Streaming Benchmarks -------------------- Comprehensive, carefully crafted benchmarks for streaming operations and their comparisons across notable Haskell streaming libraries including `streaming`, `machines`, `pipes`, `conduit` and `streamly`. `Streamly `_ is a brand new streaming library with beautiful high level and composable concurrency built-in, it is the primary motivation for these benchmarks. We go to great lengths to make sure that the benchmarks are correct, fair and reproducible. Please report if you find something that is not right. Benchmarks & Results -------------------- In all the benchmarks we work on a stream of a million consecutive numbers. We start the sequence using a random number between 1 and 1000 and enumerate it to make a total of a million elements using the streaming library's native sequence enumeration API. Note that the efficiency of this sequence generation may affect all performance numbers of the library because this is a constant cost involved in all the benchmarks. Note that, these benchmarks show results for conduit-1.3.0 which is a recently released major version, it perhaps requires some work to get at par with the earlier version i.e. conduit- `which showed significantly better performance `_ compared to the newer version. When choosing a streaming library to use we should not be over obsessed about the performance numbers as long as the performance is within reasonable bounds. Whether the absolute performance or the differential among various libraries matters or not may depend on your workload. If the cost of processing the data is significantly higher then the streaming operations' overhead will just pale in comparison and may not matter at all. Unless you are performing huge number of tiny operations, performance difference may not be significant. Composing Pipeline Stages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These benchmarks compare the performance when multiple operations are composed serially in a pipeline. This is how the streaming libraries are supposed to be used in real applications. The `mapM` benchmark introduces four stages of `mapM` between the source and the sink. `all-in-filters` composes four stages of a `filter` operation that passes all the items through. Note that passing or blocking nature of the filter may impact the results. Some libraries can do blocking more optimally by short circuiting. `all-out-filters` composes four stages of a `filter` operation that `blocks` all the items i.e. does not let anything pass through. The `map-with-all-in-filter` benchmark introduces four identical stages between the source and the sink where each stage performs a simple `map` operation followed by a `filter` operation that passes all the items through. .. image:: charts/Composing Pipeline Stages.svg :alt: Composing Pipeline Stages Individual Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This chart shows microbenchmarks for all individual streaming operations for a quick comparison. Operations are ordered more or less by increasing cost for better visualization. If an operation is not present in a library then an empty space is displayed instead of a colored bar in its slot. See the following sections for details about what the benchmarks do. .. image:: charts/All Operations at a Glance.svg :alt: All Operations at a Glance Discarding and Folding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This chart shows the cheapest of all operations, they include operations that iterate over the stream and either discard all the elements or fold them to a single value. They all do similar stuff and are generally expected to have similar cost. Benchmarks include: * `toNull:` Just discards all the elements in the stream. * `drop-all`: drops ``n`` elements from the stream where ``n`` is set to the length of the stream. * `last`: drops all the elements except the last one. * `fold`: adds all the elements in the stream to produces the sum. .. image:: charts/Discarding and Folding.svg :alt: Discarding and Folding Pure Transformation and Filtering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the next category which is a bit costlier than the previous one. Unlike previous category these operations inspect the elements in the stream and form a transformed stream based on a function on the value. Benchmarks include: * `filter-all-out`: A filter that discards all the elements in the stream. * `filter-all-in`: A filter that retains all the elements in the stream. * `take-all`: take `n` elements from the stream where `n` is set to the length of the stream. Effectively iterates through the stream and retains all of it. * `takeWhile-true`: retains all elements of the stream using a condition that always wvaluates to true. * `map`: A pure transformation that increments each element by 1. * `filter-even`: A filter that passes even elements in the stream i.e. half the elements are kept and the other half discarded. * `scan`: scans the stream using ``+`` operation. .. image:: charts/Pure Transformation and Filtering.svg :alt: Pure Transformation and Filtering Monadic Transformation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This benchmark compares the monadic transformation of the stream using ``mapM``. .. image:: charts/Monadic Transformation.svg :alt: Monadic Transformation Folding to List ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This benchmark compares folding the stream to a list. .. image:: charts/Folding to List.svg :alt: Folding to List Zip and Concat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Zip combines corresponding elements of the two streams together. Concat turns a stream of containers into a stream of their elements. .. image:: charts/Zipping and Concating Streams.svg :alt: Zipping and Concating Streams Studying the Scaling of Composition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This category of benchmarks studies the effect of adding more stages in a composition pipeline. For each library it displays the results when 1, 2, 3 or 4 pipeline stages are used. There are no graphs you can see the results in the benchmark output. How to Run ---------- :: ./ After running you can find the charts generated in the ``charts`` directory. If you are impatient use ``./ --quick`` and you will get the results much sooner though a tiny bit less precise. Note that quick mode won't generate the graphs unless the latest ``gauge`` is used from github repo. Note that if different optimization flags are used on different packages, performance can sometimes badly suffer because of GHC inlining and specialization not working optimally. If you want to be aboslutely sure that all packages and dependencies are compiled with the same optimization flags (``-O2``) use `` --pedantic``, it will install the stack snapshot in a private directory under the current directory and build them fresh with the ghc flags specified in ``stack-pedantic.yaml``. Be aware that this will require 1-2 GB extra disk space. Important Points about Benchmarking Methodology ----------------------------------------------- ``IO Monad:`` We run the benchmarks in the IO monad so that they are close to real life usage. Note that most existing streaming benchmarks use pure code or Identity monad which may produce entirely different results. ``Benchmarking Tool:`` We use the `gauge `_ package instead of criterion. We spent a lot of time figuring out why benchmarking was not producing accurate results. Criterion had several bugs due to which results were not reliable. We fixed those bugs in ``gauge``. For example due to GC or CAF evaluation interaction across benchmarks, the results of benchmarks running later in the sequence were sometimes totally off the mark. We fixed that by running each benchmark in a separate process in gauge. Another bug caused criterion to report wrong mean. ``Iterations:`` We pass a million elements through the streaming pipelines. We do not rely on the benchmarking tool for this, it is explicitly done by the benchmarking code and the benchmarking tool is asked to perform just one iteration. We added fine grained control in `gauge `_ to be able to do this. ``Effects of Optimizations:`` In some cases fusion or other optimizations can just optimize out everything and produce ridiculously low results. To avoid that we generate random numbers in the IO monad and pass those through the pipeline rather than using some constant or predictable source. ``GHC Optimization Flags:`` To make sure we are comparing fairly we make sure that we compile the benchmarking code, the library code as well as all dependencies using exactly the same GHC flags. GHC inlining and specialization optimizations can make the code unpredictable if mixed flags are used. See the ``--pedantic`` option of the ```` script. ``Benchmark Categories:`` We have two categories of benchmarks, one to measure the performance of individual operations in isolation and the other to measure the performance when multiple similar or different operations are composed together in a pipeline. Benchmarking Errors ------------------- Benchmarking is a tricky business. Though the benchmarks have been carefully designed there may still be issues with the way benchmarking is being done or the way they have been coded. If you find that something is being measured unfairly or incorrectly please bring it to our notice by raising an issue or sending an email.