import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception (finally) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Function ((&)) import Network.Socket (Socket, close) import qualified Streamly.Prelude as Stream import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold import qualified Streamly.Network.Socket as Socket import qualified Streamly.Network.Inet.TCP as TCP import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as Unicode -- Simulate network/db query by adding a delay fetch :: String -> IO (String, String) fetch w = threadDelay 1000000 >> return (w,w) -- Read lines of whitespace separated list of words from a socket, fetch the -- meanings of each word concurrently and return the meanings separated by -- newlines, in same order as the words were received. Repeat until the -- connection is closed. lookupWords :: Socket -> IO () lookupWords sk = Stream.unfold sk -- SerialT IO Word8 & Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO Char & Stream.wordsBy isSpace Fold.toList -- SerialT IO String & Stream.fromSerial -- AheadT IO String & Stream.mapM fetch -- AheadT IO (String, String) & Stream.fromAhead -- SerialT IO (String, String) & show -- SerialT IO String & Stream.intersperse "\n" -- SerialT IO String & Unicode.encodeStrings Unicode.encodeLatin1 -- SerialT IO (Array Word8) & Stream.fold (Socket.writeChunks sk) -- IO () serve :: Socket -> IO () serve sk = finally (lookupWords sk) (close sk) -- | Run a server on port 8091. Accept and handle connections concurrently. The -- connection handler is "serve" (i.e. lookupWords). You can use "telnet" or -- "nc" as a client to try it out. main :: IO () main = Stream.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8091 -- SerialT IO Socket & Stream.fromSerial -- AsyncT IO () & Stream.mapM serve -- AsyncT IO () & Stream.fromAsync -- SerialT IO () & Stream.drain -- IO ()