{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} module Main where import Test.Hspec import Control.Concurrent.STM import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue as TQueue import Control.Monad import Data.Queue import Control.Concurrent.Async (race) import System.Timeout main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Data.Queue" do it "enqueues and dequeues a message" do msg <- atomically do q <- newQueue enqueue q "Hello" dequeue q msg `shouldBe` "Hello" it "enqueues and tries to dequeue a message" do msg <- atomically do q <- newQueue enqueue q "Hello" tryDequeue q msg `shouldBe` Just "Hello" it "Nothing can be dequeued from an empty queue" do msg <- atomically do q <- newQueue @String tryDequeue q msg `shouldBe` Nothing it "peeks at the top element" do msg <- atomically do q <- newQueue enqueue q "Hello" peek q msg `shouldBe` "Hello" it "tries to peek at the top element" do msg <- atomically do q <- newQueue enqueue q "Hello" tryPeek q msg `shouldBe` Just "Hello" it "enqueues and dequeues many messages" do msgs <- atomically do q <- newQueue @Int forM_ [1..10] (enqueue q) forM [1..10] (const $ dequeue q) msgs `shouldBe` [1..10] it "behaves faster than TQueue in its worst case" do (q, q') <- atomically do q <- newQueue @Int q' <- TQueue.newTQueue @Int forM_ [1..10000] (TQueue.writeTQueue q') forM_ [1..10000] (enqueue q) pure (q, q') -- Nondeterministic tests hurt my soul, but its made up for by the -- warmth this test succeeding gives me. race (atomically (TQueue.readTQueue q')) (atomically (dequeue q)) `shouldReturn` Right 1 it "all reads should block on an empty queue" do q <- atomically (newQueue @Int) let seconds n = n * 1000000 timeout (1 `seconds`) (atomically (dequeue q)) `shouldReturn` Nothing timeout (1 `seconds`) (atomically (peek q)) `shouldReturn` Nothing it "flushes everything properly" do msgs <- atomically do q <- newQueue @Int forM_ [1..100] (enqueue q) forM [1..100] (const $ dequeue q) msgs `shouldBe` [1..100]