{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | Module: Data.Prodder Copyright: (c) Samuel Schlesinger 2020 License: MIT Maintainer: sgschlesinger@gmail.com Stability: experimental Portability: non-portable Description: Extensible products -} module Data.Prodder ( -- * The extensible product type Prod -- * Construction and deconstruction , extract , index , tailN , initN , dropFirst , Consume(consume, extend1, cmap, produceB) , produce , empty , FoldProd(foldProd) , toList , type ForAll , atType -- ** Efficient Iterative Construction , buildProd , ProdBuilder , consB , emptyB , appendB -- * Type families , Index , IndexIn , HasIndexIn , Consumer , type (<>) , Length , Tail , Init , Replace -- * Rearranging and removing elements , Strengthen(strengthenP) , strengthen -- * Transforming extensible products , remap -- * Picking out individual components of a product , Selection(select) , type FieldsFromSelector , type Selector ) where import Data.ForAll (type ForAll) import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException) import GHC.Exts (Any, Constraint) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.Functor.Const (Const (..)) import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, type (+), type (-), natVal, type (<=), Nat) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Control.Monad.ST import Data.STRef (newSTRef, STRef, writeSTRef, readSTRef) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Monoid (Endo (Endo, appEndo)) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Foldable (fold) -- | An extensible product type newtype Prod (xs :: [*]) = UnsafeProd { unProd :: Vector Any } deriving (Typeable) -- | Showing extensible products. instance FoldProd Show xs => Show (Prod xs) where showsPrec d xs = showParen (d > 10) . appEndo . fold $ [Endo $ \r -> "[" <> r] <> intersperse (Endo $ \r -> ", " <> r) (toList @Show (Endo . showsPrec (d + 1)) xs) <> [Endo $ \r -> "]" <> r] -- | Lens to modify one element of a product. atType :: forall a b xs f. (a `HasIndexIn` xs, Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> Prod xs -> f (Prod (Replace a b xs)) atType f (UnsafeProd v) = fmap (\b -> UnsafeProd $ v V.// [(fromIntegral i, unsafeCoerce b)]) (f (unsafeCoerce (v V.! fromIntegral i))) where i = index @a @xs {-# INLINE CONLIKE atType #-} -- | A type for constructing products with linear memory use. newtype ProdBuilder (xs :: [*]) = UnsafeProdBuilder { unProdBuilder :: forall s. STRef s Int -> V.MVector s Any -> ST s () } -- | Cons an element onto the head of a 'ProdBuilder'. consB :: x -> ProdBuilder xs -> ProdBuilder (x ': xs) consB x (UnsafeProdBuilder b) = UnsafeProdBuilder \ref v -> withIncrement ref \i -> do MV.write v i (unsafeCoerce x) {-# INLINE CONLIKE consB #-} -- | Empty 'ProdBuilder'. emptyB :: ProdBuilder '[] emptyB = UnsafeProdBuilder \_ _ -> pure () {-# INLINE CONLIKE emptyB #-} -- | Execute a 'ProdBuilder', pulling out a 'Prod'. buildProd :: forall xs. (KnownNat (Length xs)) => ProdBuilder xs -> Prod xs buildProd (UnsafeProdBuilder bs) = UnsafeProd $ V.create do ref <- newSTRef 0 x <- MV.new (fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @(Length xs))) bs ref x pure x {-# INLINE CONLIKE buildProd #-} -- | Appends two 'ProdBuilder's. appendB :: ProdBuilder xs -> ProdBuilder ys -> ProdBuilder (xs <> ys) appendB (UnsafeProdBuilder b) (UnsafeProdBuilder b') = UnsafeProdBuilder \ref v -> do b ref v b' ref v {-# INLINE CONLIKE appendB #-} -- | Creates a 'ProdBuilder' with a single element. singletonB :: x -> ProdBuilder '[x] singletonB x = consB x emptyB type role Prod representational -- | A type family for computing the index of a type in a list of types. type family IndexIn (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) where IndexIn x (x ': xs) = 0 