definition module GHC-GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving exports context-free syntax "newtype" Context? Type "=" Newconstr GeneralizedDeriving -> Topdecl {cons("NewTypeDecl")} "deriving" "(" {GDerive ","}+ ")" -> GeneralizedDeriving Qtycls AType+ -> GDerive Qtycls -> GDerive Deriving -> GeneralizedDeriving {reject} module GHC-Magic-Hash imports Haskell-Identifiers imports Haskell-Numbers imports Haskell-Strings exports lexical syntax [a-z][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]*[\#]+ -> VARID [\_][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]+[\#]+ -> VARID [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]*[\#]+ -> CONID lexical restrictions VARID -/- [\#] CONID -/- [\#] lexical syntax Decimal -> INTEGER-HASH [0] [Oo] Octal -> INTEGER-HASH [0] [Xx] Hexadecimal -> INTEGER-HASH Decimal "." Decimal -> FLOAT-HASH Decimal Exponent -> RATIONAL-HASH Decimal "." Decimal Exponent -> RATIONAL-HASH syntax "'" CharChar "'" "#" -> {cons("CharHash")} "\"" StringChar* "\"" "#" -> {cons("StringHash")} "#" -> {cons("IntegerHash")} "#" -> {cons("FloatHash")} "#" -> {cons("FloatHash")} context-free syntax Char-HASH -> Literal String-HASH -> Literal Integer-HASH -> Literal Float-HASH -> Literal lexical restrictions INTEGER -/- [\#] FLOAT -/- [\#] RATIONAL -/- [\#] context-free restrictions Char -/- [\#] String -/- [\#] module GHC-Flexible-Stuff exports context-free syntax Qtycls "(" Type ")" -> FlexibleClass {cons("Class")} Qtycls Gtycon -> FlexibleClass {cons("Class")} Qtycls Tyvar -> FlexibleClass {cons("SimpleClass")} FlexibleClass "=>" -> FlexibleContext {cons("FlexibleContext")} "(" {FlexibleClass ","}* ")" "=>" -> FlexibleContext {cons("FlexibleContext")} FlexibleContext -> SContext {avoid} FlexibleContext -> Context {avoid} context-free syntax "instance" SContext? Qtycls AType* MaybeWhere -> Topdecl {cons("FlexibleInstance"), avoid} module Haskell-Statements exports context-free syntax Pat "<-" Exp -> Stmt {cons("BindStmt")} Exp -> Stmt {cons("ExpStmt")} "let" Declbinds -> Stmt {cons("LetStmt")} context-free syntax NoOffsideStmtBlock -> StmtList {cons("StmtList")} OffsideStmtList -> StmtList {cons("StmtList")} "{" NoOffsideStmtList "}" -> NoOffsideStmtBlock {bracket, ignore-indent} context-free priorities Stmt -> NoOffsideStmt > NoOffsideStmt ";" -> NoOffsideStmt {prefer} %% > %% ";" NoOffsideStmt -> NoOffsideStmt context-free syntax NoOffsideStmt -> NoOffsideStmtList NoOffsideStmt ";" NoOffsideStmtList -> NoOffsideStmtList {cons("StmtSeq")} context-free priorities Stmt -> OffsideStmt {layout(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))))} > OffsideStmt ";" -> OffsideStmt {prefer,layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > ";" OffsideStmt -> OffsideStmt {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > Stmt ";" OffsideStmt -> OffsideStmt {cons("StmtSeq"), layout(and(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))), and(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))), gt(col(first(3)), col(first(1))))))} context-free syntax OffsideStmt -> OffsideStmtList OffsideStmtNEWLINE OffsideStmtList -> OffsideStmtList {cons("StmtSeq"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} OffsideStmt LAYOUT? -> OffsideStmtNEWLINE {enforce-newline} module Haskell-List-Comprehensions exports context-free syntax "[" List "]" -> Exp {cons("List")} Exp -> List Lexps -> List Exp ".." -> List Exp "," Exp ".." -> List Exp ".." Exp -> List Exp "," Exp ".." Exp -> List Exp "|" Quals -> List Lexps "," Exp -> Lexps Exp "," Exp -> Lexps module Haskell-Qualifiers exports context-free syntax {Qual ","}+ -> Quals Pat "<-" Exp -> Qual {cons("QualBind")} Exp -> Qual "let" Declbinds -> Qual {cons("QualLet")} module Haskell-Patterns exports context-free syntax LPat -> Pat context-free priorities Pat Qconop LPat -> Pat {cons("BinOpApp")} > XPat ConsOp Pat -> Pat {cons("BinOpApp")} context-free syntax Pat Qconop LPat -> XPat {cons("BinOpApp")} LPat -> XPat APat -> LPat "-" Literal -> LPat {cons("Negation")} Gcon APat+ -> LPat {cons("ConstrApp")} Var -> APat Var "@" APat -> APat {cons("Named")} Gcon -> APat {cons("Constr")} Qcon LabeledPat -> APat {cons("Labeled")} "{" {FPat ","}* "}" -> LabeledPat {cons("LabeledPats"), ignore-indent} Literal -> APat "_" -> APat {cons("Wildcard")} "(" Pat ")" -> APat {bracket} "(" Pat "," {Pat ","}+ ")" -> APat {cons("Tuple")} "[" {Pat ","}+ "]" -> APat {cons("List")} "~" APat -> APat {cons("Irrefutable")} Qvar "=" Pat -> FPat {cons("PatBind")} module Haskell-Value-Definitions exports context-free syntax Valdef -> Decl FunLHS "=" Exp MaybeWhere -> Valdef {cons("Valdef"), longest-match} FunLHS Gdrh+ MaybeWhere -> Valdef {cons("GdValdef"), longest-match} "|" Exp "=" Exp -> Gdrh {cons("Guarded")} Pat -> FunLHS Var APat+ -> FunLHS {cons("VarFunLHS")} Pat Varop Pat -> FunLHS {cons("OpFunLHS")} "(" FunLHS ")" APat+ -> FunLHS {cons("NestedFunLHS")} context-free syntax "where" DeclList -> Where {cons("Where")} -> MaybeWhere {ast("Where(DeclList(Empty))")} Where -> MaybeWhere DeclList -> Declbinds context-free restrictions %% NoWhere -/- [w].[h].[e].[r].[e] context-free syntax NoOffsideDeclBlock -> DeclList {cons("DeclList")} OffsideDeclList | Empty -> DeclList {cons("DeclList")} "{" NoOffsideDeclList | Empty "}" -> NoOffsideDeclBlock {bracket, ignore-indent} context-free priorities Decl -> NoOffsideDecl > NoOffsideDecl ";" -> NoOffsideDecl {prefer} %% > %% ";" NoOffsideStmt -> NoOffsideStmt context-free syntax NoOffsideDecl -> NoOffsideDeclList NoOffsideDecl ";" NoOffsideDeclList -> NoOffsideDeclList {cons("DeclSeq")} context-free priorities Decl -> OffsideDecl {layout(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))))} > OffsideDecl ";" -> OffsideDecl {prefer, layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > ";" OffsideDecl -> OffsideDecl {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > Decl ";" OffsideDecl -> OffsideDecl {cons("DeclSeq"), layout(and(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))), and(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))), gt(col(first(3)), col(first(1))))))} context-free syntax OffsideDecl -> OffsideDeclList OffsideDeclNEWLINE OffsideDeclList -> OffsideDeclList {cons("DeclSeq"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} OffsideDecl LAYOUT? -> OffsideDeclNEWLINE {enforce-newline} module Haskell-Case-Alternatives exports context-free syntax Pat "->" Exp MaybeWhere -> Alt {cons("Alt")} Pat Gdpat+ MaybeWhere -> Alt {cons("GdAlt")} "|" Exp "->" Exp -> Gdpat {cons("GdPat")} context-free syntax NoOffsideAltBlock -> AltList {cons("AltList")} OffsideAltList -> AltList {cons("AltList")} "{" NoOffsideAltList "}" -> NoOffsideAltBlock {bracket, ignore-block} context-free priorities Alt -> NoOffsideAlt > NoOffsideAlt ";" -> NoOffsideAlt {prefer} %% > %% ";" NoOffsideStmt -> NoOffsideStmt context-free syntax NoOffsideAlt -> NoOffsideAltList NoOffsideAlt ";" NoOffsideAltList -> NoOffsideAltList {cons("AltSeq")} context-free priorities Alt -> OffsideAlt {layout(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))))} > OffsideAlt ";" -> OffsideAlt {prefer,layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > ";" OffsideAlt -> OffsideAlt {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > Alt ";" OffsideAlt -> OffsideAlt {cons("AltSeq"), layout(and(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))), and(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))), gt(col(first(3)), col(first(1))))))} context-free syntax OffsideAlt -> OffsideAltList OffsideAltNEWLINE OffsideAltList -> OffsideAltList {cons("AltSeq"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} OffsideAlt LAYOUT? -> OffsideAltNEWLINE {enforce-newline} module Haskell-Expressions exports context-free syntax Exp -> AnyExp Qvar -> Exp {cons("Var")} Gcon -> Exp {cons("Constr")} Literal -> Exp {cons("Lit")} "(" Exps2 ")" -> Exp {cons("Product")} %% "(#" Exps "#)" -> Exp {cons("Unboxed?")