-- | This is a library for creating AWS CloudFormation templates.
-- CloudFormation is a system that creates AWS resources from declarative
-- templates. One common criticism of CloudFormation is its use of JSON as the
-- template specification language. Once you have a large number of templates,
-- possibly including cross-references among themselves, raw JSON templates
-- become unwieldy, and it becomes harder to confidently modify them.
-- Stratosphere alleviates this issue by providing an Embedded Domain Specific
-- Language (EDSL) to construct templates.

module Stratosphere
         -- * Introduction
         -- $intro

         -- * Usage
         -- $usage

         module Stratosphere.Outputs
       , module Stratosphere.Parameters
       , module Stratosphere.Resources
       , module Stratosphere.Template
       , module Stratosphere.Values
       , module Stratosphere.Types
       , module Stratosphere.Check
       , module Control.Lens
       ) where

import Control.Lens
import Stratosphere.Outputs
import Stratosphere.Parameters
import Stratosphere.Resources
import Stratosphere.Template
import Stratosphere.Values
import Stratosphere.Types
import Stratosphere.Check

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use import/export shortcut" #-}

-- $intro
-- The core datatype of stratosphere is the 'Template', which corresponds to a
-- single CloudFormation template document. Users construct a template in a
-- type-safe way using simple data types. The following example creates a
-- template containing a single EC2 instance with a key pair passed in as a
-- parameter:
-- @
-- instanceTemplate :: Template
-- instanceTemplate =
--   template
--   [ resource "EC2Instance" (
--     EC2InstanceProperties $
--     ec2Instance
--     "ami-22111148"
--     & eciKeyName ?~ (Ref "KeyName")
--     )
--     & deletionPolicy ?~ Retain
--   ]
--   & description ?~ "Sample template"
--   & parameters ?~
--   [ parameter \"KeyName\" \"AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName\"
--     & description ?~ "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance"
--     & constraintDescription ?~ "Must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair."
--   ]
-- @

-- $usage
-- The types in stratosphere attempt to map exactly to CloudFormation template
-- components. For example, a template requires a set of 'Resources', and
-- optionally accepts a Description, 'Parameters', etc. For each component of a
-- template, there is usually a set of required arguments, and a (usually
-- large) number of optional arguments. Each record type has a corresponding
-- constructor function that has the required parameters as arguments.
-- For example, since a 'Template' requires a set of Resources, the 'template'
-- constructor has 'Resources' as an argument. Then, you can fill in the
-- 'Maybe' parameters using lenses like '&' and '?~'.
-- Once a 'Template' is created, you can either use Aeson's encode function, or
-- use our 'encodeTemplate' function (based on aeson-pretty) to produce a JSON
-- ByteString. From there, you can use your favorite tool to interact with
-- CloudFormation using the template.