{-# Language NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Data.Char import Data.Monoid.Compat import Options.Applicative hiding (ParserResult(..)) import Prelude.Compat import StylishCabal import System.Exit import System.IO data Opts = Opts { file :: Maybe FilePath , inPlace :: Bool , color :: Bool , width :: Int , renderOpts :: RenderOptions } deriving (Show) renderopts :: Parser RenderOptions renderopts = RenderOptions <$> option auto (long "indent" <> short 'n' <> help "Indent size in spaces" <> showDefault <> value 2 <> metavar "INT") <*> switch (long "simplify-versions" <> short 's' <> help "Simplify version ranges present in the Cabal file, if possible" <> showDefault) opts :: Parser Opts opts = Opts <$> optional (strArgument (metavar "FILE" <> help "Input file")) <*> switch (long "in-place" <> short 'i' <> help "Format file in place" <> showDefault) <*> flag True False (long "disable-color" <> short 'c' <> help "Disable colorized output (already disabled if using --in-place or if output is a file)") <*> option auto (long "width" <> short 'w' <> help "Character width limit for cabal file" <> showDefault <> value 90 <> metavar "INT") <*> renderopts output :: Opts -> Doc -> Handle -> IO () output o doc h = do isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice h if color o && isTerminal then displayIO h (f doc) else do let docStr = unlines . map stripBlank . lines $ displayS (f $ plain doc) "" hPutStr h docStr where f = render (width o) stripBlank x | all isSpace x = [] | otherwise = x main :: IO () main = do o <- execParser $ info (opts <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Format a Cabal file") f <- maybe getContents readFile (file o) doc <- prettyOpts (renderOpts o) <$> readPackageDescription (file o) f if inPlace o then case file o of Just fname -> withFile fname WriteMode (output o doc) Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr inPlaceErr >> exitFailure else output o doc stdout where inPlaceErr = "stylish-cabal: --in-place specified, but I'm reading from stdin"