} "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket} {Exp ","}+ -> Exps Exp "," {Exp ","}+ -> Exps2 {cons("Cons")} APat+ -> Fargs context-free syntax "infix" -> Infix {cons("Infix")} "infixl" -> Infix {cons("InfixL")} "infixr" -> Infix {cons("InfixR")} INTEGER? -> Prec {Op ","}+ -> Ops Infix Prec Ops -> Fixdecl {cons("FixDecl")} Fixdecl -> Decl "(" Exp Qop ")" -> Exp {cons("LSection")} "(" QopNoNeg Exp ")" -> Exp {cons("RSection")} Qop -> QopNoNeg "-" -> QopNoNeg {reject} Qvar "=" Exp -> Fbind {cons("FBind")} "{" {Fbind ","}* "}" -> LabelBinds {cons("LabelBinds"), ignore-indent} context-free priorities Qvar "@" Exp -> Exp {cons("Named")} > Exp LabelBinds -> Exp {cons("Labeled")} > Exp -> Aexp > Exp Exp -> Exp {cons("AppBin"),left} > Exp "::" Type -> Exp {cons("Typed")} > "-" Exp -> Exp {cons("Negation")} > Exp Qop Exp -> Exp {cons("OpApp"), right} context-free syntax "\\" Fargs "->" Exp -> Exp {cons("Abs")} "let" Declbinds "in" Exp -> Exp {cons("Let")} "if" AnyExp "then" AnyExp "else" Exp -> Exp {cons("If")} "do" StmtList -> Exp {cons("Do"), longest-match} "case" AnyExp "of" AltList -> Exp {cons("Case"), longest-match} context-free priorities Exp Exp -> Exp {cons("AppBin"),left} > { "\\" Fargs "->" Exp -> Exp "let" Declbinds "in" Exp -> Exp "if" AnyExp "then" AnyExp "else" Exp -> Exp "case" AnyExp "of" AltList -> Exp "do" StmtList -> Exp } context-free priorities Exp Qop Exp -> Exp <0> > { "\\" Fargs "->" Exp -> Exp "let" Declbinds "in" Exp -> Exp "if" AnyExp "then" AnyExp "else" Exp -> Exp } context-free priorities "-" Exp -> Exp {cons("Negation")} > Exp Qop Exp -> Exp %% Notes: %% AnyExp is used to prevent priorities from forbidding expressions %% where the do not cause ambiguities. %% Fargs is used instead of Aexp+ because of a bug in the SDF2 %% normalizer; regular expression expansion does not take into %% account symbols used only in priority rules. module Haskell-Signature-Declarations exports context-free syntax Signdecl -> Decl Vars "::" Context? Type -> Signdecl {cons("SignDecl")} module Haskell-Type-Classes exports context-free syntax "class" SContext? Tycls Tyvar MaybeWhere -> Topdecl {cons("Class")} "instance" SContext? Qtycls Inst* MaybeWhere -> Topdecl {cons("Instance")} "default" "(" {Type ","}* ")" -> Topdecl {cons("Default")} Gtycon -> Inst {cons("InstCons")} "(" Gtycon Tyvar* ")" -> Inst {cons("InstApp")} "(" Tyvar "," {Tyvar ","}+ ")" -> Inst {cons("InstTuple")} "[" Tyvar "]" -> Inst {cons("InstList")} "(" Tyvar "->" Tyvar ")" -> Inst {cons("InstArrow")} Class "=>" -> Context {cons("Context")} "(" {Class ","}* ")" "=>" -> Context {cons("Context")} SimpleClass "=>" -> SContext {cons("SContext")} "(" {SimpleClass ","}* ")" "=>" -> SContext {cons("SContext")} Qtycls Tyvar -> SimpleClass {cons("SimpleClass")} SimpleClass -> Class Qtycls "(" Tyvar AType+ ")" -> Class {cons("Class")} module Haskell-Type-Declarations exports context-free syntax "type" Tycon Tyvar* "=" Type -> Topdecl {cons("TypeDecl")} "data" Context? Type "=" Constrs Deriving -> Topdecl {cons("Data")} "newtype" Context? Type "=" Newconstr Deriving -> Topdecl {cons("NewTypeDecl")} context-free syntax "deriving" Qtycls -> Deriving {cons("Derive")} "deriving" "(" ")" -> Deriving {cons("NoDeriving")} "deriving" "(" {Qtycls ","}+ ")" -> Deriving {cons("Derive")} -> Deriving {cons("NoDeriving")} context-free syntax {Constr "|"}+ -> Constrs Conid Satype* -> Constr {cons("ConstrDecl")} Sbtype Conop Sbtype -> Constr {cons("InfixConstr")} Conid Type -> Newconstr Conid LabeledConstr -> Newconstr "{" Var "::" Type "}" -> LabeledConstr {cons("LabeledConstr"), ignore-indent} AType -> Satype "!" AType -> Satype Type -> Sbtype "!" Type -> Sbtype module Haskell-Records exports context-free syntax Context? Con RecordFields -> Constr {cons("RecordConstr")} "{" Fielddecls "}" -> RecordFields {ignore-indent} {Fielddecl ","}+ -> Fielddecls Vars "::" Stype -> Fielddecl Type -> Stype "!" Type -> Stype module Haskell-Types exports context-free syntax ("::" Type)? -> OptSig context-free syntax Qtycon -> Gtycon "(" "->" ")" -> Gtycon {cons("TArrow")} context-free syntax {Type ","}+ -> Types Type "," {Type ","}+ -> Types2 {cons("Cons")} context-free syntax Gtycon -> AType {cons("TCon")} Tyvar -> AType {cons("TVar")} "(" Type ")" -> AType {bracket} "[" Type "]" -> AType {cons("TList")} "(" Types2 ")" -> AType {cons("TProd")} AType -> Type Type Type -> Type {cons("TAppBin"),left} Type "->" Type -> Type {cons("TFunBin"),right} context-free priorities Type Type -> Type > Type "->" Type -> Type %% The following productions are syntactic sugar for %% [] Type and (,,,) Type ... Type context-free syntax "(" ")" -> Gtycon {cons("TUnit")} "[" "]" -> Gtycon {cons("TList")} "(" ","+ ")" -> Gtycon {cons("TProduct")} module Haskell-Import-Export exports context-free syntax { Export "," }* -> Exportlist {cons("Exportlist")} Exportlist "," -> Exportlist "(" Exportlist ")" -> Exports Qvar -> Export Gtycon -> Export Gtycon "(" ".." ")" -> Export {cons("ExportAllSub")} Gtycon "(" ")" -> Export {cons("ExportNoSub")} Gtycon "("{Qcname ","}+ ")" -> Export {cons("ExportSomeSub")} "module" Modid -> Export {cons("ExportModule")} Qvar -> Qcname Gcon -> Qcname context-free syntax "import" Src? Qualified? Modid As? Impspec? -> Importdecl {cons("Import")} "{-# SOURCE" "#-}" -> Src {cons("SOURCE")} "qualified" -> Qualified {cons("Qualified")} "as" Modid -> As {cons("As")} "(" Exportlist ")" -> Impspec {cons("Impspec")} "hiding" "(" Exportlist ")" -> Impspec {cons("Hiding")} module Haskell-Modules exports context-free syntax "module" Modid Exports? "where" Body -> Module {cons("Module")} Body -> Module {cons("Program")} Decl -> Topdecl context-free syntax "{" NoOffsideBody "}" -> Body {ignore-indent, bracket} OffsideBody -> Body "" -> Empty {cons("Empty")} Empty Empty -> NoOffsideBody {cons("Body")} Empty NoOffsideTopdeclList -> NoOffsideBody {cons("Body")} NoOffsideImportdeclList Empty -> NoOffsideBody {cons("Body")} NoOffsideImportdeclList ";" NoOffsideTopdeclList -> NoOffsideBody {cons("Body")} Empty Empty -> OffsideBody {cons("Body")} Empty OffsideTopdeclList -> OffsideBody {cons("Body")} OffsideImportdeclList Empty -> OffsideBody {cons("Body")} OffsideImportdeclListNEWLINE OffsideTopdeclList -> OffsideBody {cons("Body"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} %% No offside import declarations context-free priorities Importdecl -> NoOffsideImportdecl > NoOffsideImportdecl ";" -> NoOffsideImportdecl %% > %% ";" NoOffsideImportdecl -> NoOffsideImportdecl context-free syntax NoOffsideImportdecl -> NoOffsideImportdeclList NoOffsideImportdecl ";" NoOffsideImportdeclList -> NoOffsideImportdeclList {cons("ImportdeclSeq")} %% No offside top declarations context-free priorities Topdecl -> NoOffsideTopdecl > NoOffsideTopdecl ";" -> NoOffsideTopdecl {prefer} %% > %% ";" NoOffsideTopdecl -> NoOffsideTopdecl context-free syntax %% NoOffsideTopdecl -> NoOffsideTopdeclSeqs %% ";" NoOffsideTopdeclSeqs -> NoOffsideTopdeclSeqs NoOffsideTopdecl -> NoOffsideTopdeclList NoOffsideTopdecl ";" NoOffsideTopdeclList -> NoOffsideTopdeclList {cons("TopdeclSeq")} %% Offside import declarations context-free priorities Importdecl -> OffsideImportdecl {layout(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))))} > OffsideImportdecl ";" -> OffsideImportdecl {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > ";" OffsideImportdecl -> OffsideImportdecl {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > Importdecl ";" OffsideImportdecl -> OffsideImportdecl {cons("ImportdeclSeq"), layout(and(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))), and(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))), gt(col(first(3)), col(first(1))))))} context-free syntax OffsideImportdecl -> OffsideImportdeclList OffsideImportdeclNEWLINE OffsideImportdeclList -> OffsideImportdeclList {cons("ImportdeclSeq"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} OffsideImportdecl LAYOUT? -> OffsideImportdeclNEWLINE {enforce-newline} OffsideImportdeclList LAYOUT? -> OffsideImportdeclListNEWLINE {enforce-newline} %% Offside top declarations context-free priorities Topdecl -> OffsideTopdecl {layout(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))))} > OffsideTopdecl ";" -> OffsideTopdecl {prefer,layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > ";" OffsideTopdecl -> OffsideTopdecl {layout(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))))} > Topdecl ";" OffsideTopdecl -> OffsideTopdecl {cons("TopdeclSeq"), layout(and(gt(col(left(1)), col(first(1))), and(gt(col(first(2)), col(first(1))), gt(col(first(3)), col(first(1))))))} context-free syntax OffsideTopdecl -> OffsideTopdeclList OffsideTopdeclNEWLINE OffsideTopdeclList -> OffsideTopdeclList {cons("TopdeclSeq"), layout(eq(col(first(1)), col(first(2))))} OffsideTopdecl LAYOUT? -> OffsideTopdeclNEWLINE {enforce-newline} module Haskell-Literals exports context-free syntax INTEGER -> Literal {cons("Int")} Char -> Literal FLOAT -> Literal {cons("Float")} RATIONAL -> Literal {cons("Float")} String -> Literal PRIMINTEGER -> Literal {cons("PrimInt")} PRIMCHAR -> Literal {cons("PrimChar")} PRIMSTRING -> Literal {cons("PrimString")} PRIMFLOAT -> Literal {cons("PrimFloat")} PRIMDOUBLE -> Literal {cons("PrimDouble")} CLITLIT -> Literal {cons("CLitLit")} module Haskell-Strings exports syntax "'" CharChar "'" -> {cons("Char")} "\"" StringChar* "\"" -> {cons("String")} -> CharChar "\\" Escape -> CharChar {cons("Escape")} "\\" [\&] -> CharChar {reject} -> StringChar "\\" Escape -> StringChar {cons("Escape")} "\\" [\ \t\n\r]+ "\\" -> StringChar {cons("Gap")} -> Escape {cons("CharEsc")} -> Escape {cons("ASCIIEsc")} -> Escape {cons("DecimalEsc")} "o" -> Escape {cons("OctalEsc")} "x" -> Escape {cons("HexadecimalEsc")} lexical syntax ~[\0-\31\'\\] -> CharChar ~[\0-\31\"\\] -> StringChar [abfnrtv\\\"\'\&] -> CharEsc "^" [A-Z\@\[\]\\\^\_] -> ASCII "NUL" | "SOH" | "STX" | "ETX" | "EOT" | "ENQ" | "ACK" | "BEL" | "BS" | "HT" | "LF" | "VT" | "FF" | "CR" | ASCII-SO | "SI" | "DLE" | "DC1" | "DC2" | "DC3" | "DC4" | "NAK" | "SYN" | "ETB" | "CAN" | "EM" | "SUB" | "ESC" | "FS" | "GS" | "RS" | "US" | "SP" | "DEL" -> ASCII "SO" -> ASCII-SO lexical restrictions ASCII-SO -/- [H] module Haskell-Numbers exports lexical syntax [0-9] -> Digit [0-7] -> Octit [0-9A-Fa-f] -> Hexit [0] -> Zero Zero Digit* -> Decimal [1-9] Digit* -> Decimal Octit+ -> Octal Hexit+ -> Hexadecimal Decimal -> INTEGER [0] [Oo] Octal -> INTEGER [0] [Xx] Hexadecimal -> INTEGER lexical restrictions Decimal -/- [0-9] Octal -/- [0-7] Hexadecimal -/- [0-9A-Fa-f] Zero -/- [OoXx] lexical syntax Decimal "." Decimal -> FLOAT Decimal Exponent -> RATIONAL Decimal "." Decimal Exponent -> RATIONAL [eE] [\-\+]? Decimal -> Exponent lexical restrictions INTEGER -/- [\.] . [0-9] INTEGER -/- [eE] . [0-9] | [eE] . [\+\-] %% . [0-9] multiple lookahead not supported FLOAT -/- [eE] lexical syntax [] -> PRIMCHAR [] -> PRIMSTRING [] -> PRIMINTEGER [] -> PRIMFLOAT [] -> PRIMDOUBLE [] -> CLITLIT [] -> UNKNOWN module Haskell-Identifier-Sorts exports lexical syntax VARID -> Varid ReservedId -> Varid {reject} VARID -> Tyvar ReservedId -> Tyvar {reject} ReservedId2 -> Tyvar {reject} context-free syntax Vars "," Var -> Vars {cons("Snoc")} Qvar -> Vars {cons("Ins")} context-free syntax "(" ")" -> Gcon {cons("Unit")} "[" "]" -> Gcon {cons("EmptyList")} "(" ","+ ")" -> Gcon {cons("Product")} Qcon -> Gcon %% The following portion can be put into module Haskell-Infix %% in order to factor out infix operators from the kernel language context-free syntax %% variable identifiers Varid -> Qvarid QVARID -> Qvarid Varid -> Var {cons("Var")} Qvarid -> Qvar %% infix operators Varop -> Op {cons("Op")} Conop -> Op {cons("ConOp")} %% variable operators Varsym -> Varop Qvarsym -> Qvarop Varsym -> Qvarsym Qvarsym1 -> Qvarsym %% constructor operators Consym -> Qconsym QCONSYM -> Qconsym CONSYM -> Consym Consym -> Conop Qconsym -> Gconsym Gconsym -> Qconop CONSOP -> ConsOp {cons("ConsOp")} ConsOp -> Qop Qvarop -> Qop Qconop -> Qop %% make prefix symbols from infix symbols "(" Varsym ")" -> Var {cons("BinOp")} "(" Qvarsym ")" -> Qvar {cons("BinOp")} "(" Consym ")" -> Con {cons("BinCon")} "(" Qconsym ")" -> Qcon {cons("BinCon")} %% make infix symbols from prefix symbols "`" Varid "`" -> Varop {cons("PrefOp")} "`" Qvarid "`" -> Qvarop {cons("PrefOp")} "`" Conid "`" -> Conop {cons("PrefCon")} "`" Qconid "`" -> Qconop {cons("PrefCon")} context-free syntax VARSYM -> Varsym QVARSYM -> Qvarsym1 context-free syntax CONID -> Tycon Tycon -> Qtycon QCONID -> Qtycon Tycon -> Tycls Qtycon -> Qtycls %% constructor identifiers CONID -> Conid Conid -> Qconid QCONID -> Qconid Conid -> Con {cons("ConId")} Qconid -> Qcon %% in each of these cases the constructor ID in fact is a module ID %% that quantifies a variable, constructor, type or operator context-free restrictions Qconid -/- [\.] . [a-zA-Z\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] Qconid -/- [\.] . [\_] %% . [A-Za-z0-9\'\_] Qconid -/- [\.] . [\:] %% . [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] Qtycon -/- [\.] . [a-zA-Z\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] Qtycon -/- [\.] . [\_] %% . [A-Za-z0-9\'\_] Qtycon -/- [\.] . [\:] %% . [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] lexical syntax CONID -> Modid VARID -> Modid syntax -> Modid Modid "." -> {cons("QVarId")} Modid "." -> {cons("QConId")} Modid "." -> {cons("QVarSym")} Modid "." -> {cons("QConSym")} syntax "." -> QModid {cons("QModId")} "." QModid -> QModid {cons("QModId")} "." -> QModid {cons("QModId")} "." QModid -> QModid {cons("QModId")} QModid -> Modid QModid -> module Haskell-Keywords exports lexical syntax "case" | "class" | "data" | "default" | "deriving" | "do" | "else" | "if" | "import" | "in" | "infix" | "infixl" | "infixr" | "instance" | "let" | "module" | "newtype" | "of" | "then" | "type" | "where" | "_" -> ReservedId "as" | "hiding" | "qualified" | "export" | "label" | "dynamic" -> ReservedId0 ".." | ":" | "::" | "=" | "\\" | "|" | "<-" | "->" | "@" | "~" | "=>" -> ReservedOp %% "-" | "!" | "." | "/\\" | "{" | "}" | "[" | %% "]" | "(" | ")" | "(#" | "#)" | ";" | "," | "`" lexical restrictions "case" "class" "data" "default" "deriving" "do" "else" "if" "import" "in" "infix" "infixl" "infixr" "instance" "let" "module" "newtype" "of" "then" "type" "where" "_" "as" "hiding" "qualified" "export" "label" "dynamic" -/- [a-zA-Z0-9] module