module Main where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified DeferredFolds.UnfoldlM as UnfoldlM import qualified Focus import qualified Main.Gens as Gens import Main.Transaction (Transaction) import qualified Main.Transaction as Transaction import StmHamt.Hamt (Hamt) import qualified StmHamt.Hamt as Hamt import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import Prelude main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All" $ [ testGroup "Hamt" $ let hamtFromListUsingInsertWithHashInIo :: (Eq key) => (key -> Int) -> [(key, value)] -> IO (Hamt (key, value)) hamtFromListUsingInsertWithHashInIo hash list = do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \(key, value) -> Hamt.insertExplicitly (hash key) ((==) key . fst) (key, value) hamt return hamt hamtFromListUsingInsertInIo :: (Hashable key) => [(key, value)] -> IO (Hamt (key, value)) hamtFromListUsingInsertInIo list = do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.insert fst pair hamt return hamt hamtToListInIo :: Hamt a -> IO [a] hamtToListInIo hamt = fmap reverse $ atomically $ UnfoldlM.foldlM' (\state element -> return (element : state)) [] (Hamt.unfoldlM hamt) listToListThruHamtInIo :: (Hashable key) => [(key, value)] -> IO [(key, value)] listToListThruHamtInIo = hamtFromListUsingInsertInIo >=> hamtToListInIo in [ testCase "insert" $ let list = [ ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4) ] in do hamtList <- listToListThruHamtInIo list assertEqual (show hamtList) list hamtList, testCase "insert with dup" $ let list = [ ('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4) ] in do hamtList <- listToListThruHamtInIo list assertEqual (show hamtList) (delete ('b', 1) list) hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("\44825\v8<\178sV\37709\59477\EM\n\SYN\34862\45730\57533\1643\1958i8\65022F]B\54233\9429A\RS\1797\54979\580@\2006\3400\ETX\ACK\63557\50825C\3741 \238\54817P\3258\54517\1081F5\16070\NAKR\1539\1193S\33229\1726&\778\20733\250\857\712C)\SYN1\17881\DC2\702\1446\61050S\5170s\ENQ\826\1379[7\53746\46137\55010\&0\1518:\2827R\54715\n\DEL\33260\1966\664\58929\64301\839\2980", 0), ("", 0), ("", 0)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.insert fst pair hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("\44825\v8<\178sV\37709\59477\EM\n\SYN\34862\45730\57533\1643\1958i8\65022F]B\54233\9429A\RS\1797\54979\580@\2006\3400\ETX\ACK\63557\50825C\3741 \238\54817P\3258\54517\1081F5\16070\NAKR\1539\1193S\33229\1726&\778\20733\250\857\712C)\SYN1\17881\DC2\702\1446\61050S\5170s\ENQ\826\1379[7\53746\46137\55010\&0\1518:\2827R\54715\n\DEL\33260\1966\664\58929\64301\839\2980", 0), ("", 0), ("", 0)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus 2" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("", 0), ("\877925R\vGw{f}\1112191+", 0), ("", 0)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus 3" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("", 0), ("\DC3\STXI\671038$Nq\892882\1099487\&0\DLEJ$!\DC4\741033\556944P\380108~g?J\ENQcXoQ\817654\n", 0)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus 4" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("b", 1), ("a", 9), ("b", 8), ("b", 6), ("b", 8), ("b", 9), ("abb", 5), ("b", 8), ("a", 0), ("a", 7)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus 5" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("a", 8), ("b", 5), ("b", 9), ("a", 4), ("abb", 2), ("a", 0), ("a", 1), ("a", 0), ("a", 1)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt atomically $ Hamt.focus (Focus.insert ("a", 1)) fst ("a") hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus 6" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("", 0), ("8\DC2=s\b\122991\SOH\ETXi\t\97248\640988\121154S*w8\845163F*xyDW_MB5\371198]0", 0), ("", 0)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> do Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "insert text with dups using focus on map created using insert" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("", 1), ("abb", 9), ("a", 3), ("b", 2), ("a", 0), ("a", 0), ("aa", 1)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.insert "a" 7 (HashMap.fromList list))) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> do -- traceM ("Inserting: " <> show pair) Hamt.insert fst pair hamt -- traceM =<< atomically (Hamt.introspect hamt) -- traceM ("Inserting with focus: " <> show ("a", 7)) atomically $ Hamt.focus (Focus.insert ("a", 7)) fst "a" hamt -- traceM =<< atomically (Hamt.introspect hamt) hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testCase "delete using focus" $ let list :: [(Text, Int)] list = [("abb", 5), ("a", 5), ("a", 5), ("ab", 0), ("a", 3), ("a", 7)] hashMapList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.delete "a" (HashMap.fromList list))) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> do Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt atomically $ Hamt.focus (Focus.delete) fst "a" hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in assertEqual (show hamtList) hashMapList hamtList, testProperty "hashmap insertion isomorphism" $ \(list :: [(Text, Int)]) -> let expectedList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.insert fst pair hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in expectedList === hamtList, testProperty "hashmap insertion isomorphism using focus" $ \(list :: [(Text, Int)]) -> let expectedList = sort (HashMap.toList (HashMap.fromList list)) hamtList = sort $ unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- Hamt.newIO atomically $ forM_ list $ \pair -> Hamt.focus (Focus.insert pair) fst (fst pair) hamt hamtToListInIo hamt in expectedList === hamtList, testGroup "Transaction properties" $ let testTransactionProperty :: String -> (Text -> Int) -> Gen Transaction -> TestTree testTransactionProperty name hash transactionGen = let gen = (,) <$> transactionGen <*> Gens.keyValueList in testProperty ("Transaction: " <> name) $ forAll gen $ \(Transaction.Transaction name applyToHashMap applyToStmHamt, list) -> let (result1, hashMapList) = fmap (sort . HashMap.toList) (applyToHashMap (HashMap.fromList list)) (result2, hamtList) = unsafePerformIO $ do hamt <- hamtFromListUsingInsertWithHashInIo hash list -- traceM =<< atomically (Hamt.introspect hamt) result2 <- atomically $ applyToStmHamt hamt -- traceM =<< atomically (Hamt.introspect hamt) list <- atomically $ UnfoldlM.foldlM' (\state element -> return (element : state)) [] (Hamt.unfoldlM hamt) return (result2, sort list) in -- trace ("-----") $ counterexample ("hashMapList: " <> show hashMapList <> "\nhamtList: " <> show hamtList <> "\nresult1: " <> show result1 <> "\nresult2: " <> show result2) (hashMapList == hamtList && result1 == result2) in [ testTransactionProperty "insert" hash Gens.insertTransaction, let newHash key = hash key .&. 0b111 in testTransactionProperty "Hash collision" newHash (Gens.insertWithHashTransaction newHash), testTransactionProperty "insertUsingFocus" hash Gens.insertUsingFocusTransaction, testTransactionProperty "deleteUsingFocus" hash Gens.deleteUsingFocusTransaction, testTransactionProperty "incrementUsingAdjustFocus" hash Gens.incrementUsingAdjustFocusTransaction, testTransactionProperty "lookup" hash Gens.lookupTransaction ] ] ]