IndexIn x (y ': xs) = 1 + IndexIn x xs -- | A type family for indexing into lists of types. type family Index (n :: Nat) (xs :: [k]) where Index 0 (x ': xs) = x Index n (_ ': xs) = Index (n - 1) xs -- | A type family for computing the length of a type level list type family Length (xs :: [k]) where Length '[] = 0 Length (x ': xs) = 1 + Length xs -- | A type family for computing the tail of a type level list type family Tail n xs where Tail 0 xs = xs Tail n (x ': xs) = Tail (n - 1) xs -- | A type family for computing the initial segment of a type level list type family Init n xs where Init 0 xs = '[] Init n (x ': xs) = x ': Init (n - 1) xs -- | A class that is used for convenience in order to make certain type -- signatures read more clearly. class KnownNat (x `IndexIn` xs) => x `HasIndexIn` xs instance KnownNat (x `IndexIn` xs) => x `HasIndexIn` xs -- | Computes the index of the given type in the given type level list. index :: forall x xs. x `HasIndexIn` xs => Word index = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @(IndexIn x xs)) {-# INLINE CONLIKE index #-} -- | Extract a value at a particular index extract :: forall x xs. x `HasIndexIn` xs => Prod xs -> x extract = getConst . atType @x @() @xs Const {-# INLINE CONLIKE extract #-} -- | Takes the tail of a product after the nth element. tailN :: forall n xs. (KnownNat n, n <= Length xs) => Prod xs -> Prod (Tail n xs) tailN (UnsafeProd v) = UnsafeProd $ V.slice n (V.length v - n) v where n = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @n) {-# INLINE CONLIKE tailN #-} -- | Takes the initial length n segment of a product. initN :: forall n xs. (KnownNat n, n <= Length xs) => Prod xs -> Prod (Init n xs) initN (UnsafeProd v) = UnsafeProd $ V.slice 0 n v where n = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy @n) {-# INLINE CONLIKE initN #-} -- | Drop the first element of a product. Sometimes needed for better type -- inference and less piping around of constraints. dropFirst :: forall x xs. Prod (x ': xs) -> Prod xs dropFirst (UnsafeProd v) = UnsafeProd $ V.slice 1 (V.length v - 1) v {-# INLINE CONLIKE dropFirst #-} type family (<>) (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where '[] <> ys = ys (x ': xs) <> ys = x ': (xs <> ys) combine :: forall xs ys. Prod xs -> Prod ys -> Prod (xs <> ys) combine (UnsafeProd p) (UnsafeProd q) = UnsafeProd (p V.++ q) {-# INLINE CONLIKE combine #-} -- | Type family for replacing one type in a type level list with another type family Replace x y xs where Replace x y (x ': xs) = y ': xs Replace x y (z ': xs) = z ': Replace x y xs Replace x y '[] = '[] -- | Replaces one type with another via a function remap :: forall x y xs. x `HasIndexIn` xs => (x -> y) -> Prod xs -> Prod (Replace x y xs) remap f = runIdentity . atType @x @y @xs (Identity . f) {-# INLINE CONLIKE remap #-} -- | This is a reified pattern match on an extensible product type family Consumer xs r where Consumer '[] r = r Consumer (x ': xs) r = x -> Consumer xs r -- | A typeclass that is useful to define the scott encoding/decoding for -- extensible products. class Consume xs where consume :: forall r. Prod xs -> Consumer xs r -> r produceB :: (forall r. Consumer xs r -> r) -> ProdBuilder xs extend1 :: x -> Consumer xs (ProdBuilder (x ': xs)) cmap :: (r -> r') -> Consumer xs r -> Consumer xs r' produce :: (KnownNat (Length xs), Consume xs) => (forall r. Consumer xs r -> r) -> Prod xs produce f = buildProd $ produceB f {-# INLINE CONLIKE produce #-} empty :: Prod '[] empty = buildProd $ produceB id {-# INLINE CONLIKE empty #-} instance Consume '[] where consume = flip const {-# INLINE CONLIKE consume #-} produceB x = emptyB {-# INLINE CONLIKE produceB #-} extend1 x = consB x emptyB {-# INLINE CONLIKE extend1 #-} cmap f x = f x {-# INLINE