap
            , staged = (seqToSet . mconcat)
                [addrs code, addrs globals, addrs stack] }
        stgState' = stgState { stgHeap = alive }
    in (M.keysSet dead, stgState')

seqToSet :: Ord a => Seq a -> Set a
seqToSet = foldMap S.singleton

everythingCollected :: GcState -> Bool
everythingCollected = noAlives
    noAlives GcState {staged = alive} = S.null alive

-- | Each closure is in one of three states: in the alive heap, staged for
-- later rescue, or not even staged yet.
data GcState = GcState
    { aliveHeap :: Heap
        -- ^ Heap of closures known to be alive.
        --   Has no overlap with the old heap.

    , staged :: Set MemAddr
        -- ^ Memory addresses known to be alive,
        --   but not yet rescued from the old heap.

    , oldHeap :: Heap
        -- ^ The old heap, containing both dead
        --   and not-yet-found alive closures.
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

gcStep :: GcState -> GcState
gcStep GcState
    { aliveHeap = oldAlive@(Heap alive)
    , staged    = stagedAddrs
    , oldHeap   = Heap oldRest }
  = GcState
    { aliveHeap = oldAlive <> Heap rescued
    , staged    = seqToSet (addrs rescued)
    , oldHeap   = Heap newRest }
    rescued, newRest :: Map MemAddr HeapObject
    (rescued, newRest) = M.partitionWithKey isAlive oldRest
        isAlive addr _closure = M.member addr alive
                             || S.member addr stagedAddrs