package; import static org.spoofax.interpreter.core.Tools.isTermTuple; import static org.spoofax.interpreter.core.Tools.termAt; import static org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm.LIST; import static org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm.TUPLE; import static org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.dynamicloading.TermReader.cons; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import lpg.runtime.IAst; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.imp.parser.IModelListener; import org.eclipse.imp.parser.IParseController; import org.spoofax.interpreter.core.InterpreterErrorExit; import org.spoofax.interpreter.core.InterpreterException; import org.spoofax.interpreter.core.InterpreterExit; import org.spoofax.interpreter.core.StackTracer; import org.spoofax.interpreter.core.UndefinedStrategyException; import org.spoofax.interpreter.library.LoggingIOAgent; import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoList; import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoString; import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm; import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTuple; import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.ITermFactory; import org.strategoxt.HybridInterpreter; import org.strategoxt.IncompatibleJarException; import org.strategoxt.imp.generator.postprocess_feedback_results_0_0; import org.strategoxt.imp.generator.sdf2imp; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.Debug; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.EditorState; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.Environment; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.SWTSafeLock; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.WeakWeakMap; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.dynamicloading.BadDescriptorException; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.dynamicloading.Descriptor; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.dynamicloading.IDynamicLanguageService; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.parser.SGLRParseController; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.parser.ast.AstMessageHandler; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.EditorIOAgent; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.IMPJSGLRLibrary; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.StrategoConsole; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.StrategoTermPath; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.adapter.IStrategoAstNode; import org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.stratego.adapter.WrappedAstNode; import org.strategoxt.lang.Context; import org.strategoxt.lang.StrategoException; import org.strategoxt.stratego_aterm.implode_aterm_0_0; import org.strategoxt.stratego_aterm.stratego_aterm; import org.strategoxt.stratego_lib.set_config_0_0; /** * Basic Stratego feedback (i.e., errors and warnings) provider. * This service may also be used as a basis for other semantic services * such as reference resolving. * * @author Lennart Kats */ public class StrategoObserver implements IDynamicLanguageService, IModelListener { // TODO: separate delay for error markers? public static final int OBSERVER_DELAY = 600; private static Map runtimePrototypes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakWeakMap()); private final Map resultingAsts = new WeakHashMap(); private final String feedbackFunction; private final AstMessageHandler messages = new AstMessageHandler(AstMessageHandler.ANALYSIS_MARKER_TYPE); private Lock observerSchedulerLock = new SWTSafeLock(true); private Job asyncObserverScheduler; private SoftReference cachedRuntime; private volatile Descriptor descriptor; private volatile boolean isUpdateStarted; private volatile boolean rushNextUpdate; private boolean wasExceptionLogged; public StrategoObserver(Descriptor descriptor, String feedbackFunction) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.feedbackFunction = feedbackFunction; } public final AnalysisRequired getAnalysisRequired() { return AnalysisRequired.TYPE_ANALYSIS; } /** * Returns a value indicating whether or not an analysis has * been scheduled or completed at this point. * * @return true if update() or asyncUpdate() have been called. */ public boolean isUpdateScheduled() { return isUpdateStarted; } public void setRushNextUpdate(boolean rushNextUpdate) { this.rushNextUpdate = rushNextUpdate; } public AstMessageHandler getMessages() { return messages; } public Object getSyncRoot() { // TODO: *maybe* use descriptor as syncroot? deadlocky? return Environment.getSyncRoot(); } public String getLog(HybridInterpreter runtime) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); return runtime == null ? null : ((EditorIOAgent) runtime.getIOAgent()).getLog().trim(); } private HybridInterpreter initRuntime(IProgressMonitor monitor) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); HybridInterpreter result = runtimePrototypes.get(descriptor); if (result != null) { result = Environment.createInterpreterFromPrototype(result); } else { monitor.subTask("Loading analysis runtime"); Debug.startTimer(); List jars = new ArrayList(); for (File file : descriptor.getAttachedFiles()) { String filename = file.toString(); if (filename.endsWith(".ctree")) { if (result == null) result = createRuntime(monitor); loadCTree(result, filename); } else if (filename.endsWith(".jar")) { if (result == null) result = createRuntime(monitor); jars.add(filename); } else if (filename.endsWith(".str")) { Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Loading analysis components", "Cannot use .str files as a provider: please specify a .ctree or .jar file instead (usually built in /include/)", null); } } if (!jars.isEmpty()) loadJars(result, jars); Debug.stopTimer("Loaded analysis components"); monitor.subTask(null); } cachedRuntime = new SoftReference(result); return result; } /** * Uninitializes the observer. */ public void uninitialize() { // Not removing the prototype; might be useful elsewhere // HybridInterpreter cachedRuntime = runtimePrototypes.remove(descriptor); if (cachedRuntime != null) { HybridInterpreter runtime = cachedRuntime.get(); runtime.uninit(); cachedRuntime.clear(); } } private void loadCTree(HybridInterpreter runtime, String filename) { try { Debug.startTimer("Loading Stratego module ", filename); assert getSyncRoot() == Environment.getSyncRoot() || !Thread.holdsLock(Environment.getSyncRoot()); synchronized (Environment.getSyncRoot()) { runtime.load(descriptor.openAttachment(filename)); } Debug.stopTimer("Successfully loaded " + filename); } catch (InterpreterException e) { Environment.logException(new BadDescriptorException("Error loading compiler service provider " + filename, e)); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Dynamic descriptor loading", "Error loading compiler service provider " + filename, e); } catch (IOException e) { Environment.logException(new BadDescriptorException("Could not load compiler service provider " + filename, e)); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Dynamic descriptor loading", "Error loading compiler service provider " + filename, e); } } private void loadJars(HybridInterpreter runtime, List jars) { try { Debug.startTimer("Loading Stratego modules " + jars); URL[] classpath = new URL[jars.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < classpath.length; i++) { classpath[i] = descriptor.getBasePath().append(jars.get(i)).toFile().toURI().toURL(); } runtime.loadJars(classpath); Debug.stopTimer("Successfully loaded " + jars); } catch (SecurityException e) { Environment.logException("Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Dynamic descriptor loading", "Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); } catch (IncompatibleJarException e) { Environment.logException("Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Dynamic descriptor loading", "Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); } catch (IOException e) { Environment.logException("Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) Environment.asynOpenErrorDialog("Dynamic descriptor loading", "Error loading compiler service providers " + jars, e); } } private HybridInterpreter createRuntime(IProgressMonitor monitor) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); Debug.startTimer(); HybridInterpreter result = Environment.createInterpreter(getSyncRoot() != Environment.getSyncRoot()); result.init(); Debug.stopTimer("Created new Stratego runtime instance"); monitor.subTask("Loading analysis runtime components"); return result; } /** * Starts a new update() operation, asynchronously. */ public void scheduleUpdate(final IParseController parseController) { isUpdateStarted = true; observerSchedulerLock.lock(); try { if (asyncObserverScheduler != null) asyncObserverScheduler.cancel(); // TODO: reuse observer schedulers; just rename them and set a new parsecontroller asyncObserverScheduler = new Job("Analyzing updates to " + parseController.getPath().lastSegment()) { @Override public IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask("", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); update(parseController, monitor); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; // UNDONE: observer job is no longer a WorkspaceJob // thus avoiding analysis delays and progress view spamming // asyncObserverScheduler.setRule(parseController.getProject().getResource()); asyncObserverScheduler.setSystem(true); if (rushNextUpdate) { rushNextUpdate = false; asyncObserverScheduler.schedule(0); } else { asyncObserverScheduler.schedule(OBSERVER_DELAY); } } finally { observerSchedulerLock.unlock(); } } public void update(HybridInterpreter runtime, IParseController parseController, IProgressMonitor monitor) { isUpdateStarted = true; IStrategoAstNode ast = (IStrategoAstNode) parseController.getCurrentAst(); if (ast == null || ast.getConstructor() == null) return; if (feedbackFunction == null) { messages.clearMarkers(ast.getResource()); messages.commitDeletions(); return; } if (monitor.isCanceled()) return; IStrategoTerm feedback = null; try { synchronized (getSyncRoot()) { resultingAsts.remove(ast.getResource()); feedback = invokeSilent(feedbackFunction, makeInputTerm(ast, false), ast.getResource()); if (feedback == null) { reportRewritingFailed(); String log = getLog(runtime); if (!wasExceptionLogged || log.length() > 0) Environment.logException(log.length() == 0 ? "Analysis failed" : "Analysis failed:\n" + log); messages.clearMarkers(ast.getResource()); messages.addMarkerFirstLine(ast.getResource(), "Analysis failed (see error log)", IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR); messages.commitAllChanges(); } else if (!monitor.isCanceled()) { // TODO: figure out how this was supposed to be synchronized presentToUser(ast.getResource(), feedback); } } } finally { // System.out.println("OBSERVED " + System.currentTimeMillis()); // DEBUG // processEditorRecolorEvents(parseController); } } @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void processEditorRecolorEvents(IParseController parseController) { if (parseController instanceof SGLRParseController) { EditorState editor = ((SGLRParseController) parseController).getEditor(); if (editor != null) AstMessageHandler.processEditorRecolorEvents(editor.getEditor()); } AstMessageHandler.processAllEditorRecolorEvents(); } public void reportRewritingFailed() { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); StackTracer trace = runtime.getContext().getStackTracer(); runtime.getIOAgent().printError( trace.getTraceDepth() != 0 ? "rewriting failed, trace:" : "rewriting failed"); trace.printStackTrace(); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); } /* UNDONE: asynchronous feedback presentation private void asyncPresentToUser(final IParseController parseController, final IStrategoTerm feedback, final String log) { Job job = new WorkspaceJob("Showing feedback") { { setSystem(true); } // don't show to user @Override public IStatus runInWorkspace(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { presentToUser(parseController, feedback, log); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; job.setRule(parseController.getProject().getResource()); job.setSystem(true); job.schedule(); } */ private void presentToUser(IResource resource, IStrategoTerm feedback) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); assert feedback != null; // TODO: use FileTrackingIOAgent to find out what to clear // UNDONE: messages.clearAllMarkers(); messages.clearMarkers(resource); try { feedback = extractResultingAST(resource, feedback); if (feedback.getTermType() == TUPLE && termAt(feedback, 0).getTermType() == LIST && termAt(feedback, 1).getTermType() == LIST && termAt(feedback, 2).getTermType() == LIST) { IStrategoList errors = termAt(feedback, 0); IStrategoList warnings = termAt(feedback, 1); IStrategoList notes = termAt(feedback, 2); feedbackToMarkers(resource, errors, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR); feedbackToMarkers(resource, warnings, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING); feedbackToMarkers(resource, notes, IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO); } else { // Throw an exception to trigger an Eclipse pop-up throw new StrategoException("Illegal output from " + feedbackFunction + " (should be (errors,warnings,notes) tuple: " + feedback); } } finally { messages.commitAllChanges(); } } private IStrategoTerm extractResultingAST(IResource resource, IStrategoTerm feedback) { if (isTermTuple(feedback) && feedback.getSubtermCount() == 4 && (!"None".equals(cons(feedback.getSubterm(0))) || feedback.getSubterm(0).getSubtermCount() > 0)) { resultingAsts.put(resource, feedback.getSubterm(0)); IStrategoTuple newFeedback = Environment.getTermFactory().makeTuple( feedback.getSubterm(1), feedback.getSubterm(2), feedback.getSubterm(3)); return newFeedback; } else { resultingAsts.remove(resource); return feedback; } } private final void feedbackToMarkers(IResource resource, IStrategoList feedbacks, int severity) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); Context context = runtime.getCompiledContext(); sdf2imp.init(context); feedbacks = postProcessFeedback(feedbacks, context); for (IStrategoTerm feedback : feedbacks.getAllSubterms()) { IStrategoTerm term = termAt(feedback, 0); IStrategoString