module Streamly.External.Archive.Internal.Foreign ( Archive, Entry, FileType (..), archive_read_new, archive_read_support_filter_all, archive_read_support_format_all, archive_read_support_format_gnutar, blockSize, archive_read_open_filename, archive_read_next_header, archive_entry_filetype, archive_entry_pathname, archive_entry_pathname_utf8, archive_entry_size, alloc_archive_read_data_buffer, archive_read_data, archive_read_data_block, archive_read_free, ) where import Control.Exception (Exception, mask_, throw) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Bits ((.&.)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString, packCString, packCStringLen) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Int (Int64) import Foreign (FunPtr, Ptr, nullPtr, peek) import Foreign.C.String (CString, peekCString, withCString) import Foreign.C.Types (CChar, CInt (CInt), CSize (CSize)) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr, withForeignPtr) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes) import System.Posix.Types (CMode (CMode), CSsize (CSsize)) data CArchive data CEntry foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_errno" c_archive_errno :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_error_string" c_archive_error_string :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_new" c_archive_read_new :: IO (Ptr CArchive) foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_support_filter_all" c_archive_read_support_filter_all :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_support_format_all" c_archive_read_support_format_all :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_support_format_gnutar" c_archive_read_support_format_gnutar :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_open_filename" c_archive_read_open_filename :: Ptr CArchive -> CString -> CSize -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_next_header2" c_archive_read_next_header2 :: Ptr CArchive -> Ptr CEntry -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_data" -- Todo: Think about la_ssize_t on non-POSIX. c_archive_read_data :: Ptr CArchive -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> IO CSsize foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_data_block" c_archive_read_data_block :: Ptr CArchive -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr Int64 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive.h archive_read_free" c_archive_read_free :: Ptr CArchive -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_filetype" c_archive_entry_filetype :: Ptr CEntry -> IO CMode -- Todo: Think about type on non-POSIX. foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_new" c_archive_entry_new :: IO (Ptr CEntry) -- Similar to c_free_finalizer from ByteString. foreign import ccall unsafe "static archive_entry.h &archive_entry_free" c_archive_entry_free_finalizer :: FunPtr (Ptr CEntry -> IO ()) foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_pathname" c_archive_entry_pathname :: Ptr CEntry -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_pathname_utf8" c_archive_entry_pathname_utf8 :: Ptr CEntry -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_size" c_archive_entry_size :: Ptr CEntry -> IO Int64 foreign import ccall unsafe "archive_entry.h archive_entry_size_is_set" c_archive_entry_size_is_set :: Ptr CEntry -> IO CInt -- Documented libarchive return codes. data RetCode = RetCodeEOF | RetCodeOK | RetCodeRETRY | RetCodeWARN | RetCodeFAILED | RetCodeFATAL deriving (Show) retCodes :: [(CInt, RetCode)] retCodes = [ (1, RetCodeEOF), (0, RetCodeOK), (-10, RetCodeRETRY), (-20, RetCodeWARN), (-25, RetCodeFAILED), (-30, RetCodeFATAL) ] data ArchiveError = ArchiveError { err_function :: !String, err_retcode :: !(Either CInt RetCode), err_number :: !Int, err_string :: !String } deriving (Show) instance Exception ArchiveError newtype ErrorString = ErrorString String deriving (Show) instance Exception ErrorString archive_error_string :: Ptr CArchive -> IO String archive_error_string aptr = do cstr <- c_archive_error_string aptr if cstr == nullPtr then return "archive_error_string returned NULL" else peekCString cstr throwArchiveError :: String -> CInt -> Ptr CArchive -> IO noReturn throwArchiveError fn rc aptr = do num <- fromIntegral <$> c_archive_errno aptr str <- archive_error_string aptr throw $ ArchiveError { err_function = fn, err_retcode = maybe (Left rc) Right (lookup rc retCodes), err_number = num, err_string = str } newtype Archive = Archive (Ptr CArchive) newtype Entry = Entry (ForeignPtr CEntry) data FileType = FileTypeRegular | FileTypeSymlink | FileTypeSocket | FileTypeCharDevice | FileTypeBlockDevice | FileTypeDirectory | FileTypeNamedPipe deriving (Show, Eq) archive_read_new :: IO Archive archive_read_new = do aptr <- c_archive_read_new if aptr == nullPtr then throw $ ErrorString "archive_read_new returned NULL" else return $ Archive aptr