Haskell-Identifiers exports lexical syntax [a-z][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]* -> VARID [\_][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]+ -> VARID [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\'\_]* -> CONID %% Question: underscore in identifiers according to standard??? %% Answer: Underscore, ý_ý, is treated as a lowercase letter, and can occur wherever a lowercase letter can. However, ý_ý all by itself is a reserved identifier, used as wild card in patterns. [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/] \/ [\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] -> Symbol Symbol (Symbol | [\:])* -> VARSYM [\:] (Symbol | [\:])+ -> CONSYM "=" -> VARSYM {reject} ReservedOp -> VARSYM {reject} ReservedOp -> CONSYM {reject} ":" -> CONSOP lexical restrictions CONID VARID -/- [A-Za-z0-9\'\_] VARSYM -/- [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/] \/ [\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] CONSYM -/- [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/] \/ [\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] CONSOP -/- [\:] module Haskell-Layout exports lexical syntax WhiteChar -> LAYOUT Comment -> LAYOUT NComment -> LAYOUT [\ \t\n\r] -> WhiteChar "--" ~[\n\r]* ([\r\n] | EOF) -> Comment -> EOF "{-" NCommentContent* "-}" -> NComment NCommentText -> NCommentContent NComment -> NCommentContent L-Char+ -> NCommentText ~[\-\{] -> L-Char Hyphen -> L-Char CurlyOpen -> L-Char [\-] -> Hyphen [\{] -> CurlyOpen [\r\n] -> Newline LAYOUT -> NoNewlineLayout Newline -> NoNewlineLayout {reject} NoNewlineLayout? Newline -> NewLineLayout NoNewlineLayout? Newline LAYOUT -> NewLineLayout lexical restrictions Hyphen -/- [\}] CurlyOpen -/- [\-] EOF -/- ~[] NewLineLayout -/- [\r\n\t\ ] NCommentText -/- ~[\-\{] | [\-].~[\}] | [\{].~[\-] context-free restrictions LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n\r] | [\-].[\-] | [\{].[\-] module Haskell-Syntax imports Haskell-Layout Haskell-Identifiers Haskell-Keywords Haskell-Identifier-Sorts Haskell-Numbers Haskell-Strings Haskell-Literals Haskell-Modules Haskell-Import-Export Haskell-Types Haskell-Records Haskell-Type-Declarations Haskell-Type-Classes Haskell-Signature-Declarations Haskell-Expressions Haskell-Case-Alternatives Haskell-Value-Definitions Haskell-Patterns Haskell-Qualifiers Haskell-List-Comprehensions Haskell-Statements exports sorts Module module Haskell imports Haskell-Syntax imports GHC-Flexible-Stuff GHC-Magic-Hash GHC-GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving exports sorts Module module org/sugarj/languages/Haskell imports Haskell [ GDerive => HaskellGDerive GeneralizedDeriving => HaskellGeneralizedDeriving 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HaskellDeclbinds MaybeWhere => HaskellMaybeWhere Where => HaskellWhere FunLHS => HaskellFunLHS Gdrh => HaskellGdrh Valdef => HaskellValdef OffsideAltNEWLINE => HaskellOffsideAltNEWLINE OffsideAltList => HaskellOffsideAltList NoOffsideAltList => HaskellNoOffsideAltList NoOffsideAltBlock => HaskellNoOffsideAltBlock AltList => HaskellAltList Gdpat => HaskellGdpat Alt => HaskellAlt LabelBinds => HaskellLabelBinds QopNoNeg => HaskellQopNoNeg Fixdecl => HaskellFixdecl Ops => HaskellOps Prec => HaskellPrec Infix => HaskellInfix Fargs => HaskellFargs Exps2 => HaskellExps2 Exps => HaskellExps AnyExp => HaskellAnyExp Signdecl => HaskellSigndecl Decl => HaskellDecl Class => HaskellClass SimpleClass => HaskellSimpleClass SContext => HaskellSContext Context => HaskellContext Inst => HaskellInst Sbtype => HaskellSbtype Satype => HaskellSatype