name: stm-linkedlist version: synopsis: Mutable, doubly linked lists for STM description: Doubly linked lists are often used in imperative languages to maintain a collection of objects such that an object can remove itself easily. The same idea applies here. Thanks to STM, these lists can be shared among threads with little effort. . Suppose you have a thread listening for events. You want to dispatch events to any thread that opts in. You could write a function that installs an event handler, performs an action, and removes the handler: . >withEventHandler list handler action = > bracket (atomically $ LinkedList.append handler list) > (atomically . LinkedList.delete) > (\_ -> action) . Then, you could have your listener thread dispatch events using a function like this: . >dispatchEvent list event = do > handlers <- atomically $ LinkedList.toList list > forM_ handlers $ \handler -> handler event license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Joey Adams maintainer: copyright: Copyright (c) Joseph Adams 2011 category: Data build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 extra-source-files: testing/trivial.hs testing/event-handler.hs source-repository head type: git location: git:// library exposed-modules: Data.STM.LinkedList other-modules: Data.STM.LinkedList.Internal build-depends: base == 4.* , stm ghc-options: -Wall other-extensions: BangPatterns