`submark` changelog =================== Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on March 11, 2022. - Added options from `--h1-regex` to `--h6-regex`. [[#2]] - Added `Text.CommonMark.Sub.HeadingPattern` type. [[#2]] - Added `Text.CommonMark.Sub.HeadingTitlePattern` type. [[#2]] - The signature of `Text.CommonMark.Sub.extractSection` function was changed from `Level -> (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> Text -> Node -> Node` to `HeadingPattern -> Node -> Node`. [[#2]] - The signature of `Text.CommonMark.Sub.matchesHeading` function was changed from `Level -> (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> Text -> Node -> Bool` to `HeadingPattern -> Node -> Bool`. [[#2]] [#2]: https://github.com/dahlia/submark/issues/2 Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on November 6, 2017. - Added `-i`/`--ignore-case` option for case insensitive match. - Wordwrap became turned off by default unless `-c`/`--columns` option is present. - The signature of `Text.CommonMark.Sub.extractSection` function was changed from `Level -> Text -> Node -> Node` to `Level -> (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> Text -> Node -> Node`; the second parameter, a predicate for text equality, was added. - The signature of `Text.CommonMark.Sub.matchesHeading` function was changed from `Level -> Text -> Node -> Bool` to `Level -> (Text -> Text -> Bool) -> Text -> Node -> Bool`; the second parameter, a predicate for text equality, was added. Version 0.1.0 -------------- Initial release. Released on September 24, 2017.