{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Stripe.Resources ( -- * Core Types TimeStamp(..), StripeList(..) -- * Customers , CustomerId(..), Customer(..), CustomerCreate(..), CustomerUpdate(..) -- * Product catalog , ProductId(..), PriceId(..) , Product(..), ProductCreate(..) , Price(..), PriceRecurring(..), PriceCreate(..), PriceCreateRecurring(..) -- * Subscriptions , SubscriptionId(..), Subscription(..), SubscriptionItem(..), SubscriptionCreate(..), SubscriptionCreateItem(..) -- * Customer Portal , CustomerPortalId(..), CustomerPortal(..), CustomerPortalCreate(..) -- * Checkout , CheckoutSessionId(..), CheckoutSession(..), CheckoutSessionCreate(..), CheckoutSessionCreateLineItem(..) -- * Events , EventId(..), Event(..), EventData(..) ) where import Stripe.Util.Aeson import Data.Maybe import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import GHC.Generics import Servant.API import Text.Casing (quietSnake) import Web.FormUrlEncoded import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V formOptions :: Int -> FormOptions formOptions x = FormOptions { fieldLabelModifier = quietSnake . drop x } -- | A 'UTCTime' wrapper that has unix timestamp JSON representation newtype TimeStamp = TimeStamp { unTimeStamp :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Eq) instance A.ToJSON TimeStamp where toJSON = A.Number . fromRational . toRational . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . unTimeStamp instance A.FromJSON TimeStamp where parseJSON = A.withScientific "unix timestamp" $ \sci -> pure $ TimeStamp $ posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational $ toRational sci) instance ToHttpApiData TimeStamp where toUrlPiece x = let unix :: Int unix = round . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . unTimeStamp $ x in T.pack (show unix) -- | A 'V.Vector' wrapper with an indication is there are more items available through pagination. data StripeList a = StripeList { slHasMore :: Bool , slData :: V.Vector a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) instance Semigroup (StripeList a) where (<>) a b = StripeList (slHasMore a || slHasMore b) (slData a <> slData b) instance Monoid (StripeList a) where mempty = StripeList False mempty instance Applicative StripeList where pure = StripeList False . pure (<*>) go x = StripeList (slHasMore go || slHasMore x) (slData go <*> slData x) newtype CustomerId = CustomerId { unCustomerId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Customer = Customer { cId :: CustomerId , cLivemode :: Bool , cCreated :: TimeStamp , cName :: Maybe T.Text , cEmail :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data CustomerCreate = CustomerCreate { ccName :: Maybe T.Text , ccEmail :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data CustomerUpdate = CustomerUpdate { cuName :: Maybe T.Text , cuEmail :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype EventId = EventId { unEventId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Event = Event { eId :: EventId , eCreated :: TimeStamp , eLivemode :: Bool , eType :: T.Text , eApiVersion :: T.Text , eData :: EventData } deriving (Show, Eq) data EventData = EventData { edObject :: A.Value } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype PriceId = PriceId { unPriceId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Price = Price { pId :: PriceId , pActive :: Bool , pCurrency :: T.Text , pNickname :: Maybe T.Text , pType :: T.Text -- TODO: make enum , pRecurring :: Maybe PriceRecurring , pUnitAmount :: Maybe Int , pProduct :: ProductId , pLookupKey :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data PriceRecurring = PriceRecurring { prInterval :: T.Text -- TODO: make enum , prIntervalCount :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data PriceCreate = PriceCreate { pcCurrency :: T.Text , pcUnitAmount :: Maybe Int , pcProduct :: ProductId , pcLookupKey :: Maybe T.Text , pcTransferLookupKey :: Bool , pcRecurring :: Maybe PriceCreateRecurring } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data PriceCreateRecurring = PriceCreateRecurring { prcInterval :: T.Text -- TODO: make enum , prcIntervalCount :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype ProductId = ProductId { unProductId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Product = Product { prId :: ProductId , prActive :: Bool , prName :: T.Text , prDescription :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data ProductCreate = ProductCreate { prcName :: T.Text , prcDescription :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype SubscriptionId = SubscriptionId { unSubscriptionId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data Subscription = Subscription { sId :: SubscriptionId , sCancelAtPeriodEnd :: Bool , sCurrentPeriodEnd :: TimeStamp , sCurrentPeriodStart :: TimeStamp , sCustomer :: CustomerId , sItems :: StripeList SubscriptionItem , sStatus :: T.Text -- TODO: make enum } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype SubscriptionItemId = SubscriptionItemId { unSubscriptionItemId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data SubscriptionItem = SubscriptionItem { siId :: SubscriptionItemId , siPrice :: Price , siQuantity :: Maybe Int , siSubscription :: SubscriptionId } deriving (Show, Eq) data SubscriptionCreateItem = SubscriptionCreateItem { sciPrice :: PriceId , sciQuantity :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data SubscriptionCreate = SubscriptionCreate { scCustomer :: CustomerId , scItems :: [SubscriptionCreateItem] , scCancelAtPeriodEnd :: Maybe Bool , scTrialEnd :: Maybe TimeStamp } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype CheckoutSessionId = CheckoutSessionId { unCheckoutSessionId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data CheckoutSession = CheckoutSession { csId :: CheckoutSessionId , csLivemode :: Bool , csClientReferenceId :: Maybe T.Text , csCancelUrl :: T.Text , csSuccessUrl :: T.Text , csPaymentMethodTypes :: V.Vector T.Text -- TODO: make enum , csSubscription :: Maybe SubscriptionId } deriving (Show, Eq) data CheckoutSessionCreate = CheckoutSessionCreate { cscCancelUrl :: T.Text , cscMode :: T.Text -- TODO: make enum , cscPaymentMethodTypes :: [T.Text] -- TODO: make enum , cscSuccessUrl :: T.Text , cscClientReferenceId :: Maybe T.Text , cscCustomer :: Maybe CustomerId , cscLineItems :: [CheckoutSessionCreateLineItem] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) data CheckoutSessionCreateLineItem = CheckoutSessionCreateLineItem { cscliPrice :: PriceId , cscliQuantity :: Integer } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype CustomerPortalId = CustomerPortalId { unCustomerPortalId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToHttpApiData) data CustomerPortal = CustomerPortal { cpId :: CustomerPortalId , cpLivemode :: Bool , cpCreated :: TimeStamp , cpCustomer :: CustomerId , cpReturnUrl :: Maybe T.Text , cpUrl :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data CustomerPortalCreate = CustomerPortalCreate { cpcCustomer :: CustomerId , cpcReturnUrl :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''StripeList) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Customer) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Event) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''EventData) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''CheckoutSession) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Price) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''PriceRecurring) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''Product) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 1) ''Subscription) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''SubscriptionItem) $(deriveJSON (jsonOpts 2) ''CustomerPortal) instance ToForm CustomerCreate where toForm = genericToForm (formOptions 2) instance ToForm CustomerUpdate where toForm = genericToForm (formOptions 2) instance ToForm CustomerPortalCreate where toForm = genericToForm (formOptions 3) instance ToForm ProductCreate where toForm = genericToForm (formOptions 3) instance ToForm PriceCreate where toForm pc = let recurringPiece = case pcRecurring pc of Nothing -> [] Just x -> [ ("recurring[interval]", [prcInterval x]) , ("recurring[interval_count]", maybeToList $ fmap toUrlPiece $ prcIntervalCount x) ] in Form $ HM.fromList $ [ ("currency", [pcCurrency pc]) , ("product", [toUrlPiece $ pcProduct pc]) , ("unit_amount", maybeToList $ fmap toUrlPiece $ pcUnitAmount pc) , ("lookup_key", maybeToList $ pcLookupKey pc) , ("transfer_lookup_key", [toUrlPiece $ pcTransferLookupKey pc]) ] <> recurringPiece instance ToForm SubscriptionCreate where toForm sc = let convertItem (idx, itm) = [ ("items[" <> toUrlPiece idx <> "][price]", [toUrlPiece $ sciPrice itm]) , ("items[" <> toUrlPiece idx <> "][quantity]", maybeToList $ toUrlPiece <$> sciQuantity itm) ] lineItems = concatMap convertItem (zip ([0..] :: [Int]) (scItems sc)) in Form $ HM.fromList $ [ ("customer", [toUrlPiece $ scCustomer sc]) , ("cancel_at_period_end", maybeToList $ toUrlPiece <$> scCancelAtPeriodEnd sc) , ("trial_end", maybeToList $ toUrlPiece <$> scTrialEnd sc) ] <> lineItems instance ToForm CheckoutSessionCreate where toForm csc = let convertItem (idx, itm) = [ ("line_items[" <> toUrlPiece idx <> "][price]", [toUrlPiece $ cscliPrice itm]) , ("line_items[" <> toUrlPiece idx <> "][quantity]", [toUrlPiece $ cscliQuantity itm]) ] lineItems = concatMap convertItem (zip ([0..] :: [Int]) (cscLineItems csc)) convertPmt (idx, pm) = ( "payment_method_types[" <> toUrlPiece idx <> "]" , [pm] ) pmt = map convertPmt (zip ([0..] :: [Int]) (cscPaymentMethodTypes csc)) in Form $ HM.fromList $ [ ("cancel_url", [cscCancelUrl csc]) , ("success_url", [cscSuccessUrl csc]) , ("mode", [cscMode csc]) , ("client_reference_id", maybeToList $ cscClientReferenceId csc) , ("customer", maybeToList $ fmap toUrlPiece $ cscCustomer csc) ] <> lineItems <> pmt