CONLIKE cmap #-} withIncrement :: STRef s Int -> (Int -> ST s x) -> ST s x withIncrement ref f = do i <- readSTRef ref x <- f i writeSTRef ref (i + 1) pure x {-# INLINE CONLIKE withIncrement #-} instance Consume xs => Consume (x ': xs) where consume (UnsafeProd v) g = consume @xs (UnsafeProd (V.tail v)) $ g (unsafeCoerce $ v V.! 0) {-# INLINE CONLIKE consume #-} produceB g = g (extend1 @xs) {-# INLINE CONLIKE produceB #-} cmap f = fmap (cmap @xs f) {-# INLINE CONLIKE cmap #-} extend1 (x1 :: x1) x = cmap @xs @(ProdBuilder (x ': xs)) @(ProdBuilder (x1 ': x ': xs)) f (extend1 @xs x) where f (UnsafeProdBuilder b) = UnsafeProdBuilder \ref v -> (withIncrement ref \i -> MV.write v i (unsafeCoerce x1)) >> b ref v -- cmap @xs @(Prod (x ': xs)) @(Prod (x1 ': x ': xs)) (UnsafeProd . (V.singleton (unsafeCoerce x1) V.++) . unProd) (extend1 @xs x) {-# INLINE CONLIKE extend1 #-} instance Eq (Prod '[]) where _ == _ = True {-# INLINE CONLIKE (==) #-} instance (Eq x, Eq (Prod xs)) => Eq (Prod (x ': xs)) where px@(UnsafeProd x) == py@(UnsafeProd y) = unsafeCoerce @_ @x (x V.! 0) == unsafeCoerce @_ @x (y V.! 0) && dropFirst px == dropFirst py {-# INLINE CONLIKE (==) #-} -- | A typeclass to rearrange and possibly remove things from a product. class Strengthen xs ys where strengthenP :: Prod xs -> ProdBuilder ys strengthen :: (KnownNat (Length ys), Strengthen xs ys) => Prod xs -> Prod ys strengthen = buildProd . strengthenP {-# INLINE CONLIKE strengthen #-} instance (Strengthen xs ys, y `HasIndexIn` xs) => Strengthen xs (y ': ys) where strengthenP p = consB (extract @y p) (strengthenP p) {-# INLINE CONLIKE strengthenP #-} instance Strengthen xs '[] where strengthenP p = emptyB {-# INLINE CONLIKE strengthenP #-} -- | A typeclass for creating a selection function which is valid on the given definition. type family Selector def fields a where Selector def (field ': fields) a = Index field def -> Selector def fields a Selector def '[] a = a -- | Extracts the fields intended from the given selector type. type family FieldsFromSelector def selector where FieldsFromSelector def (a -> b) = IndexIn a def ': FieldsFromSelector def b FieldsFromSelector def (Identity a) = '[] -- | A class for constructing the select function inductively. class Selection def selector a where select :: Prod def -> selector -> a instance Selection def a a where select _prod s = s {-# INLINE CONLIKE select #-} instance (HasIndexIn x def, Selection def xs a) => Selection def (x -> xs) a where select prod f = select @_ @_ @a prod (f (extract @x prod)) {-# INLINE CONLIKE select #-} -- | A class for folding over a 'Prod' using a function which only requires that -- every element of the product satisfy a certain constraint. class ForAll c xs => FoldProd c xs where foldProd :: Monoid m => (forall a. c a => a -> m) -> Prod xs -> m instance FoldProd c '[] where foldProd _f _p = mempty {-# INLINE CONLIKE foldProd #-} instance (c x, FoldProd c xs) => FoldProd c (x ': xs) where foldProd f p = f x <> foldProd @c f (dropFirst p) where x = extract @x p {-# INLINE CONLIKE foldProd #-} toList :: forall c xs a. FoldProd c xs => (forall x. c x => x -> a) -> Prod xs -> [a] toList f = foldProd @c (pure . f) {-# INLINE CONLIKE toList #-} class x `Contains` y where uncontain :: x -> y instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} x `HasIndexIn` xs => Prod xs `Contains` x where uncontain = extract instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (KnownNat (Length xs'), Strengthen xs xs') => Prod xs `Contains` Prod xs' where uncontain = strengthen newtype Nested a = Nested { unNest :: a } instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (x `Contains` y, x `HasIndexIn` xs) => Prod xs `Contains` Nested y where uncontain = Nested . uncontain @x @y . uncontain @(Prod xs) @x