archive_read_support_filter_all :: Archive -> IO () archive_read_support_filter_all (Archive aptr) = do rc <- c_archive_read_support_filter_all aptr when (rc /= 0) $ throwArchiveError "archive_read_support_filter_all" rc aptr archive_read_support_format_all :: Archive -> IO () archive_read_support_format_all (Archive aptr) = do rc <- c_archive_read_support_format_all aptr when (rc /= 0) $ throwArchiveError "archive_read_support_format_all" rc aptr archive_read_support_format_gnutar :: Archive -> IO () archive_read_support_format_gnutar (Archive aptr) = do rc <- c_archive_read_support_format_gnutar aptr when (rc /= 0) $ throwArchiveError "archive_read_support_format_gnutar" rc aptr -- Fixed block size for now. {-# INLINE blockSize #-} blockSize :: (Num a) => a blockSize = 4096 archive_read_open_filename :: Archive -> FilePath -> IO () archive_read_open_filename (Archive aptr) fp = withCString fp $ \cstr -> do rc <- c_archive_read_open_filename aptr cstr blockSize when (rc /= 0) $ throwArchiveError "archive_read_open_filename" rc aptr -- | Returns 'Nothing' if we have reached the end of the archive. {-# INLINE archive_read_next_header #-} archive_read_next_header :: Archive -> IO (Maybe Entry) archive_read_next_header (Archive aptr) = do fpe <- mask_ $ c_archive_entry_new >>= newForeignPtr c_archive_entry_free_finalizer rc <- withForeignPtr fpe $ c_archive_read_next_header2 aptr if rc == 1 -- EOF. then return Nothing else if rc < 0 then throwArchiveError "archive_read_next_header" rc aptr else return . Just . Entry $ fpe {-# INLINE fileTypeAeIFMT #-} fileTypeAeIFMT :: CMode fileTypeAeIFMT = 0o0170000 {-# INLINE fileTypes #-} fileTypes :: [(CMode, FileType)] fileTypes = [ (0o0100000, FileTypeRegular), (0o0120000, FileTypeSymlink), (0o0140000, FileTypeSocket), (0o0020000, FileTypeCharDevice), (0o0060000, FileTypeBlockDevice), (0o0040000, FileTypeDirectory), (0o0010000, FileTypeNamedPipe) ] {-# INLINE archive_entry_filetype #-} archive_entry_filetype :: Entry -> IO (Maybe FileType) archive_entry_filetype (Entry feptr) = withForeignPtr feptr $ \eptr -> do i <- c_archive_entry_filetype eptr return $ lookup (i .&. fileTypeAeIFMT) fileTypes {-# INLINE archive_entry_pathname #-} archive_entry_pathname :: Entry -> IO (Maybe ByteString) archive_entry_pathname (Entry feptr) = withForeignPtr feptr $ \eptr -> do cstr <- c_archive_entry_pathname eptr if cstr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just <$> packCString cstr {-# INLINE archive_entry_pathname_utf8 #-} archive_entry_pathname_utf8 :: Entry -> IO (Maybe ByteString) archive_entry_pathname_utf8 (Entry feptr) = withForeignPtr feptr $ \eptr -> do cstr <- c_archive_entry_pathname_utf8 eptr if cstr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just <$> packCString cstr {-# INLINE archive_entry_size #-} archive_entry_size :: Entry -> IO (Maybe Int) archive_entry_size (Entry feptr) = withForeignPtr feptr $ \eptr -> do size_is_set <- (/= 0) <$> c_archive_entry_size_is_set eptr if size_is_set then Just . fromIntegral <$> c_archive_entry_size eptr else return Nothing -- | Please free after use. alloc_archive_read_data_buffer :: IO (Ptr CChar) alloc_archive_read_data_buffer = mallocBytes blockSize -- | Returns 'Nothing' if there is no more data for the current entry. -- Pass in a buffer allocated with 'alloc_archive_read_data_buffer'. {-# INLINE archive_read_data #-} archive_read_data :: Archive -> Ptr CChar -> IO (Maybe ByteString) archive_read_data (Archive aptr) buf = do rb <- c_archive_read_data aptr buf blockSize if rb == 0 then return Nothing else if rb < 0 then throwArchiveError "archive_read_data" (fromIntegral rb) aptr else Just <$> packCStringLen (buf, fromIntegral rb) {-# INLINE archive_read_data_block #-} archive_read_data_block :: Archive -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr Int64 -> Int64 -> IO (ByteString, Bool) archive_read_data_block (Archive aptr) buf sz offs pos = do rc <- c_archive_read_data_block aptr buf sz offs if rc < 0 then throwArchiveError "archive_read_data_block" (fromIntegral rc) aptr else if rc == 0 || rc == 1 then do -- OK or EOF. bs <- peek buf >>= \buf' -> peek sz >>= \sz' -> packCStringLen (buf', fromIntegral sz') offs' <- peek offs -- pos: Where we are currently located and where the data goes normally (for non-sparse -- files). offs': Where libarchive is asking us to position the data. if offs' == pos then return (bs, rc == 1) else if offs' > pos then do -- For a sparse file, we need to prepend zeroes to the normal data. let diff = offs' - pos let bs' = B.replicate (fromIntegral diff) 0 `B.append` bs return (bs', rc == 1) else throw $ ErrorString "archive_read_data_block: unexpected offset" else throw $ ErrorString "archive_read_data_block: unexpected return code" archive_read_free :: Archive -> IO () archive_read_free (Archive aptr) = do rc <- c_archive_read_free aptr when (rc /= 0) $ throwArchiveError "archive_read_free" rc aptr