stomp-patterns-0.1.0: Stompl MOM Stomp Patterns

Copyright(c) Tobias Schoofs
Safe HaskellNone




Bridges link providers connected to one broker to consumers connected to another broker.

For publishers and workers, this is quite trivial: the bridge implements the corresponding consumer on one broker and the corresponding provider on the other.

For servers, the task is somewhat more complicated: since servers use the client's reply queue to send the result back to the client and this queue only exists on the broker to which the client is connected, the bridge has to remember the client's reply queue and use its own queue on the server-side broker to finally route the reply back to the original client. With many broker connected by a service bridge, this can result in long chains of clients and servers sending requests and waiting for replies.



withForwarder :: Con -> Con -> String -> JobName -> QName -> QName -> QName -> Int -> OnError -> IO r -> IO r Source

Create a forwarder with the lifetime of the application-defined action passed in and start it in a background thread:

  • Con: Connection to the source broker (the one where the original publisher is connected);
  • Con: Connection to the target broker (the one where the target subscribers are connected);
  • String: Name of the forwarder used for error handling;
  • JobName: Name of the Topic that is bridged;
  • QName: Registration queue of the source publisher;
  • QName: Queue through which the internal subscriber will receive topic data from the source publisher;
  • QName: Registration queue of the target publisher;
  • Int: Timeout on registering to the source publisher in microseconds;
  • OnError: Error handler;
  • IO r: Action that defines the lifetime of the forwarder; its result r is also the result of withForwarder.

Note the remarkable similarity to the router pattern (withRouter). In fact, a router is but a forwarder where source and target broker are the same.


withTaskBridge :: Con -> Con -> String -> JobName -> QName -> QName -> RegistryDesc -> OnError -> IO r -> IO r Source

Create a TaskBridge with the lifetime of the action passed in and start it on a background thread:

  • Con: Connection to the source broker (the one to which the pusher is connected);
  • Con: Connection to the target broker (the one to which the worker is connected);
  • String: Name of the bridge used for error handling;
  • JobName: Name of the Task that is bridged;
  • QName: Queue of the worker on the source side; (if the worker is connected to a balancer on the source side, this is an internal queue only visible in the bridge and in the balancer);
  • QName: Queue of the worker on the target side (which may be a balancer's request queue);
  • RegistryDesc: Registry (i.e. balancer) to which the bridge is connected on the source side;
  • OnError: Error handler;
  • IO r: Action that defines the lifetime of the bridge; its result r is also the result of withTaskBridge.


withServiceBridge :: Con -> Con -> String -> JobName -> QName -> QName -> QName -> RegistryDesc -> OnError -> IO r -> IO r Source

Create a ServiceBridge with the lifetime of the action passed in and start it on a background thread:

  • Con: Connection to the source broker (the one to which the client is connected);
  • Con: Connection to the target broker (the one to which the server is connected);
  • String: Name of the bridge used for error handling;
  • JobName: Name of the Service that is bridged;
  • QName: Queue of the server on the source side; (if the server is connected to a balancer on the source side, this is an internal queue only visible in the bridge and in the balancer);
  • QName: Reader queue of the internal client on the target side;
  • QName: Queue of the server on the target side (which may be a balancer's request queue);
  • RegistryDesc: Registry (i.e. balancer) to which the bridge is connected on the source side;
  • OnError: Error handler;
  • IO r: Action that defines the lifetime of the bridge; its result r is also the result of withServiceBridge.