LabeledConstr => HaskellLabeledConstr Newconstr => HaskellNewconstr Constrs => HaskellConstrs Deriving => HaskellDeriving Stype => HaskellStype Fielddecl => HaskellFielddecl Fielddecls => HaskellFielddecls RecordFields => HaskellRecordFields Constr => HaskellConstr AType => HaskellAType Types2 => HaskellTypes2 Types => HaskellTypes Gtycon => HaskellGtycon OptSig => HaskellOptSig Impspec => HaskellImpspec As => HaskellAs Qualified => HaskellQualified Src => HaskellSrc Importdecl => HaskellImportdecl Qcname => HaskellQcname Export => HaskellExport Exports => HaskellExports Exportlist => HaskellExportlist OffsideTopdeclNEWLINE => HaskellOffsideTopdeclNEWLINE OffsideTopdeclList => HaskellOffsideTopdeclList OffsideImportdeclListNEWLINE => HaskellOffsideImportdeclListNEWLINE OffsideImportdeclNEWLINE => HaskellOffsideImportdeclNEWLINE OffsideImportdeclList => HaskellOffsideImportdeclList NoOffsideTopdeclList => HaskellNoOffsideTopdeclList NoOffsideImportdeclList => HaskellNoOffsideImportdeclList OffsideBody => HaskellOffsideBody NoOffsideBody => HaskellNoOffsideBody Empty => HaskellEmpty Body => HaskellBody Topdecl => HaskellTopdecl Module => HaskellModule Literal => HaskellLiteral ASCII-SO => HaskellASCII-SO ASCII => HaskellASCII CharEsc => HaskellCharEsc Escape => HaskellEscape StringChar => HaskellStringChar CharChar => HaskellCharChar String => HaskellString Char => HaskellChar UNKNOWN => HaskellUNKNOWN CLITLIT => HaskellCLITLIT PRIMDOUBLE => HaskellPRIMDOUBLE PRIMFLOAT => HaskellPRIMFLOAT PRIMINTEGER => HaskellPRIMINTEGER PRIMSTRING => HaskellPRIMSTRING PRIMCHAR => HaskellPRIMCHAR Exponent => HaskellExponent RATIONAL => HaskellRATIONAL FLOAT => HaskellFLOAT INTEGER => HaskellINTEGER Hexadecimal => HaskellHexadecimal Octal => HaskellOctal Decimal => HaskellDecimal Zero => HaskellZero Hexit => HaskellHexit Octit => HaskellOctit Digit => HaskellDigit QModid => HaskellQModid QCONSYM => HaskellQCONSYM QVARSYM => HaskellQVARSYM QCONID => HaskellQCONID QVARID => HaskellQVARID Modid => HaskellModid Qconid => HaskellQconid Conid => HaskellConid Qtycls => HaskellQtycls Tycls => HaskellTycls Qtycon => HaskellQtycon Tycon => HaskellTycon Qvarsym1 => HaskellQvarsym1 Varsym => HaskellVarsym Qcon => HaskellQcon Con => HaskellCon Qop => HaskellQop ConsOp => HaskellConsOp Qconop => HaskellQconop Gconsym => HaskellGconsym Conop => HaskellConop Consym => HaskellConsym Qconsym => HaskellQconsym Qvarsym => HaskellQvarsym Qvarop => HaskellQvarop Varop => HaskellVarop Op => HaskellOp Qvar => HaskellQvar Var => HaskellVar Qvarid => HaskellQvarid Gcon => HaskellGcon Vars => HaskellVars Tyvar => HaskellTyvar Varid => HaskellVarid ReservedOp => HaskellReservedOp ReservedId0 => HaskellReservedId0 ReservedId => HaskellReservedId CONSOP => HaskellCONSOP CONSYM => HaskellCONSYM VARSYM => HaskellVARSYM Symbol => HaskellSymbol CONID => HaskellCONID VARID => HaskellVARID NewLineLayout => HaskellNewLineLayout NoNewlineLayout => HaskellNoNewlineLayout Newline => HaskellNewline CurlyOpen => HaskellCurlyOpen Hyphen => HaskellHyphen L-Char => HaskellL-Char NCommentText => HaskellNCommentText NCommentContent => HaskellNCommentContent NComment => HaskellNComment EOF => HaskellEOF Comment => HaskellComment WhiteChar => HaskellWhiteChar NoOffsideImportdecl => HaskellNoOffsideImportdecl NoOffsideTopdecl => HaskellNoOffsideTopdecl OffsideImportdecl => HaskellOffsideImportdecl OffsideTopdecl => HaskellOffsideTopdecl Aexp => HaskellAexp NoOffsideAlt => HaskellNoOffsideAlt OffsideAlt => HaskellOffsideAlt NoOffsideDecl => HaskellNoOffsideDecl OffsideDecl => HaskellOffsideDecl Pat => HaskellPat NoOffsideStmt => HaskellNoOffsideStmt OffsideStmt => HaskellOffsideStmt Type => HaskellType Exp => HaskellExp ]