messageTerm = termAt(feedback, 1); String message = messageTerm.stringValue(); messages.addMarker(resource, term, message, severity); } } private IStrategoList postProcessFeedback(IStrategoList feedbacks, Context context) { IStrategoList result = (IStrategoList) postprocess_feedback_results_0_0.instance.invoke(context, feedbacks); if (result == null) { // Throw an exception to trigger an Eclipse pop-up throw new StrategoException("Illegal output from " + feedbackFunction + ": " + feedbacks); } return result; } /** * Invoke a Stratego function with a specific AST node as its input. * * @see #getAstNode(IStrategoTerm) To retrieve the AST node associated with the resulting term. */ public IStrategoTerm invoke(String function, IStrategoAstNode node) throws UndefinedStrategyException, InterpreterErrorExit, InterpreterExit, InterpreterException { IStrategoTerm input = makeInputTerm(node, true); return invoke(function, input, node.getResource()); } /** * Create an input term for a control rule. */ public IStrategoTuple makeInputTerm(IStrategoAstNode node, boolean includeSubNode) { return makeInputTerm(node, includeSubNode, false); } /** * Create an input term for a control rule. */ public IStrategoTuple makeInputTerm(IStrategoAstNode node, boolean includeSubNode, boolean useSourceAst) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); Context context = getRuntime().getCompiledContext(); IStrategoTerm resultingAst = useSourceAst ? null : resultingAsts.get(node.getResource()); IStrategoList termPath = StrategoTermPath.getTermPathWithOrigin(context, resultingAst, node); IStrategoTerm targetTerm; IStrategoTerm rootTerm; if (termPath != null) { targetTerm = StrategoTermPath.getTermAtPath(context, resultingAst, termPath); rootTerm = resultingAst; } else { targetTerm = node.getTerm(); termPath = StrategoTermPath.createPath(node); rootTerm = getRoot(node).getTerm(); } ITermFactory factory = Environment.getTermFactory(); String path = node.getResource().getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString(); String absolutePath = node.getResource().getProject().getLocation().toOSString(); if (includeSubNode) { IStrategoTerm[] inputParts = { targetTerm, termPath, rootTerm, factory.makeString(path), factory.makeString(absolutePath) }; return factory.makeTuple(inputParts); } else { IStrategoTerm[] inputParts = { node.getTerm(), factory.makeString(path), factory.makeString(absolutePath) }; return factory.makeTuple(inputParts); } } /** * Create an input term for a control rule, * based on the ATerm syntax of the AST of the source file. */ public IStrategoTuple makeATermInputTerm(IStrategoAstNode node, boolean includeSubNode, IResource resource) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); stratego_aterm.init(runtime.getCompiledContext()); ITermFactory factory = Environment.getTermFactory(); String path = resource.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString(); String absolutePath = resource.getProject().getLocation().toOSString(); if (includeSubNode) { node = getImplodableNode(node); IStrategoTerm[] inputParts = { implodeATerm(node.getTerm()), StrategoTermPath.createPathFromParsedATerm(node, runtime.getCompiledContext()), implodeATerm(getRoot(node).getTerm()), factory.makeString(path), factory.makeString(absolutePath) }; return factory.makeTuple(inputParts); } else { throw new org.spoofax.NotImplementedException(); } } protected IStrategoTerm implodeATerm(IStrategoTerm term) { return implode_aterm_0_0.instance.invoke(runtime.getCompiledContext(), term); } protected IStrategoAstNode getImplodableNode(IStrategoAstNode node) { if (node.isList() && node.getChildren().size() == 1) node = (IStrategoAstNode) node.getChildren().get(0); for (; node != null; node = node.getParent()) { if (implodeATerm(node.getTerm()) != null) return node; } throw new IllegalStateException("Could not identify selected AST node from ATerm editor"); } /** * Invoke a Stratego function with a specific term its input, * given a particular working directory. */ public IStrategoTerm invoke(String function, IStrategoTerm term, IResource resource) throws UndefinedStrategyException, InterpreterErrorExit, InterpreterExit, InterpreterException { synchronized (getSyncRoot()) { if (runtime == null) initialize(new NullProgressMonitor()); if (runtime == null) return null; Debug.startTimer(); // TODO: Make Context support monitor.isCanceled()? // (e.g., overriding Context.lookupPrimitive to throw an OperationCanceledException) runtime.setCurrent(term); configureRuntime(runtime, resource); ((LoggingIOAgent) runtime.getIOAgent()).clearLog(); assert runtime.getCompiledContext().getOperatorRegistry(IMPJSGLRLibrary.REGISTRY_NAME) instanceof IMPJSGLRLibrary; boolean success = runtime.invoke(function); Debug.stopTimer("Evaluated strategy " + function + (success ? "" : " (failed)")); return success ? runtime.current() : null; } } /** * Invoke a Stratego function with a specific AST node as its input, * logging and swallowing all exceptions. * * @see #getAstNode(IStrategoTerm) To retrieve the AST node associated with the resulting term. */ public IStrategoTerm invokeSilent(String function, IStrategoAstNode node) { try { return invokeSilent(function, makeInputTerm(node, true), node.getResource()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (runtime != null) runtime.getIOAgent().printError("Internal error evaluating " + function + " (" + name(e) + "; see error log)"); Environment.logException("Internal error evaluating strategy " + function, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); return null; } } /** * Invoke a Stratego function with a specific term its input, * given a particular working directory. * Logs and swallows all exceptions. */ public IStrategoTerm invokeSilent(String function, IStrategoTerm input, IResource resource) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); IStrategoTerm result = null; try { wasExceptionLogged = true; result = invoke(function, input, resource); wasExceptionLogged = false; } catch (InterpreterExit e) { if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); messages.clearMarkers(resource); if (!(e instanceof InterpreterErrorExit)) messages.addMarkerFirstLine(resource, "Analysis failed (" + name(e) + "; see error log)", IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR); messages.commitAllChanges(); Environment.logException("Runtime exited when evaluating strategy " + function, e); } catch (UndefinedStrategyException e) { // Note that this condition may also be reached when the semantic service hasn't been loaded yet runtime.getIOAgent().printError("Internal error: strategy does not exist or is defined in a module that is not imported: " + e.getMessage()); Environment.logException("Strategy does not exist: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InterpreterException e) { runtime.getIOAgent().printError("Internal error evaluating " + function + " (" + name(e) + "; see error log)"); Environment.logException("Internal error evaluating strategy " + function, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (runtime != null) runtime.getIOAgent().printError("Internal error evaluating " + function + " (" + name(e) + "; see error log)"); Environment.logException("Internal error evaluating strategy " + function, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); } catch (Error e) { // e.g. NoClassDefFoundError due to bad/missing stratego jar if (runtime != null) runtime.getIOAgent().printError("Internal error evaluating " + function + " (" + name(e) + "; see error log)"); Environment.logException("Internal error evaluating strategy " + function, e); if (descriptor.isDynamicallyLoaded()) StrategoConsole.activateConsole(); } return result; } private static String name(Throwable e) { return e.getClass().getSimpleName(); } public IAst getAstNode(IStrategoTerm term) { if (term == null) return null; if (term instanceof WrappedAstNode) { return ((WrappedAstNode) term).getNode(); } else { Environment.logException("Resolved reference is not associated with an AST node " + runtime.current()); return null; } } private void configureRuntime(HybridInterpreter runtime, IResource resource) { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); try { ITermFactory factory = runtime.getFactory(); IStrategoTuple programName = factory.makeTuple( factory.makeString("program"), factory.makeString(descriptor.getLanguage().getName())); set_config_0_0.instance.invoke(runtime.getCompiledContext(), programName); } catch (BadDescriptorException e) { // Ignore; use default program name } try { EditorIOAgent io = (EditorIOAgent) runtime.getIOAgent(); io.setWorkingDir(resource.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1).toOSString()); io.setProjectPath(resource.getProject().getLocation().toOSString()); io.setDescriptor(descriptor); } catch (IOException e) { Environment.logException("Could not set Stratego working directory", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static IStrategoAstNode getRoot(IStrategoAstNode node) { while (node.getParent() != null) node = node.getParent(); return node; } public HybridInterpreter getRuntime() { assert Thread.holdsLock(getSyncRoot()); if (runtime == null) initialize(new NullProgressMonitor()); if (runtime == null) getRuntime(new NullProgressMonitor()); // create empty runtime return runtime; } public void prepareForReinitialize() { // Do nothing } public void reinitialize(Descriptor newDescriptor) throws BadDescriptorException { synchronized (getSyncRoot()) { runtimePrototypes.remove(descriptor); runtime = null; descriptor = newDescriptor; } } }