* 0.6.0 - Add contribution by Bas van Dijk (@basvandijk) - Add 'Semigroup' instance for base- * 0.5.0 - Change the implementation of the 'Monoid Maybe' instance such that it is the same as the one for the lazy 'Maybe'; i.e., we now use Nothing `mappend` m = m m `mappend` Nothing = m Just x1 `mappend` Just x2 = Just (x1 `mappend` x2) instead of Nothing `mappend` _ = Nothing _ `mappend` Nothing = Nothing Just x1 `mappend` Just x2 = Just (x1 `mappend` x2) * 0.4.0 - Add contributions by Oleg Grenrus (@phadej) - Add 'Functor', 'Foldable', 'Traversable' for 'Pair' - bifunctors-5.1 compatibility - GHC 7.10.x -Wall cleaning - Add 'Hashable' instances for 'Pair', 'Maybe', and 'Either'. * 0.3.0 - Add 'Foldable', and 'Traversable' instances (thanks @jaspervdj) * 0.2.3 - started changelog - Make compatible with GHC 7.8 RC1