Name: stomp-conduit Version: 0.0.2 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Copyright: Copyright (c) Tobias Schoofs, 2013 - 2014 License: LGPL license-file: license/lgpl-3.0.txt Author: Tobias Schoofs Maintainer: tobias dot schoofs at gmx dot net Homepage: Category: Network, Message-oriented Middleware, Stomp, Client, Conduit Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Stompl Conduit Client Description: The Stomp Protocol specifies message-oriented interoperability. Applications connect to a message broker to send (publish) or receive (subscribe) messages through queues. Interoperating applications do not know the location or internal structure of each other. They see only each other's interfaces, /i.e./ the messages published and subscribed through a broker. . The Stomp Queue library provides a Stomp client, using abstractions like 'Reader' and 'Writer' Queues. The Stomp Conduit library provides an abstraction level on top of queues, where not single messages are in the focus of the API, but streams of messages, either infinite streams or multipart messages with an explicit last message segment. The latter concept is an extension of the Stomp specification. . More information, examples and a test suite are available on . The Stomp specification can be found at . . Release History: . [0.0.1] Initial release extra-source-files: changelog.txt Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && <= 5.0, stomp-queue >= 0.1.1, stompl >= 0.1.1, conduit >= 1.0.8, mtl >= 2.1.2, resourcet >=, mime >= 0.3.3 hs-source-dirs: Network/Mom/Stompl/Client, . Exposed-Modules: Network.Mom.Stompl.Client.Conduit