{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {- | Module : Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict License : BSD-style Maintainer : haskell@henning-thielemann.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable, requires ffi Tested with : GHC 6.4.1 Interface for access to a mutable StorableVector. -} module Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict ( Vector, new, new_, read, write, modify, unsafeRead, unsafeWrite, unsafeModify, freeze, unsafeFreeze, thaw, length, runSTVector, mapST, mapSTLazy, ) where import Data.StorableVector.ST.Private (Vector(SV), create, unsafeCreate, unsafeToVector, ) import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as V import qualified Data.StorableVector as VS import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as VL import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Strict as ST import Control.Monad.ST.Strict (ST, unsafeIOToST, runST, ) -- stToIO, import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, ) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr, unsafeForeignPtrToPtr, ) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek, poke)) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (advancePtr, copyArray, ) -- import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) -- import Prelude (Int, ($), (+), return, const, ) import Prelude hiding (read, length, ) -- * access to mutable storable vector {-# INLINE new #-} new :: (Storable e) => Int -> e -> ST s (Vector s e) new n x = unsafeCreate n $ let {-# INLINE go #-} go m p = if m>0 then poke p x >> go (pred m) (V.incPtr p) else return () in go n {-# INLINE new_ #-} new_ :: (Storable e) => Int -> ST s (Vector s e) new_ n = unsafeCreate n (const (return ())) {- | > Control.Monad.ST.runST (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; read arr 3) -} {-# INLINE read #-} read :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> ST s e read v n = access "read" v n $ unsafeRead v n {- | > VS.unpack $ runSTVector (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; return arr) -} {-# INLINE write #-} write :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () write v n x = access "write" v n $ unsafeWrite v n x {- | > VS.unpack $ runSTVector (do arr <- new 10 'a'; Monad.mapM_ (\n -> modify arr (mod n 8) succ) [0..10]; return arr) -} {-# INLINE modify #-} modify :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> ST s () modify v n f = access "modify" v n $ unsafeModify v n f {-# INLINE access #-} access :: (Storable e) => String -> Vector s e -> Int -> ST s a -> ST s a access name (SV _v l) n act = if 0<=n && n Vector s e -> Int -> ST s e unsafeRead v n = unsafeAccess v n $ peek {-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-} unsafeWrite :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () unsafeWrite v n x = unsafeAccess v n $ \p -> poke p x {-# INLINE unsafeModify #-} unsafeModify :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> ST s () unsafeModify v n f = unsafeAccess v n $ \p -> poke p . f =<< peek p {-# INLINE unsafeAccess #-} unsafeAccess :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> Int -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> ST s a unsafeAccess (SV v _l) n act = unsafeIOToST (withForeignPtr v $ \p -> act (advancePtr p n)) {-# INLINE freeze #-} freeze :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> ST s (VS.Vector e) freeze (SV x l) = unsafeIOToST $ V.create l $ \p -> withForeignPtr x $ \f -> copyArray p f (fromIntegral l) {- | This is like 'freeze' but it does not copy the vector. You must make sure that you never write again to the array. It is best to use 'unsafeFreeze' only at the end of a block, that is run by 'runST'. -} {-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-} unsafeFreeze :: (Storable e) => Vector s e -> ST s (VS.Vector e) unsafeFreeze = unsafeToVector {-# INLINE thaw #-} thaw :: (Storable e) => VS.Vector e -> ST s (Vector s e) thaw v = unsafeIOToST $ V.withStartPtr v $ \f l -> create l $ \p -> copyArray p f (fromIntegral l) {-# INLINE length #-} length :: Vector s e -> Int length (SV _v l) = l {-# INLINE runSTVector #-} runSTVector :: (Storable e) => (forall s. ST s (Vector s e)) -> VS.Vector e runSTVector m = runST (unsafeToVector =<< m) -- * operations on immutable storable vector within ST monad {- | > :module + Data.STRef > VS.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapST (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VS.pack [1,2,3,4::Data.Int.Int16])) -} {-# INLINE mapST #-} mapST :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> ST s b) -> VS.Vector a -> ST s (VS.Vector b) mapST f (V.SV px sx n) = let {-# INLINE go #-} go l q p = if l>0 then do unsafeIOToST . poke p =<< f =<< unsafeIOToST (peek q) go (pred l) (advancePtr q 1) (advancePtr p 1) else return () in do ys@(SV py _) <- new_ n go n (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr px `advancePtr` sx) (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr py) unsafeToVector ys {- mapST f xs@(V.SV v s l) = let go l q p = if l>0 then do poke p =<< stToIO . f =<< peek q go (pred l) (advancePtr q 1) (advancePtr p 1) else return () n = VS.length xs in return $ V.unsafeCreate n $ \p -> withForeignPtr v $ \q -> go n (advancePtr q s) p -} {- | > *Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict Data.STRef> VL.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapSTLazy (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VL.pack VL.defaultChunkSize [1,2,3,4::Data.Int.Int16])) > "abcd" The following should not work on infinite streams, since we are in 'ST' with strict '>>='. But it works. Why? > *Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict Data.STRef> VL.unpack $ Control.Monad.ST.runST (do ref <- newSTRef 'a'; mapSTLazy (\ _n -> do c <- readSTRef ref; modifySTRef ref succ; return c) (VL.pack VL.defaultChunkSize [0::Data.Int.Int16 ..])) > "Interrupted. -} {-# INLINE mapSTLazy #-} mapSTLazy :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> ST s b) -> VL.Vector a -> ST s (VL.Vector b) mapSTLazy f (VL.SV xs) = fmap VL.SV $ mapM (mapST f) xs