module Data.Store.Impl where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Store.Core
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep)
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
class Store a where
size :: Size a
poke :: a -> Poke ()
peek :: Peek a
default size :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
size = genericSize
default poke :: (Generic a, GStorePoke (Rep a)) => a -> Poke ()
poke = genericPoke
default peek :: (Generic a , GStorePeek (Rep a)) => Peek a
peek = genericPeek
encode :: Store a => a -> BS.ByteString
encode x = unsafeEncodeWith (poke x) (getSize x)
decode :: Store a => BS.ByteString -> Either PeekException a
decode = unsafePerformIO . try . decodeIO
decodeEx :: Store a => BS.ByteString -> a
decodeEx = unsafePerformIO . decodeIO
decodeIO :: Store a => BS.ByteString -> IO a
decodeIO = decodeIOWith peek
data Size a
= VarSize (a -> Int)
| ConstSize !Int
deriving Typeable
getSize :: Store a => a -> Int
getSize = getSizeWith size
getSizeWith :: Size a -> a -> Int
getSizeWith (VarSize f) x = f x
getSizeWith (ConstSize n) _ = n
contramapSize :: (a -> b) -> Size b -> Size a
contramapSize f (VarSize g) = VarSize (g . f)
contramapSize _ (ConstSize n) = ConstSize n
combineSize :: forall a b c. (Store a, Store b) => (c -> a) -> (c -> b) -> Size c
combineSize toA toB = combineSizeWith toA toB size size
combineSizeWith :: forall a b c. (c -> a) -> (c -> b) -> Size a -> Size b -> Size c
combineSizeWith toA toB sizeA sizeB =
case (sizeA, sizeB) of
(VarSize f, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + g (toB x))
(VarSize f, ConstSize m) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + m)
(ConstSize n, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> n + g (toB x))
(ConstSize n, ConstSize m) -> ConstSize (n + m)
addSize :: Int -> Size a -> Size a
addSize x (ConstSize n) = ConstSize (x + n)
addSize x (VarSize f) = VarSize ((x +) . f)
sizeStorable :: forall a. (Storable a, Typeable a) => Size a
sizeStorable = sizeStorableTy (show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
sizeStorableTy :: forall a. Storable a => String -> Size a
sizeStorableTy ty = ConstSize (sizeOf (error msg :: a))
msg = "In Data.Store.storableSize: " ++ ty ++ "'s sizeOf evaluated its argument."
genericSize :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
genericSize = contramapSize from gsize
genericPoke :: (Generic a, GStorePoke (Rep a)) => a -> Poke ()
genericPoke = gpoke . from
genericPeek :: (Generic a , GStorePeek (Rep a)) => Peek a
genericPeek = to <$> gpeek
type family SumArity (a :: * -> *) :: Nat where
SumArity (C1 c a) = 1
SumArity (x :+: y) = SumArity x + SumArity y
class GStoreSize f where gsize :: Size (f a)
class GStorePoke f where gpoke :: f a -> Poke ()
class GStorePeek f where gpeek :: Peek (f a)
instance GStoreSize f => GStoreSize (M1 i c f) where
gsize = contramapSize unM1 gsize
instance GStorePoke f => GStorePoke (M1 i c f) where
gpoke = gpoke . unM1
instance GStorePeek f => GStorePeek (M1 i c f) where
gpeek = fmap M1 gpeek
instance Store a => GStoreSize (K1 i a) where
gsize = contramapSize unK1 size
instance Store a => GStorePoke (K1 i a) where
gpoke = poke . unK1
instance Store a => GStorePeek (K1 i a) where
gpeek = fmap K1 peek
instance GStoreSize U1 where
gsize = ConstSize 0
instance GStorePoke U1 where
gpoke _ = return ()
instance GStorePeek U1 where
gpeek = return U1
instance GStoreSize V1 where
gsize = ConstSize 0
instance GStorePoke V1 where
gpoke x = case x of {}
instance GStorePeek V1 where
gpeek = undefined
instance (GStoreSize a, GStoreSize b) => GStoreSize (a :*: b) where
gsize = combineSizeWith (\(x :*: _) -> x) (\(_ :*: y) -> y) gsize gsize
instance (GStorePoke a, GStorePoke b) => GStorePoke (a :*: b) where
gpoke (a :*: b) = gpoke a >> gpoke b
instance (GStorePeek a, GStorePeek b) => GStorePeek (a :*: b) where
gpeek = (:*:) <$> gpeek <*> gpeek
instance (SumArity (a :+: b) <= 255, GStoreSizeSum 0 (a :+: b))
=> GStoreSize (a :+: b) where
gsize = VarSize $ \x -> sizeOf (undefined :: Word8) + gsizeSum x (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
instance (SumArity (a :+: b) <= 255, GStorePokeSum 0 (a :+: b))
=> GStorePoke (a :+: b) where
gpoke x = gpokeSum x (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
instance (SumArity (a :+: b) <= 255, GStorePeekSum 0 (a :+: b))
=> GStorePeek (a :+: b) where
gpeek = do
tag <- peekStorable
gpeekSum tag (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
class KnownNat n => GStoreSizeSum (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) where gsizeSum :: f a -> Proxy n -> Int
class KnownNat n => GStorePokeSum (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) where gpokeSum :: f p -> Proxy n -> Poke ()
class KnownNat n => GStorePeekSum (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) where gpeekSum :: Word8 -> Proxy n -> Peek (f p)
instance (GStoreSizeSum n a, GStoreSizeSum (n + SumArity a) b, KnownNat n)
=> GStoreSizeSum n (a :+: b) where
gsizeSum (L1 l) _ = gsizeSum l (Proxy :: Proxy n)
gsizeSum (R1 r) _ = gsizeSum r (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a))
instance (GStorePokeSum n a, GStorePokeSum (n + SumArity a) b, KnownNat n)
=> GStorePokeSum n (a :+: b) where
gpokeSum (L1 l) _ = gpokeSum l (Proxy :: Proxy n)
gpokeSum (R1 r) _ = gpokeSum r (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a))
instance (GStorePeekSum n a, GStorePeekSum (n + SumArity a) b, KnownNat n)
=> GStorePeekSum n (a :+: b) where
gpeekSum tag proxyL
| tag < sizeL = L1 <$> gpeekSum tag proxyL
| otherwise = R1 <$> gpeekSum tag (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a))
sizeL = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a)))
instance (GStoreSize a, KnownNat n) => GStoreSizeSum n (C1 c a) where
gsizeSum x _ = getSizeWith gsize x
instance (GStorePoke a, KnownNat n) => GStorePokeSum n (C1 c a) where
gpokeSum x _ = do
pokeStorable (fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) :: Word8)
gpoke x
instance (GStorePeek a, KnownNat n) => GStorePeekSum n (C1 c a) where
gpeekSum tag _
| tag == cur = gpeek
| tag > cur = peekException "Sum tag invalid"
| otherwise = peekException "Error in implementation of Store Generics"
cur = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))